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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    "Then I injured him and got an undeserved title reign."
  2. AndrewTS

    What Squaresoft should do.

    For that to happen I would have to give a damn one way or the other about what that creatively bankrupt company was releasing other than KH2. Chances are the gameplay wouldn't be enhanced one damn bit (just like how FFVII was vs. the SNES games), it would hurt the nostalgia factor to redo them that much. Plus, they could make a quicker, easier buck by throwing Chronicles, Origins and Anthology on a single PS2 disc and/or putting out some GBA shovelware of the original SNES games. That's what I'd do. The Squareheads would buy it anyway, especially if it cut out the awful loading times of the PS1 versions. Let Enix do another Actraiser style game--with today's technology it would be quite bitchin'.
  3. AndrewTS

    The Punisher

    Okay, sounds fun, but I'm content with my Mark of Kri I got for $5.99 for the moment. The stealth kills involve actual stealth, but there's plenty of action-packed battles as well. The control is a little simplistic, but that's not bad. I'm looking forward to Rise of Kasai. At the very least, it looks like they've actually been busting their BUTT to create an entertaining game with Punisher. Although I still might have more fun when I track down that Genesis version of the Capcom arcade game... Batman Begins (game) looked promising from the articles I've read on it.
  4. AndrewTS

    US Soldier Hangs himself.

    Actually, that made sense. She was speaking for her step-son and just said what he told her. I understand what it *meant*, but it lacked single quotations so that we'd know it was a quote. I learned how to properly use quotation marks when I was in elementary school English classes. Aren't there plenty of religions that say that he'd be in hell right now for doing that? Obviously this guy wasn't quite right in the head. No sane person with kids kills themselves like that.
  5. AndrewTS

    US Soldier Hangs himself.

    Nineteen month old Laila and her half brother Anthony Rivera, 6, hold the flag presented to their mother Lisset Greene after her husband Curtis Greene committed suicide in December. He had recently returned from serving overseas in Iraq. Lisset said she grieves for her children's loss more than anything. "He looks up in the sky and says my daddy's up in heaven and he's looking down on me," Lisset said of Anthony. -- ...so she married her dad? Freakin' hack "journalists."
  6. AndrewTS

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, Feb 11-13. 2005

    The things I don't like about Will Smith is that when he appears in lousy movies he contributes a lot towards making them huge successes, and usually he's just playing the same damn character he always has. So, basically I dislike him for the same reason movie execs like him--he can draw in the crowds despite whatever tripe he appears in. For the record, I liked the MIBs, WWW was kind of lame but the presence of Smith had nothing to do with it--he was "on" in that was one as far as I'm concerned. However, it's your Bad Boys, Independence Days and I, Robots that piss me off. So I find him tolerable depending on the movie/role, but I can't stand his music.
  7. AndrewTS

    Amy Weber in Lesbian Porn Scene

    Without preceding it with "soft" or "softcore?" Sure. Because it's misleading. "Hardcore porn" is kind of redundant, because people think of "porn" as referring to "real" porn, anyway. Another good point. Why the hell hasn't this thread been moved yet?
  8. AndrewTS

    Amy Weber in Lesbian Porn Scene

    If it *looks* like there is, but you don't really see anything, though...? Plus, there's plenty of "adult videos" that don't feature penetration. Some lesbian stuff, certain fetish stuff, etc. I like IDRM's definition better.
  9. AndrewTS

    Amy Weber in Lesbian Porn Scene

    I think that kinda tells you what it is. But what was actually shown was barely more explicit than what was featured here. So even if no "good stuff" is shown, but they're actually engaging in sexual acts, it's porn, but if they're "faking" having sex but it *looks* more explicit, it isn't porn? Gotcha.
  10. AndrewTS

    Amy Weber in Lesbian Porn Scene

    What about that "couples" stuff that often features *real* porn stars, but doesn't really show much? i.e. : http://www.raincoatreviews.com/savr0147.shtml
  11. AndrewTS

    The Punisher

    Yeah, could you describe the gameplay a bit, please. Whaddya know--a thread not related to EA or sports games? About damn time.
  12. AndrewTS

    Amy Weber in Lesbian Porn Scene

    Agreed, but Lita's had quite her share of rumors surrounding her. Matt nailing her on top of a ladder in various positions would be great.
  13. AndrewTS

    Gay Penguins spark uproar

    Great thread--fun and educational! That goes into some amazing level of bitchiness. She needs the apology carved into her chest with a spear.
  14. AndrewTS

    WWE Married Wrestler/ Diva Affair?

