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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Eddy/JBL 2004 MOTY

    thats how you Americans spell it. In the Uk (and maybe Australia and somewhere else?) its "Judgement" http://www.silvervision.co.uk/product.asp?...WWE1079&recno=8 So on that. I also have huge doubts that this can touch Eddy/Brock, either.
  2. AndrewTS

    Eddy/JBL 2004 MOTY

    There's only one "e" in "Judgment." The card wasn't exactly an interesting one, either.
  3. AndrewTS

    Are you a pilgrim in an unholy land?

    I'm a conservative and live in southwestern Pennsylvania, which as kkk mentioned already, is heavily Democrat. I'm registered as such for the primaries, though. Only the the so-called "T" in the middle of PA is largely conservative, and supposedly Kerry only took our state by a razor-thin margin. I've been visited by Union-loving Dem sheep, wanting me to vote straight Democrat. I pointed out that unions around here have basically done jack but collect their dues, and several strikes around here either favored management, or in the case of County Market--drove away some business completely. Over the years, Kroger, Piggly Wiggly, County Market, etc. have all simply left rather than cave into some admittedly insane demands from striking workers. The only supermarkets we have in my area are Shop n' Save, Giant Eagle, and Foodland, basically. Yet, we still have our share of Wal-Marts around. I'm baffled at the election of a Republican commissioner (oddly, his only opponent was another Republican), Joe Hardy, who has habits of finding excuses to fire people at Laurel Highlands Foundation, and apparently other places he owns, once the state stops paying for half their wages. He wants to bring in plenty of casinos that, naturally, he would own. He has his own miniature Xanadu up in the mountains, to boot. From what I've gathered, people voted for him because of "all the jobs he's brought" to the county. Shitty jobs that fill his own pocket of course, but hey...
  4. AndrewTS

    Smackdown spoilers for 1/13/05

    Bashams as new tag champs. oh boy I presume they're just getting prepped as Dudley fodder, but that's a match/feud I can't possibly get excited about.
  5. AndrewTS

    Chris Masters

    He's apparently supposed to be a "Masterpiece" because he's chisled and all that shit. In other words, it's Narcissist version 3.0. That would make him a homosexual bodybuilder. Narcissism often is an expression of repressed homosexuality. Hell, look at HHH... ...and remember that HE SCREWED CHYNA. I really like the Simon Dean gimmick, but I agree they kinda, well, ran out of ideas once they did the skit with Rosie. When you can't even go a full 2 months without completely running out of ways to use a character, you're a shitty booker.
  6. AndrewTS

    New tag team signs with WWE

    For their first appearance, they'll probably appear in the back of the locker room, hunched-over, limp, sitting on beat-up old bean-bag chairs complaining they have problems standing up straight... Then Simon Dean appears with a huge, apparently semi-permanent grin, and gives them his new addition to the Simon System line. Come on, with Gerwitz around, it wouldn't be surprising.
  7. AndrewTS

    Brad And Jen Are No More...

    "Britain's News of the World newspaper alleges" Yeah, always rely on them for fine, quality journalism.
  8. AndrewTS

    Third Annual SmarkMark Video Game Voting Thread

    So, when do results get tabulated? Bumping to also note GameFAQs GotY poll blows ass. No Katamari Damacy? No Ratchet and Clank UYA? No Ninja Gaiden? YET they include the geriatric (in video game time) port of Mario 64, the mediocre-at-best Metroid ZM, and FFXI, which failed to sell all that well cuz nobody cares about the HDD? Crash n' Burn 3 is on there?
  9. But it was set up to avoid HHH bashing, unless it was vieled sarcasm. That being said, fuck HHH for tacking on another reign to his record without actually having to put over anyone (let alone anyone decent) in the process of "losing" it, then getting it back just a few weeks later. No big shock, of course. Edge is probably midcard for life, though.
  10. AndrewTS

    Boil your DVDs, really.

    I had a PS2 game that would always sk-sk-sk-skip then freeze up my system when I tried to play one of the cutscenes. So I tried boiling it, and except for a *slight* bit of skipping that doesn't freeze it up anymore, it works now after one minute boiling. So, I may run it through again, but this is good enough for now. Thanks, DH!
  11. AndrewTS

    Lita's Injury = Legit

    Especially since Gail and the other Raw women had no experience working together because all of Gail's matches prior to her debut were in SD dark matches against fluffers like Dawn, then they debut her in a LIVE Raw match against women who worked a completely different style than Gail. When she was healthy, she did house shows with the other women, sure. As I said, though, when she was healthy, which wasn't all that often.
  12. AndrewTS

    Lita's Injury = Legit

    Gail *was* getting over actually. Jazz was somewhat over as the monster heel of the division, but she was injured constantly. I think that's the reason she was released. Jacqueline not getting over didn't stop them from employing her for, what, 6 years wasn't it? Nidia sucked in the ring and without her white trash character as Noble's valet, nobody gave a damn about her. They only kept her as long as they did because she had big breasts and she won TE.
  13. AndrewTS

