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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    "Basic Instinct" WM 21 Commercial

    Not the Family Guy viewers. He'd have to do a clean job, though. So HHH would have to be in it.
  2. AndrewTS

    Xbox2 to be released in Europe in 2005

    I'm fairly sure X-Box uses DVDs... If they change formats, they'd go with HD-DVD, which wouldn't be difficult to go backward-compatible with the first system's games. I think we can safely say no way in hell will it use Blu-Ray. I liked the rumored mock-up of the X-Box 2's controller that I saw, though.
  3. AndrewTS

    Xbox2 to be released in Europe in 2005

    PSP, then?
  4. AndrewTS

    Xbox2 to be released in Europe in 2005

    The only consistent thing about the reports of the next X-Box system--it seems to be agreed upon that it will have a stupid name.
  5. AndrewTS

    Playstation2 woes...

    Except for the game library, the fact that next to no good Japanese developers make games for it, the oversized and poorly-designed controller(s), the necessity of buying a kit to play DVDs, online play costs extra, and it lacks that huge PS1 library, the X-Box is a lot better. Sony sucks, but there's too damn many great games that companies make for their shitty hardware. If not for the Halos, the XB would have been fucked unless they'd had gotten the GTAs.
  6. AndrewTS

    Iran Says It Will Never Scrap Nuke Program

    *nods and smiles*...
  7. AndrewTS

    Paramount releasing Classic Nickelodeon on DVD!

    And the animated Batman... *saw Robin's Reckoning again today. * I found an ooooold tape that had an episode on it and watched it a few months ago. Unbelievable how cheesy and groan-worthy it was (well, not really). Melody and the ranch owner were pretty much the only ones to have anything resembling a real acting career after it, though. Salute Your Shorts/Pete and Pete were pretty decent, though.
  8. AndrewTS

    Raw rating

    ...which wasn't really during most of his X-Pac days. Why not a 123 edit? --oh, I guess no screen capper.
  9. AndrewTS

    Paramount releasing Classic Nickelodeon on DVD!

    There are DVDs out for them that come out in the UK for those. I *think* I even recall that they're not region-specific, so you can play them on any regular US DVD player, but I'm not certain about that.
  10. AndrewTS

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    That would be a TERRIBLE idea. JBL himself has described his character as a mix between "Pat Buchanan and David Duke," you can't have a babyface like that. Besides, he's much better as a heel than a face. Considering how many redneck wrestling fans there are, is it far fetched AT ALL?! ...plus, during the past election, Pat was actually a rare voice of reason now and then.
  11. AndrewTS

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    I think so, but she doesn't do much. I remember her only because her last name is "McCool."
  12. AndrewTS

    American Dad

    Sorry, but he's *totally* Neil.
  13. AndrewTS

    The One and Only JLU Season 2 Thread

    On a related note--the Batman: Animated Series Vol 2 DVD set it out. I picked it up yesterday at the West Mifflin, PA Circuit City. $34.99--not bad. =) Wal-Mart may have it a few pennies cheaper, though.
  14. AndrewTS

    TV Games: Mortal Kombat

    Supposedly they're fixing those problems. http://toastyfrog.1up.com/do/my1Up?publicU...&pager.offset=3 I'm not sure how much that helps since you have the old one, though. Nah, she can't be Karenna Gore Schiff.
  15. AndrewTS

    American Dad

    It doesn't really have its own identity. For all intents and purposes it feels like it uses a rejected Family Guy script with a few tweaks. The alien and the fish? Overdoing it. One of them must die. The wife (she even have a name?) was utterly useless in this episode, so no comment on here. As Vern said, these characters seem so familiar it's hard to view them as being remotely new. My favorite part was the purse-snatching. Other than that I wasn't amused with very much of the show. Oh yeah, agreed. Even the ATHF writers knew not to overdo that. If it going to be in every episode, though--ugh.
  16. AndrewTS

    TV Games: Mortal Kombat

    If they don't include MK1 with Deception, I guess they figure this is the only way to bilk Gamecube ow--er, I mean allow them the opportunity to play this classic again. For those with a PS2, it's not hard to find the Deception bonus disc with MK1 on it used, though.
  17. AndrewTS

    MK Deception for GameCube extras

    The first sentence was cut off in that theory, that's why. Gavok made the same mistake. That's how Boon and company felt. No existing characters "fit", taking all things into account. He wasn't in the first MK3. Yes, he appeared in UMK3, but then you run into the same contradiction in MKT. That would mean he couldn't be anyone who was ever playable or fightable in any MK game up until that point. MKT has everybody, and on PS1 even has the bosses.
  18. AndrewTS

