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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    They removed her second head....

    I thought this was going to be a rather mundane fluff story about a she-male. I'm sorry, but to me that picture looks like a pretty bad photoshop effort.
  2. AndrewTS


    Wile E.'s analog. I guess he's the gadget guy since his ancestor seemed to ACME's #1 customer.
  3. AndrewTS

    Games That Were Cancelled...why?

    I'm not all that surprised they were going to do it. It could actually work well as a game, unlock a lot of movies that get made into games.
  4. AndrewTS

    Games That Were Cancelled...why?

    FX Fighter aka Fighting Polygons was one of them I was looking forward to. It eventually came to the PC, and can be found in bargain bins at EBs everywhere. I think Vortex also had a sequel in the works--was one of the last FX chip games where you controlled a giant mech.
  5. AndrewTS

    Games That Were Cancelled...why?

    It's obvious we'll most likely see more people posting about cancelled games they were looking forward to rather than many reasons why games were cancelled. The most obvious ones are the sequels to Japanese-bred games that were being developed by non-Japanese programmers; frankly, plenty of times they're worried that their series might be "ruined" by others and have the game development yanked. Although I can kinda see why--for every Sonic CD or Metroid Prime, you have perhaps 5 Contra: Legacy of Wars or Sonic 3D Blasts. ...especially if you let Traveller's Tales program it, who haven't made a good game in over 10 years.
  6. AndrewTS

    Midway Arcade Treasures 3

    Well, they couldn't do Blitz/Jam because of licensing issues. Gauntlet Legends is a very easily-found cheap game. Since they're making a *new* Gauntlet game, they may throw it into that one as a bonus, too.
  7. AndrewTS

    Midway Arcade Treasures 3

    That collection has all the "oomph" of the last bits of air escaping from a whoopie cushion. The strength of the first collection was in its variety of games. MAT2 suffered a little in that respect, with its main draws being fighting games, but still had plenty of goodies. Aside from Stun Runner--which that cut from the 2nd collection to make this one more appealing, it's a pretty weak collection. Then again, Hydro Thunder is pretty damn good. It's only about 5 bucks used these days, though, so its inclusion is nice but hardly justifies a purchase. HAHAHAHA!! Come on, these guys were friggin' TIGHT with Acclaim and had similar QC policies.
  8. AndrewTS


    I love Duck Dodgers, but damn its lousy time slot (12:30 AM Friday nights, BTW). This is ever gheyer than the watered-down 80's Looney Toons and the commercials where Popeye and Bluto were portrayed as BUTT-buddies combined. This kind of stupid crap is what damn near ruined the game in my avatar.
  9. AndrewTS


    Nope, just a games journo, I'm afraid....- we're such whores for freebies. So, you're just like most of the "pros" then?
  10. AndrewTS

    Be Glad You Don't Go to This College...

    "Satanists"/members of the Satanic Church don't worship Satan (well, at least not in the fashion people imagine). They're basically occult-studying self-righteous humanists who call themselves Satanists to give themselves yet another excuse to shoot off into a long-winded diatribe when somebody mistakenly makes accusations like that. i.e. the SatanicChurch.com website: "Members of the First Satanic Church DO NOT sacrifice animals, worship the devil, participate in orgies, molest children or infringe on the rights of others! We are an organization of individuals who openly study Satanism and other cultural subjects."
  11. AndrewTS

    Bush "Documentary:"

    So, is GWB a kick-boxer who slays vampires in his spare time?
  12. AndrewTS

    Vince just didn't have a quad tear

    Who calls dibs on the posting name "Vince's Torn Left Quad" or "Vince's Other Torn Quad?"
  13. Be wary of CronoT's snappy comebacks.
  14. AndrewTS


    A Barry Silver was on The Abrams Report last night, along with another attorney and was trying to state his case for why the companies should be liable... The guy was totally owned for free. He couldn't come up with a single cogent legal argument for winning the suit. Up until now, the suits have all failed because the courts ruled that you can't hold 3rd parties liable in a situation like this, and that the games are indeed rated and aren't meant to be sold. All he could say was "OMG THIS IS DIFFERENT" and "OMG, THEY'RE MARKETED TO MINORS JUST LIKE BEER AND CIGARETTES! ARE YOU SAYING THERE SHOULD BE NO LIMITS TO HOW THESE COMPANIES POISON OUR CHILDRENS' MINDS?!" Just weak-ass emotional appeals and nothing substantial. My business law professor could bitchslap that guy in court before he's even had his morning coffee.
  15. AndrewTS


    Exactly--even if such a receipt were presented, a) it would look very convenient and suspicious that he'd have it. b) all it proves is that *somebody* purchased said items at said time. If it were on a cash basis, there's no way of proving it. Now, if the kid has a debit card or a credit card, it would list the last 4 numbers of his card on it, but that takes you to c. c) Receipts can be faked. Wal-Mart has receipts with bar codes and transaction numbers, so depending on how good the records they keep for those are, those could be hard to "fake" (i.e. making a receipt for a transaction that never took place, setting a certain date, etc.) Gamestop? If you have the paper with the logo on the back, you could set up a cash register to make a perfect fake. People buy cash registers for the sole purpose of making fake receipts to send for rebates. My mother had a friend who had 10 post office boxes under ten different names who did just that.
  16. AndrewTS


