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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Scary games for Halloween

    3 and 4 are mixed for people (moreso 4), but Silent Hill 2 is commonly regarded as the best in the series. I heard a lot of good things about Call of Cthulhu (an 360-compatible Xbox game that's also on PC), and been meaning to check it out. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/adventure/cal...=summary;review I typically hate point-and-click adventure games, but that one was really cool.
  2. AndrewTS

    Scary games for Halloween

    I've been meaning to try it, actually. The Haunting starring Polterguy I believe was the full title of that Genesis game, BTW. I thought they were ok (come on, they were way better than the original RE controls!), but it's been a long time since I played it. If you're thinking about the right game it was like "Resident Evil 4 on a boat," right? Reading up on Ghosthunter brought up a lot of discussion about The Suffering, so while I probably won't be playing it today, I'm interested in trying it soon. I may also want to revisit Second Sight. Youtube of The Suffering game footage. Youtube of Ghosthunter game footage. Youtube of Cold Fear game footage.
  3. AndrewTS


    No idea. According to the plot he's apparently killing mostly other inmates and guards I guess, but there are some victims there that seem like the masked guys that were trying to kill you in MH1. Of course, online plot summaries may not be revealing everything about the game, but it doesn't seem they're reprising that slant on things.
  4. AndrewTS


    Magician Lord, and more or less. It's originally an arcade game, of course, so it's pretty damn hard. Uncensored death scenes from Manhunt 2. Truly this game is/was art. But hey, I guess they fixed *that* repetitive aspect of the first game. http://www.megavideo.com/?v=AJL2QB64
  5. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    Oh cool. I'll go download it with my Japanese Live account. Here's how to make one yourself, Thoth, so you can download and play demos that are released in Japan first: http://www.destructoid.com/eternal-sonata-...ow--31512.phtml
  6. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    Yeah, one thing I appreciate about the 360 is that even the base model is fully upgradable to have the same functionality as the Premium. You're just going to lack the Premium's chrome drive tray cover. Which is why PS3 defenders' "Core 360 can't play xbox1 games!!" argument doesn't gel, because you can still get that functionality later.
  7. AndrewTS


    Reviews are beginning to roll in for Manhunt 2. Apparently, it's a piece of ****. It also lacks what little charm the original had. However, IGN's review could have been worse. Seems like it's on a strictly "did you *really really* like MH1?" basis.
  8. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    Thanks Thoth, for providing a more succint (i.e. less long-winded) answer ahead of me.
  9. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    Unless you know exactly how much coverage remains on it (the older it is, the less of that 3 years RROD coverage there is, and likely used 360s with have little or no 1 year standard warranty remaining), I'd say forget it. Are you going to download TV shows and movies to your 360? Does IPTV sound like a feature you might use down the line? Do you see yourself purchasing *lots* and *lots* of DLC? If you answered "No" to all of those, then it isn't worth it. The only difference between *currently shipping* Elites and standard 360s is color and hard drive size (ever since HDMI became standardized. If you look for the "standard" 360 (i.e. not the Core/Arcade or Elite), the inclusion of an HDMI port should be a good indicator that it's got at least the extra heatsink installed. *However*, due to limited supplies in relation to the standard, Elites are carried by retailers in smaller quantities, and likely any given number of Elites you see should have been put in the shelves not long ago. The Halo 3 models are naturally pretty new, just ugly and only available in standard. I still think MS should have had a Halo 3 "Elite" Elite rather than shitty Todd MacFarlane art controllers or that green turd 360, but they'd probably make it almost as ugly.
  10. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    Ign has a review up for Naruto 360. As exclusives reviews tend to be, it's quite a bit on the positive side. BUT, looks really solid from top to bottom: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/831/831258p1.html. Sounds kind of like Crackdown with the skill-building. I'll definitely rent at least.
  11. AndrewTS

