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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Joss Whedon confirmed for Wonder Woman movie

    Ideally they'd find a talented young actress who is currently an unknown, but pack some muscle tone on her to make her look the part.
  2. AndrewTS

    PSP vs. DS: the lineup

    I assume you mean "DS" and not "N64" (cuz Sony fanboy diss here). Well, Naruto is supposed to be a good fighting game that's similar to a wrestling game. I noticed this... -Professional Wrestling (Yukes) for PSP. Likely that will get converted to a Smackdown game, and we'll probably get a DS WWE game to match it. I'm kind of interested about how they do cross-platform games. Will PSP ones be enhanced DS games, or will DS versions be stripped-down versions of the PSP versions?
  3. AndrewTS

    Joss Whedon confirmed for Wonder Woman movie

    Seeing as he's the director as well this time, I suppose he's ultimately responsible for whether the movie's a turd or not. If it's a turd, I'm sure excuses will be made. I hated Resurrection, but I'm willing to give this a shot provided it doesn't suck. It's only fair, since I forgave Schumacher. After the steaming pile that was Catwoman, I don't think Whedon could really do any worse.
  4. AndrewTS

    CCC and one more C for Charismatic

    But getting over by yourself if WWE doesn't really want you to is a big no-no.
  5. AndrewTS

    X-Men 3 director announced...

    Ah, okay. I figured Reeves probably wouldn't have been up for it. Braniac would have worked with the right director, but considering the way the series was going, it isn't like it makes that much difference. I never saw 3, actually, although I saw the original, 2, and 4. By all accounts it isn't worth it, since its most important contribution was providing some inspiration for Office Space. Cannon and Golan-Globus, don't forget. Yech. Oh man, the masochistic MiSTie in me kinda wants to see the entire thing, but I could only imagine how stupid, hammy, and preachy the full thing is. I don't think X3 is going to face that severe a drop in quality, but at best it might be as iffy as 2. Although with any director that may not really get how to film these stories, there's a big possibility of majorly screwing up. Apparently there's a solid script, so provided Matthew Vaughn doesn't completely screw it up and decide to make changes on his own whim, it should be alright, but a new director helming a project is hardly inconsequential. Of course, Fox thought the director of Taxi and Barber Shop would be just perfect for Fan 4, so I'm not expecting them to have actually made a careful decision either way. The SUPER FRUIT ROLL UP WRAPPER OF JUSTICE!~ At least it wasn't as stupid as Bricklayer Vision.
  6. AndrewTS

    CCC and one more C for Charismatic

    Well, I'd say "performer" would be a more accurate description. I've heard varying opinions on the definition of a good "worker," but I've felt it was a guy who wasn't as good as *wrestling* as he was "working" a good match. i.e. Benoit's a great wrestler and worker, but lacking in some areas as a performer. HBK is a great overall performer, and a fine worker, but his wrestling is a little weaker than the overall picture. While Austin at his peak, or in his better '01 matches, excelled in all 3. Hogan is a terrible wrestler and often was a poor worker, but he was a fine performer. There were some smartly worked matches he was a part of, like some of his bouts with Savage and the original Warrior match. Would that be about right?
  7. AndrewTS

    NES Game Test

    What's 33?
  8. AndrewTS

    PSP vs. DS: the lineup

    I'm yet to be totally sold on the DS, but there are some promising titles on it that I'd want to play. I have to say that the PSP has a good line up, with strong franchises and promising original games. Oh, and for the hell of it, here's the games on both systems (may not be the exact games, but I'd guess they'd be very similar) -Batman Begins (Electronic Arts) - probably licensed crap -Bomberman (UbiSoft) -Bust-A-Move series (Taito) -Dragon Ball Z (Bandai) - licensed crap -Dynasty Warriors (Koei) -Harvest Moon (Marvelous Interactive) -Madden NFL 2006 (Electronic Arts) -Mahjong Taikai (Koei) - would never come to the US -Naruto (TOMY/Bandai) - actually a good series of games, but they might be different from each other since the PS2/GC ones are, and with the anime coming here it actually has a shot of getting here. -One Piece (Bandai) - meh -Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (UbiSoft) - Maybe they'll bug-test it? -Puyo Pop Fever (Sega) -Ridge Racer (Namco) -Space Invaders Pocket (Taito) -Spider-Man 2 (Activision) - meh -SpongeBob SquarePants (THQ) - meh -Viewtiful Joe Ironic that the DS is getting Spyro and Crash Bandicoot. Sure, they're not good games anymore, but kids still want the games. Taiko: Drum Master on the PSP blows my mind. Using the regular buttons?! I'd think it would be a *natural* for a DS version. There's more games I actually want to play on the DS at the moment, but plenty of these titles are originals or other games I've heard nothing about.
  9. AndrewTS