    Realistically, I don't see how anyone should even remotely be considered responsible besides the store that actually sold him the game. Sony? They made the system. So what? He's the jackass who put the game in the system. Take-Two? They're just the publisher, Rockstar is the developer. The game is rated so it's not their responsibility. So I assume Wal-Mart or Gamestop actually sold him the game--likely Gamestop, because Wal-Mart would probably be a lot stricter about that stuff. So, it's that Gamestop's fault if anyone. (EDIT: Okay, it *conveniently* states that the "suit alleges" each store sold him one of the GTAs, which is convenient and unprovable) This sounds like Attorney Joe Adler. "We are going to sue...that sales clerk, Sony for manufacturing the console, Take Two for publishing the game, Wal-Mart for selling the console, and we are going to sue that Gamestop." It's also quite funny that we didn't really see any of these suits around when Lethal Enforcers was big in arcades, because *anybody* could walk up and play it, and it actually was more likely to teach you how to *aim* and *shoot* a gun.
  17. AndrewTS

    Bush "Documentary:"

    Exactly. I find it ironic that he posted the letter from Jefferson in an attempt to prove that the separation does not exist, but the words of the letter so clearly show that the separation does (and should) exist. CE amatuers, RJ. Maybe he can go join MikeSC in the Bush/Evironment thread. No, he wasn't saying it "doesn't exist," he was merely pointing out that it wasn't explicitly defined in the Constitution itself (it was intended to prevent a National Church of the United States), but Jefferson and the Supreme Court interprets it as "freedom of religion" and "separation of church and State." The principle itself doesn't come directly from the Constitution. It's a case where "interpretation" was since defined to such a degree that, for example, federal funding is prevented from supporting organizations rooted in a religion. Don't worry, avoidance of writing "snappy comebacks" comes quite naturally to you, CronoT.
  18. AndrewTS

    What Squaresoft should do.

    Vagrany Story was one of Square's best games, not too many people played it though, too bad for them. Thankfully, it's available rather cheaply these days used. That's in stark contrast to Valkyrie Profile, which everybody says is a fantastic HQ game, perhaps Square's best ever, but unless you get *very* lucky and find it at an EB/Gamestop used, or brave the Ebay game-misers and fetch yourself a copy, you can't be sure about it.
  19. AndrewTS


    People in the D.C. area can afford PS2s and the GTA games?
  20. AndrewTS


    I thought Wal-Mart only carried the heavily-edited versions of those albums? IOW, probably 30% of it is bleeped out/silence? I've tried to warn parents about stuff like that whenever I see it, but usually Looney's scenario is what occurs when I've tried. If you would, you'd just validate somebody's belief that you're a lousy parent. What's confusing about the current system? It's a hell of a lot more reliable, understandable, and comprehensive than TV ratings or movie ratings.
  21. AndrewTS

    Final Fantasy XI Bullies Banned.

    I'd throw in "half-braindead pre-teens (judging by Gamefaqs) and yaoi-writing 13 year old girls" too, then you've pretty got 90% of 'em covered. Thanks.
  22. AndrewTS

    Final Fantasy XI Bullies Banned.

    Not all geeks are obsessed with FF. I take offense at the suggestion. Gee, plenty of FF fans are douchebags--that's nothing anybody who used Gamefaqs' boards couldn't have told you.
  23. AndrewTS

    What Squaresoft should do.

    Not quite. It's different hardware underneath, like trying to put a PS2 disk into an Xbox. There's a fair amount of system specific code hooked in to every game due to the hardware, all of that has to be redone and then each component retested to make sure new bugs haven't arises from the new code. Which is a lot more difficult than it sounds. Does that count for the large number of games that are basically little more than emulators and ROMs bundled together? I assume, of course, that they'd have to develop an emulation program for a console, get all the bugs worked out, and if they accomplish that then they don't have to worry, though. Sega's inability to port Sega CD to any of the compilations comes to mind. They thought that they had a good Genesis/SCD emulator for the GC, but when they actually nearly had everything finished, they found out SCD wasn't going to work out with it. (Google "Sonic Cult"--they have plenty of info on it if you're interested.) I'd say that probably SNES to GBA probably isn't difficult, though, considering how everybody and their mother released ports like that. Then again, you still had Majesco ("we made Bloodrayne!...and...um...), who released crappy EWJ ports. I'd say the sheer number of awful emulation attempts on consoles kind of fits in with that. Right off hand, I think of the Sega Smash Pack for DC, the mode 7 effects in the PS1 Final Fantasy ports, the problems with the MM7 ending on the MMAC, and so on.
  24. AndrewTS

    OAO pre-No Way Out No Way Out thread

    Well, it's not like SD can get much worse.
  25. AndrewTS

    What Squaresoft should do.

    Yeah, I played it. Rather fun, but the dungeons got rather tedious quickly.