    Leopard Countdown thread

    I'd say you don't need to rush to get this. As expected, it's riddled with bugs and it's best to wait until maybe 10.5.3 or something to get it. Among the problems I've seen is that the touted finder help search doesn't seem to work very well (or could be that they just don't have kbase articles for 10.5 up online yet), the Mail auto-setup sometimes will sit and spin for eternity if it's an unrecognized mail server and you type anything into Description during setup, Time Machine can see external SATA drives but doesn't know what the heck to do with them and do not support them for back up purposes. Contrary to what Jobs said in his presentation, Airport Disks do not work with Time Machine, either. The redesigned folder icons are hideous. I don't know what the hell is up with Disk Utility's Permissions Repair; it doesn't show details even with that option checked, and it ran for 10 minutes until I stopped it. Spaces is worthless from what I've seen, since Expose did basically everything it did anyway. Oh, Classic is not supported. As in, if you already have it on your system, Leopard will *kill it*. It shouldn't be too much of an issue because few use it anymore, but Tiger didn't affect it so it's kind of weird. I guess Apple wants to cut costs by eliminating their older desktop support soon. However, anyone who recently bought a Mac since Oct 1 can get Leopard for 10 bucks s&h. Go here and follow the instructions: http://www.apple.com/macosx/uptodate EDIT: the link is being kind of auto-converted into half-broken html codes. Well, copy and paste if it doesn't work.
  12. AndrewTS


    No, the Wii announcement is new (it went up on the major sites today), but people were expecting a Wii announcement because Will was blabbing about the Wii for almost half of the last year. He's a borne-again Nintendo fanboy now, and EA getting major sales out of Wii titles certainly doesn't hurt, either. I stand corrected on both points then. That leaves Geist as only Nintendo-published, but still a distinction you don't see on many (any?) M-rated games. I think Wikipedia is where I saw it referenced as an NST project, likely fixed up since. That doesn't exactly give me any added confidence in a sequel's quality, though. It's quite plausible that the rumor is true, because n-Space did announce they were working on a Wii game but didn't yet confirm what it was. If it's indeed Geist 2, they're probably holding off announcement until they have an impressive build of it, so they can quickly convince game mags/sites to forget Geist's quality issues.
  13. AndrewTS


    HAHAHA!! The first and only M-rated Nintendo-developed title...and also a pretty crappy one. If Nintendo Software Technology is working on it, it'll be quite puzzling due to H.A.M.M.E.R. being canned and "resources shifted" towards casual games. The concept is a solid one, though. I hope it's true *IF* they can make the sequel really good. If Nintendo begins making a few Mature titles here and there it should give them some high-profile exclusives with wide appeal. I really wanted to like Geist, but it didn't like me. However, this basically confirms that Nintendo *has to be seriously considering* a new Kid Icarus. Geist?! Really, now?! Maybe Halo 3's effect on 360 sales made Nintendo realize that Reggie's statements about H3 were utterly moronic. Oh, Spore is confirmed for the Wii along with the previously-announced PC and DS releases. Source: Will Wright, bitch!
  14. AndrewTS


    I think it was, at least for the Sonics, more the perception that the games would be better sellers, demographics-wise, on GC than Xbox or PS2; a perception that was confirmed with terrible/mediocre sales for later (also terrible/mediocre) multi-platform Sonic titles. And since I had originally posted that about the Saturn, GameTap's got Saturn emulation working in a very limited capacity. We're still a far way from playing Panzer Dragoon Saga on it, it appears. Plus it hasn't been updated much/often (Virtua Fighter 1 is *coming*; whoopie!).
  15. AndrewTS


