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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Tekken 5

    Is Devil Within basically Tekken Force, BTW? Is it fun to play just to play? I hear Tekken 1-3 (the arcade versions) were included as a bonus. Namco includes some awesome bonuses, I must say (even though those Tekkens wouldn't include the home features, obviously).
  2. AndrewTS

    Hitler wanted Peace

    How fucking ridiculous can you get? I guess "Mein Kampf" or his unpublished follow up (which The History Channel had a special on) were just hoaxes, hm?
  3. AndrewTS

    Your Astrological Sign

    Old: "Gemini is symbolized by the Twins. You're flexible, flirty and inventive. Intelligent to the extreme, your idea of a good time is a lively conversation -- or better yet, a friendly debate. Thanks to the Twins' influence, you sometimes feel split in two directions and don't know what to do!" New: "Taurus is symbolized by the Bull. You may be stubborn, but your grounded, steady demeanor makes you someone others can count on. You're also a sensualist who loves good food, physical affection, romance and material goods -- and only the best of everything." Taurus fits me better.
  4. AndrewTS


    For Disney? The only decent one I can remember is Aladdin 2: The Return of Jafar.... That one actually began the DTV glut with Disney, I believe. It was a big hit, so Disney followed up with tons more.
  5. AndrewTS

    Matt and Lita

    Honky did something like that? Details?
  6. AndrewTS

    Matt and Lita

    It has been speculated in the other thread, actually.
  7. AndrewTS

    Matt and Lita

    2GOLD: I felt it was because he went from the funny, cool heel V1 to being the lame-ass generic WWE babyface. He almost never talked (when he did, it seemed like his V1 mic skills evaporated), he couldn't defend himself, and Lita had to save his pussy bitch ass. So naturally, most wrestling fans can only think "what a loser" his character is and didn't give a damn about him. I cheered when Kane punked his ass out after the wedding.
  8. AndrewTS

    Playstation2 woes...

    How much was that, though?
  9. AndrewTS

    WWE Tiddybits

    Taker jobbing to Orton at Mania? No way in hell. Taker'd bitchslap some sense into just about anyone who'd suggest that. It'd be a complete waste.
  10. AndrewTS

    How close is the WWE close to tanking?

    Once Vince retires or dies, I expect the WWE will follow within 10 years.
  11. AndrewTS

    Listen to the entire new Judas Priest album

    Hell yeah! Thanks for the link--I never would have known about it otherwise (VH1? And Music?).
  12. AndrewTS

    Where do the wrestlers buy their clothes?

    I know I saw the sunglasses that Jarrett would wear in Russo-WCW ("man with all the stroke" blah blah days) in a dollar store.
  13. AndrewTS

    Robot Chicken

    Case Closed seems to work better as a manga, and the animation quality on the show is *terrible*. I've seen NES games with a better framerate. "So, yes, wolves that can disguise themselves as humans." What are those called? Werepeople? Man-Wolfs? Warwilfs? Inuyasha seems aimed at girls who are about 4 years too old for Sailor Moon, but thankfully it's miles ahead of the idiocy of Ramna.
  14. AndrewTS

    RAW Rating

    I wouldn't be shocked if they try to get Dave to use the thumbs down more often. Does a middle finger pointed down have any special meaning?
  15. AndrewTS

    Paris Hilton address book

    celebs, I guess. *points and laughs at T-Mobile for an ad campaign using Hilton that is soooo going to blow up in their faces now*
  16. AndrewTS

    Could Van Dam be a viable WWE main eventer?

    HBK is a babyface right now with that same character.
  17. AndrewTS

    A Gimmick for Maven...

    http://www.oldschool-wrestling.com/wwow/WWOW_Cowabunga.htm Okay, I was quite a bit off, and it never said conviction, but I remembered something of the sort. It's easy to get confused with all of the various sex offenders involved in the wrestling biz.
  18. AndrewTS

    Could Van Dam be a viable WWE main eventer?

    Well, it's RVD's fault he's treated like this. If he'd not rocked the boat, if he's kissed a little more ass, if he worked the WWE style, if he sold more and flew less, if he's not gotten over when the bookers weren't ready for him to be, I'd imagine he'd be...uh...on Velocity. If he did all that and could cut good promos, he'd be on Raw putting over Hassan.
  19. AndrewTS

    A Gimmick for Maven...

    If I remember my Weird World of Wrestling right, he was a ninja turtle in the independents and is a convicted child molestor. Who's Garrison Cade?
  20. AndrewTS

    Robot Chicken

    Agreed. The single thing that is used to plug it is "from the creators of Cowboy Bebop." That being said, what is their excuse for that crap? I think the animation quality is pretty much top-notch, though, for an animated series. I don't dig the washed-out look or much else about it, though. SMC's quality varies. The shows are very gimmicky, and depending on how well it works, it may be funny or just dull.
  21. AndrewTS

    Chris Masters

    So rehash Bodydonna Man Mountain Rock?
  22. AndrewTS

    The Next HOFamer....

    Hogan doesn't need to be inducted now. He's going to be eventually anyway, for sure. Isn't the rule that you have to be retired for at least 15 years to be inducted? Hogan's last stint could have "reset" that, right?
  23. AndrewTS

    Chris Masters

    The gimmick says yes, but the putting him in with a guy that is a heel says no. He dissed Flair, a heel. Then again, it's Flair, so I guess it's still heel heat for him. Yah, he looks like every other TREMENDOUSLY GIFTED ATHLETE that nobody gives a damn about. He's like Orton prior to the pushes and without a decent finisher. Then again, maybe that isn't his real finisher.
  24. AndrewTS

    Tekken 5

    No online play? It'll be lucky to get an 8 in Game Informer, probably.
  25. AndrewTS

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers from Philly

    "...catering ...live band ...oil painting ...40 minutes" Because JBL is certainly worth the time and money spent. They *are* going to edit it for TV, right?