    MK Deception for GameCube extras

    Which is arguably why Boon opted to do the "Noob is original Subbie" angle in the first place. It was some attempt at continuity that made a little bit of sense, even if it wasn't perfect. You said: I pointed out to you that you were wrong; the *actual* text says nothing of the sort. It was vague enough that it implied that, but never really said anything concrete other than "this person isn't a new character, and will be in MK4" An extra playable character for players without using much extra space? Why doesn't Reptile do any of Subbie or Scorp's moves any more except the slide? Yeah, nobody knows what original Subbie's face looked like. Are you implying--*gasp* the MK developers leave plotholes everywhere? Come to think of it, considering Reptile: A) had Subbie's moves at one point B) Returned in MK4. (returned could just mean he was on the MK4 roster, doesn't mean he wasn't in the previous game) C) if unmasked, his face would be recognized ...he could arguably make as much sense as Classic Sub-Zero as anyone, maybe more. Remember "a warrior who has long been missing from a previous Mortal Kombat, and one who will return in the fourth tournament" doesn't rule out people already included in UMK3/Trilogy. Noob's Kanoriffic appearance actually conflicts with "long been missing" if you buy it as canon, though. However, Noob works better since Reptile's been stretched too thin as a character anyway and was otherwise occupied for MKD. I believe you said yourself that when they went with the MKD relevation, they probably glimpsed over the character backstories and says "hey, this kind of works, so let's go with it."
  19. AndrewTS

    Capcom goodness on tap

    http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3138179 Awesome. I'm iffy on Without Warning, considering the rep the Tomb Raider games have gotten, but ah well. I'll cross my fingers and hope that it was because of the immense pressure and unreasonable deadlines Eidos put them over that is to blame. Beat Down sounds like a next-gen River City Ransom, so I'm game. Mega Man X Collection? If it includes *at least* the first 3 games, I'm there, because I have X4 and X5; X6 is ass anyway. Metal Maniac--I'd try to get that X3 back and sell it before word spreads if I were you. Capcom Classics Collection? About freakin' time. I'm hoping it's mostly arcade ports. I'd like to see the 194X games, Slam Masters, the Ghouls n' Ghosts games, some of their better beat 'em ups, The Punisher (unlikely considering they dont' have the license, though), Gun Smoke for the hell of it, and other goodies. Vampire Chronicles 4 player? I guess they're adding tag-teaming. Cool. But--Mega Man X collection? Where the Fizuck is the MMAC for Game Boy, damnit! It's been delayed a whole freakin' year now! Plus your US website sucks, Capcom!
  20. AndrewTS

    Neo Geo Pocket Color with 6 games for $55

    Neo Turf Masters munches, but the rest of the games are fine. However, if you get a Neo Geo Pocket Color, I'd recommend Capcom vs. SNK: Match of the Millenium, SNK Gals' Fighter, Sonic Pocket Adventure, and Metal Slug 2nd Mission. Especially MotM--but don't get confused and order Card Fighters' Clash instead. I'd honestly try asking at my local EB, since that's where I found mine. No, they *never* even let anyone know they carried 'em, but they had them anyway. Oddly, the site doesn't have the bundle that included the rest of the games I'd recommend. You can find them individually at http://www.eplayplay.com/index.html though. Personally, though, I had been able to get a 4-pack of Last Blade, Sonic Pocket, SNK vs. Capcom MotM, and Puzzle Bobble Mini. None of the usual sites seem to have that pack anymore, though. I had to buy SNK Gals Fighters and Metal Slug 2nd Mission separately, though.
  21. AndrewTS

    Tekken 5

    Yup, cuz I suck (even more) at the game using the arcade sticks.
  22. AndrewTS

    North American PSP Launch Details Revealed

    The buttons and D-pad will still be too small.....even for Verne Troyer. That would be a great idea for a console though--if they did a "Nomad" for Gamecube, they'd have arguably the most powerful portable system out with a backward-compatible library ready to go. However, it would kill off Nintendo's credibility in the handheld market, because the DS just came out and it would be viewed as a replacement for the DS. I doubt The Revolution (which will probably be something like the Nintendoxygen by the time it's more than vaporware) will leave any room for such an arrangment, since it supposed to work in tandem with the DS. I really don't consider the PS2's backward-compatibility *that* big of a deal when considering it's position at the time. However, since it is a completely different format, I guess that's a good point. It's more like the PS1, which had plenty of hardware problems in the early model, and Sony was taking the leap into the console war for the first time. Yet the DS isn't quite as anemic as the Saturn/N64.