    Yeah, I was wrong. However, you make me sound like some sort of shouting albino gorilla. In retrospect that was undoubtedly quite incorrect, but it was an assumption based on my deep belief in Sega's profound half-assing. I refused to belief they'd have done so many ports (SA1 and 2, Skies, PSO, Crazi Taxi, etc.) without essentially dumping the code and a middleman program. King of similar to Bleemcast, for example. I was rather ignorant of the nuts and bolts of emulation at the time, i.e. the 10:1 rule of thumb. That means that the system has to be at least 10 times as powerful as the console being emulated to make it run extremely well. The 360 is damn close to 10x the Xbox, but not close enough that they can write a single emulator and call it a day. With the Wii's main processor only 4x the speed of the Dreamcast, straight up emulation is unlikely or impossible. Emulation of DC on 360 and PS3 should be extremely feasible. I'm not sure about the logistics of multi-cores for emulation, but each PS360 processor core runs at 3.2GHz vs. the single-core DC's 200MHz. However, I found it really interesting that Treasure actually worked on the Virtual Console version of Sin and Punishment.
  16. AndrewTS

    My mouse buttons stopped working?

    If it's wireless, I'd try changing the batteries and cleaning the contacts with a pencil eraser and re-trying it. If it's corded--yeah, trash it.
  17. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I assume it means all "Game Boy" systems, which is kind of neat. Gems like Toki Tori, Shantae, and Ninja Five-O might get more of they love they missed the first time around. However, the low quality of the actual games themselves will mean a lot of crap. Outside of Konami, Capcom, and of course Nintendo stuff, most GB and GBC games are pretty much crap. Plus, even 5 dollars would be pushing it for most of those games. Speaking of old games, 1up/Retronauts has a new Podcast up discussing Chrono Trigger. It's a shame that game sucks so hard by today's standards.
  18. AndrewTS

    Leopard Countdown thread

    There's tons of improvements to the OS, lots of neat touches that are difficult to go into. Time Machine, a more stable Finder, a more stable and effective Mail, etc., but nothing earth-shaking. If you have a MacBook w/ Boot camp beta the final Boot Camp version may be an enticement, but otherwise I'd suggest seeing it in an Apple Store first. If Leopard is like Tiger (and from what I've seen, the installation process more or less is the same), the "Family pack" is exactly the same as the "Single user" pack, and there is *no* registration code to enter to install it or update a system. The "family pack" purchases you 5 "licenses" so you can then "legally" put it on multiple machines, but who cares about that when there is no real reason to do so? So, I wouldn't waste your money on it.
  19. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Sarcasm and the internet tend not to mix without lots of context. That was the type of opinion I expected you'd gotten. I virtually guarantee you there's probably going to be a game mag or site that either doesn't have a wrestling fan, or has a wrestling fan that is a graphic whore without knowledge or appreciation of the series, and is going to bag on the game for that reason. The price might help, though.
  20. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Action game from the team who made the Hitman games. As for Fire Pro, you probably read from a moronic somewhere that had a problem with the graphics. It's basically a localization of a known-to-be-awesome game.
  21. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    November is just insane with quality releases. Coming next month (to NA at least) is Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed, Kane & Lynch, Mass Effect, Rock Band, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Mario Galaxy, Ghost Squad, Raving Rabbids 2, new Trauma Center, PS2 Fire Pro Returns, Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker, Final Fantasy XII Revanant Wings, and more. That's not even counting likely "decent" titles like Mario and Sonic, Resident Evil UC (which I think may suck, but--BENEFIT), that weird Aqua Teen golf game/beat 'em up, etc. Plus I know folks here will be interested in the new Smackdown game coming out then. Well...at the very least Mario Galaxy and Fire Pro I'll be able to afford.
  22. AndrewTS


    Considering what they have to choose from to put on the service, it would be sad if there weren't more great VC games than Wii games. XBLA may have original games along with the sometimes-questionable-quality ports, but the appearance of a must-buy title is a bit rarer. However, if you already own the games in cart form it's usually not worth it to get it.
  23. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    The GH3 demo is useless if you don't own the 360 guitar, right? Is there a converter for the PS2 version, or a universal guitar for either system?
  24. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Currently, no. While HD is the main selling point of this version, a minority of 360 owners (and possibly PS3 owners) actually have HD sets.
  25. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Since there's no thread for HD Turbo Remix, but it's still SF, we finally have bona fide screenshots of that: http://blogs.capcomusa.com/blogs/digital.p...i_p_screenshots