    Exclusive pics of Kotzenjunge

    Of course I wasn't serious. However, since you quoted it, I could picture your stupid ass walking around with "CRONO" on your nametag, and the mental image makes me snicker. However, since myself and many others aren't ashamed of using our real first names, your's is probably something that was worthy of many swirlies.
  10. I just swiped this from RT, so I don't know how reliable it is, but I remember hearing some people mention they were iffy about getting V1 and V2 because they expected another release coming. NC-17? In wide release? Although it would virtually guarantee a DVD release, which I'd heard rumored for August.
  11. AndrewTS

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    Building up London for the Cruiserweight title match?
  12. AndrewTS

    Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair

    We were kicked out of England because we were too uptight for the English...it continues True. Very true. You two guys' ancestors were in the WASPs who left England for religious reasons? Don't paint the rest of us that way. My ancestors came here for money.
  13. AndrewTS

    Ozzfest Tour Dates

    death_by_burrito: Yeah, there's another thread in the folder mentioning it, but good idea to post it in here if people only check out this thread. I'd go again just for Maiden, but the rest of the line-up is good too. Of course, the ticket prices by themselves aren't as bad as knowing that in addition to it, if you want to buy food or souvenirs it's gonna hurt a hell of a lot. Plus, the SOBs at the PGP will pat you down so you aren't sneaking anything in.
  14. AndrewTS

    ESRB Expands Game Ratings

    Even that doesn't work a lot of the time. "Why's it rated Mature?" "Oh, swearing, mass murdering using everything from guns to bombs and cars, prostitution, use of drugs, etc." "Well, he's played it before..."
  15. AndrewTS

    Ozzfest Tour Dates

    That still hurts, but when I went to see Maiden in 03 I was in the section right in front of the lawn, didn't mind it, and had a hell of a time. So if I get something like that I'll be satisfied.
  16. AndrewTS

    Ozzfest Tour Dates

    "July 23 Burgettstown, PA Post Gazette Pavilion" Hmm...I'm considering it. But I'm worried about the price. However...what can I expect to pay for tickets? It doesn't have to be the *best* seats, even.
  17. AndrewTS

    X-Men 3 director announced...

    "I would rather him write the thing than direct it though." *Remembers Alien: Resurrection, shudders* "Its not Singer and all sequels supposedly suck, so El Satanico, expect it on a smarks board." Considering how few comic-book based movies are actually even decent, skepticism is expected. Plus, even decent directors can screw up majorly with comic book films. A director who doesn't quite "get it" can tank a movie, even if it has a solid script. "My post above was actually a riff on the Superman franchise post #2. Reeve got a lot of creative control with the movies, which didn't do them any good, and the Salkind's turned over the producing rights after the 2nd movie as well and the drop in film quality showed on the screen. Fun stuff, look it up if you want. " I know about Reeves having a heavy hand (pun intended) with the script for 4 (aka Captain Planet, the movie!), but I didn't know he had any say on Superman III. I'm quite surprised about that one. I thought it was just an exec who wanted to cash in Pryor.
  18. If I have to explain that, you need to catch up on your old SP eps.
  19. Cartman's long lost real mom? http://www.4q.kicks-ass.org/gfx/bnb-094.jpg
  20. AndrewTS


    Ditto. It's also probably why I didn't think it was funny at all.
  21. AndrewTS

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    It's Kidman. 10 to 1 he's probably injured again.
  22. It makes sense. Sure, he's trying to use legal BS to try to justify it when he should just try common sense, but yeah. However, this doesn't change the fact that, despite the fact that if you see two bathrooms, each single-use, and it has a lock on it, there's really nothing preventing you from going into the women's and doing your thing. I've never heard of any penalty for it. Of course, if somebody goes in after you, you may be expected to explain yourself, and if you dropped a huge bomb while you were in there it can be embarassing. Women would be really upset about it, though, because even if they provide urinals, you know plenty of men would still hose all over the toilet seats.
  23. AndrewTS

    Buy Gran Turismo 4 brand new for £0.99

    Plus in used stores old sports games are practically a dime a dozen and nobody wants them anyway. Although wouldn't "football" mean soccer games over there? Do they take other sports games besides those two?
  24. AndrewTS

    Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair

    I agree, but there's a stigma attached to it, and very few studios want to release a film that would effectively remove the demos of people under 17. It's all about the $, ya know. If studios could get away with it, they'd make all films that weren't kiddie fare PG-13. Hell, they'll stick a "shit" in an otherwise PG film to get the PG-13. And before anyone asks, no it doesn't contain the Gogo backstory. I believe it was written, but I know it wasn't filmed.
  25. AndrewTS

    Big Dave

    Considering how much JR pounds into people's heads that the latest hoss brought up on the roster is 20-something, it's easy to forget Dave's in his 30's. This brings to mind Cena buying one of those expensive throwbacks for a kid a while back. That was class, and I don't even like to watch his matches. Wasn't there a story about Brock getting into a fender-bender with somebody a while back, paying all the damages plus extra?