    OAO New Years Revolution Thread

    You'd take bumbling idiot honky tonk man Bradshaw's title reign over a title reign by a guy that's booked to be 2x better than the entire roster? Silly, if you question the goofball, glorified-midcarder, pussbag JBL reign you're a smarkmark h83r!!! (Not saying sluggo thinks that, but there are some...) I'd rather not have either.
  14. AndrewTS

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    SO3 = http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/warrior...necromancer.htm
  15. AndrewTS

    Lita's Injury = Legit

    Austin may be gone, but his moves are kicking the crap out of the women wrestlers for him. Weird, weird, weird.
  16. AndrewTS

    Quick WWE newsbits

    because that would mean that everyone here would have to say something positive about the WWE for once, and we sure can't have that. But yeah, Raw got a 3.4. so SD! beat Raw this week. which I think was a better show than Raw anyways. Why WOULD you say anything positive about the ratings going up? "WOW, Raw gained .1 in the ratings! I'm so happy!" If anything, I'd prefer them to LOSE ratings. That way they get the message that *I* don't want to see Orton and Triple H in the main event. If the ratings went to a 4.5 with that main event, it would mean more of it in the future. I DON'T WANT THAT! Don't feed the--you know...
  17. AndrewTS

    OAO New Years Revolution Thread

    Yes I do, except myself and others think it will be almost exactly like the Raw match, move for move, except Lita's plancha will likely not look sick as they'd probably be way more careful with it. Chris is getting it...anyone else here paying for it?
  18. AndrewTS

    New Networks coming in 2005

    It's a Conan O' Brien skit come to life! Auuugh!! What would be on a Satanist channel? Satanists don't actually *worship Satan* and sacrifice goats or anything. They worship nothing. I hoped for a Horror Channel and/or a B-Movie channel. I guess Sci Fi will have to suffice still.
  19. Or as a country music superstar. Has any WWE girl ever moved onto anything "bigger?", especially the non-wrestlers (Trish I could see, but otherwise...). Aside from a Playboy shoot, the new "Divas" better face the fact that they aren't going to be going on to fame and fortune as a respected model or actress because of their WWE careers.
  20. AndrewTS

    International Bush supporters

    Actually, I'm a Pennsylvanian, and live only about 30-40 miles south of KKK's hometown of Pittsburgh. I'm not pro-Bush, though. I have many complaints with the way things are being done, but there's a difference between that and the virulant hatred many have towards GWB the man. George's knack for completely and utterly pissing off people I don't like anyway makes me a bit of a fan. So many Dems seem to be in the dark about the fact that calling a guy a fascist, a terrorist, and slapping a Hitler 'stache on his picture does absolutely nothing to persuade people who don't agree with their views already.
  21. AndrewTS

    Quick WWE newsbits

    However, one week means nothing, good or bad. It's the trends that are worth paying attention to.
  22. AndrewTS

    RAW Ratings

    How exactly does a commentator "lose his edge," so to say, especially with someone as skilled as J.R. I think the bad commentary is reflective of the product, rather than the announcers. JR commentates, and forces any up-and-coming commentators to commentate, the WWE style. Shill for the main angles, pay little or no attention to the match, let the color guy throw in his lame quips, repeat. I thought HHH would be the asshole...and the point is we're supposed to want to see the dick--well, you know... I don't expect this to be the final straw for the Orton Mania push, because I think they're still going to give Orton a shot (hopefully no Rumble '94 finish for the Rumble itself, though, with O and B). .
  23. AndrewTS

    Michaels/Angle staredown in Japan

    Orton/Rock? Seriously? Lame as hell, but who else on Raw do you think Vince would want Rock to put over? Sadly, Orton's basically the only choice I suppose.
  24. AndrewTS

    Michaels/Angle staredown in Japan

    For the title, but I'm just going hypothetical because JBL probably will still hold the belt. We were fairly sure by Rumble time last year that we'd be getting Brock/Goldberg, so the NWO title switch doesn't seem surprising. While JBL's reign seems pointless, but at least keeping it going that long should in theory put over the winner in a big way, but Cena's just "there" right now so I can't get excited about him just yet, regardless of the match he'd be in. 2/3 falls for a tag match? On a WWE PPV? Since when? For Rumble, sure (1 fall...), but it seems for Mania WWE usually gives us some sort of 3-4 team elimination match these days. Plus, who gives a damn about the SD tag titles? Or the Raw tag titles? Seriously? The matches would be good but to what end? Also, I don't *want* an Eddy heel turn, but if they went that way it could give us some interesting matches.
  25. AndrewTS

    Your Gamecube Game of the Year for 2005

    If you won, that would be worth the price by itself. Who makes it though? If it's Madcatz, they can shove it.