    "Talent Relations." So basically, I believe that's the HR department that strictly deals with "Superstars."
  15. AndrewTS

    Amy Weber in Lesbian Porn Scene

    It's actually about the best shot they'd have of getting profits out of the budgets they're hoping to have for these movies. However, I expect the theatrical releases will end *very* quickly and WWE Films will stick to direct to video after the first few bombs.
  16. AndrewTS

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, Feb 11-13. 2005

    At first I thought Jamie Kennedy was playing the old role, and that the dog was supposed to be the same... It seems to me that they had wanted Carrey to come back for this one (was rumored to at one point), but he didn't want to (doesn't want to do sequels anymore) so they basically changed the names, recast people, and thus we have this movie. So, *currently* there is no direct relationship between this and the original movie other than the mask itself.
  17. AndrewTS

    WWE Married Wrestler/ Diva Affair?

    If the wife in question doesn't know about the affair, and it does involve Christ Hemme and it gets made public because of the spread, then the wife could really do a number on WWE , by claiming they were promoting adultry, and were only interested in stopping the affair when they were scared it could give WWE bad publicity. Part of the appeal of these spreads is fantasizing about being with the women in question. If you know that the woman in question is getting fucked by a wrestler you see on TV every week, it kills the fantasy. Sure, most of the women in Playboy that get fantasized over are being fucked anyway, but most of them are not being fucked by people we see on TV every week. Thing is, WOULD it actually hurt? Would this being made public hurt the WWE whatsoever? People assume the WWE is sleazy anyway. -=Mike Exactly. And a "diva" being portrayed as "easier" is seen as more obtainable anyway. Everybody knows who Carmella is boning, but WWE was going to let her win the contest until she was getting too bitchy for even them to handle. Hell, look at how WWE tends to divide up how the Divas are heels/faces. If you're a "prude," you're a heel. "gets made public because of the spread" What are you talking about? Why would it be "made public because of the spread?" It's not as if WWE would openly promote this "story." She convincingly sells the urge to vomit... Of course, she's had lots of practice.
  18. AndrewTS

    WWE Married Wrestler/ Diva Affair?

    ... Wow, that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard on this board this week outside of an INXS post. How would it be bad publicity? They aren't going to want to have Christy Hemme; a girl who won the 250,000 search thing due to fans voting and recipiant of a Playboy shoot and is marketed as a fun bubbly girl to be revealed as a potential homewrecker. That's NEGATIVE publicity. They already get publicity for her being in the Magazine. Vince doesn't believe in negative publicity. I'm still waiting for an explanation for how it would hurt WWE, the sales of the magazine, or the "diva"'s marketability. It doesn't make a damn bit of difference in those aspects. If WWE is covering it up, it's only out of courtesy for a couple of their employees.
  19. AndrewTS

    Why is Vince favoring the World Title

    Japan probably gets more entertainment out of JBL than anybody, because they think about all Americans are loudmouthed, rude, gun-toting, drunken cowboys.
  20. AndrewTS

    Gay Penguins spark uproar

    Well, penguins don't have dicks. They have internal genitalia and the male's genetic material exits through the cloaca. Most birds and reptiles' only orifice for disposing of waste (solid and liquid) and reproducing is the cloaca. http://www.bergen.org/Smithsonian/Humboldt...eproduction.htm So, when birds crap on your car, they're shitting and pissing on it *at the same time*.
  21. AndrewTS

    WWE Married Wrestler/ Diva Affair?

    ... Wow, that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard on this board this week outside of an INXS post. How would it be bad publicity? If the wife of the married wrestler doesn't know, the company might want to keep it that way. I see. It would hurt WWE's sparkling public image. It would also totally ruin their opportunity to market a magazine with naked pictures of one of their "Divas." No one would want to touch it then.
  22. AndrewTS

    Gay Penguins spark uproar

    I'm surprised PETA hasn't beat them to complaining about this.
  23. AndrewTS

    WWE Married Wrestler/ Diva Affair?

    ... Wow, that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard on this board this week outside of an INXS post. How would it be bad publicity?
  24. AndrewTS

    WWE Married Wrestler/ Diva Affair?

    He could get a girl that has more than looks going for her. And Torrie isn't THAT beautiful anyway. Trish on the other hand Kidman? The dude seems as interesting as paint drying. Him and Torrie were made for each other. Kidman and Torrie -- another piece of evidence that women marry men like their dads.
  25. AndrewTS

    Xbox2 to be released in Europe in 2005

    That's not why Dreamcast died. It was a combination of: a) Sega's bad reputation after the 32X/Saturn. b) Sony going with the DVD format, which was more attractive with developers at the time. c) Sony's proven track rate as a success with the PS1. I forgot which came first--Saturn or PS1, but that point was rendered null and void because it honestly wasn't much of a time gap, and Saturn was dead in the water when Sony announced it was releasing it for 300 bucks in the US, 100 bucks cheaper than the Saturn. Sony has no incentive to make the PS3 significantly more powerful than the X-Box, unless they can do it pretty cheaply. People will buy the PS3 anyway.