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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    It's that time of year

    Solution: Get rid of the lawyers "3. It's okay to put all bad people in a giant meat grinder. 4. Lawyers: see rule three..."
  2. AndrewTS

    Raw Thread 12. 13. 2004

    Close--- "aw, shit."
  3. AndrewTS

    EA signs a 5 year exclusive deal with NFL

    "E...A...Sports. Now it's the only game!"
  4. Thanks to places like EB/Gamestop, old Game Boy games are still readily available to enjoy, although plenty of people overlook those games. So, I'd like to share (and feel free to add suggestions) on Game Boy and GBC games worth sifting through those empty boxes at game stores. Shantae: I've plugged it before, and damn it, I'm plugging it again. Only really marred by button limitations and enemies that respawn a bit too quickly, it's a great platformer with tons of great technique, puzzles, and skills to be obtained. I'm wondering when Shantae Advance (announced about a year ago, yet to surface) is coming. Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening, Oracles of Seasons/Ages : Still great games, and Link's Awakening can stack up with any of the Zelda games made, IMO. ALttP on GBA may hurt its appeal these days, though. Wario Land II - All of the Mario games on GBA are good. You've got SML for the classic, 8-bitty feel, SML2 is more like Mario World, but criminally short, but frankly the first 2 Wario titles blew them away. Wario Land was a breath of fresh air, offering a new protagonist with a new set of skills, and was far, far longer than SML2. Wario Land II, though, is even longer. Big changes are more polished gameplay and...invincibility. Hit animations can hinder progress and you lose coins, but you can't truly die. The game still can be hella long though, because there's more hidden stuff than in almost any Mario game until SM64. (Note: Wario Land 4 is still pretty damn good, although easy; Wario Land 3 kinda sucks, though). Toki Tori - in between bouts of Metal Slug Advance, this is my current portable obsession. You're a cute little baby chick (as in poultry), trying to rescue your brothers, sisters, and other relatives. The game plays a lot like classic puzzle platformers like Lost Vikings, Lemmings, or the Humans, but the limitations of being a pudgy, clumly little chick lead to you having to gain plenty of skills along the way. Highly recommended. Donkey Kong - Except for maybe Mario vs. DK, the best version of Donkey Kong ever. Aside from the arcade levels, you must complete a ton of short levels that are about a screen or two long, but revolve around Mario using his head more than just to bash blocks. Get the key, make your way to DK, beat DK, chase after him again--until you face a King Kong sized DK at the end. Fantastic game, and arguably even better than the GBA revamp. Metal Gear Solid - Completely different than the PS version, but good. It's a touch of the old school Metal Gear meshed with many elements of the PS revamp, well worth playing. Questionable: Resident Evil (Gaiden) - I've heard mixed reviews about this one...haven't actually played it. Any input?
  5. AndrewTS

    EA signs a 5 year exclusive deal with NFL

    EA is evil and must be stopped. However, looking on the bright side, this means maybe competing companies may need to give us some more innovative products. Maybe next-gen Mutant League Football Tecmo Bowl games could be on the way to fill the void.
  6. Good for Funaki, but anyone who thinks he'll be elevated *with* the division instead of being used to drag the division down to his level (down, like, a proverbial inch or two, basically) is kidding him/herself. Are we sure Funaki's boyhood dream wasn't to bukkakel a blonde, large-breasted American gaijin bimbo?
  7. Bubble-wrap clothing for all! But you could suffocate from it...
  8. AndrewTS

    New Title to Kane Horror Film

    What marketing genius decided to name it something that makes you want to go to sleep?
  9. AndrewTS

    Ivory makes some Racist comments

    Actually, it was "crazier'n a pet coon" and "whipping him like a government mule," at least all the time I'd heard him say it (unless he said it in WCW or it was a few isolated ones a long time back).
  10. AndrewTS

    Gene Snitsky Signed My Friend's Boob

    They're there, but female smarks are almost non-existent from what I've seen. Usually they're marks and/or are just dragged along by their b/fs.
  11. AndrewTS

    Best Cheesesteak

    Never been to Philly, but the best Philly cheese steak I've had was from a stand outside my Lowe's called Dominic's of New York. It's expensive ($4.79 for a mere 7-inch), but it's still worth it, IMO. 2nd fave was, believe it or not, a cafeteria one at my old college campus. In general, the best ones are when they actually cook that damn thing right there, grill that bitch up nice and hot, and then pile it on the bread, dripping with juicy goodness. That pre-packed micro'd crap is fine with most lunch meat sandwiches, but it doesn't cut it with a cheese steak.
  12. AndrewTS

    Ivory makes some Racist comments

    Man, that's idiotic. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there's anything in HUNTSVILLE that terrorists would waste their time attacking.
  13. AndrewTS

    I need a good RPG.

    I think it's well worth noting that Phantasy Star Trilogy is coming out for PS2, and it's the revamped Sega Ages ones. Get this, though--Phantasy Star III isn't included. So it's I, II, and IV (aka The End of the Millenium). III didn't really fit in, so they're not including it, but maybe they didn't do an Ages version of III even.
  14. Some fat kid bully was giving me shit in Jr High, I guess because he was bigger and twice as wide as me, and after he actually shoved me over and I hit my head, I pulled his coat over his head, kicked him in the balls, and punched him several times in where I approximated his jaw was at. I think I got suspended 2 days, but he never messed with me again.
  15. AndrewTS

    Metal Gear Solid 3

    I hope so--what I played in EB was a little bit of gameplay and tons of cinemas at the start (which I guess is normal for any MGS game). It seems Hideo has taken up a Woodian love of stock footage, though. The closest you'll get to a remake of the original MG is the Game Boy MGS, which I haven't played much of, but it's pretty good from what I have played. A crappy block of pixels that didn't whine throughout the course of the entire game, I'd like to add. It wasn't so much *just* Raiden as it was the entire cast and story. The gameplay itself *is* good, as I've readily admitted, but when you make something such a large focus of a game and fail at it, you're hurting the overall game experience immensely.
  16. AndrewTS

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    This is a good thing how? Oh joy! More boring, shitty Kidman matches will be the only parts of the CW division that gets exposure! Can't wait! that would in turn mean London and Chavo get bigger programs. London/Kidman was off the hook the other night. It deserves a bigger audience. Fair enough; it's just that Kidman as the division's top heel is still pathetic, even if they at least have programs set up for him.
  17. AndrewTS

    A passing comment

    Yeah, don't bother to make a valid argument or address the points everybody discussed, biased Taker fan.
  18. AndrewTS

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    Nobody bothered to actually make a OAO thread before showtime, and just renamed the predictions thread, so...pretty much yeah.
  19. AndrewTS

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    This is a good thing how? Oh joy! More boring, shitty Kidman matches will be the only parts of the CW division that gets exposure! Can't wait! *nod* You think you weren't?
  20. AndrewTS

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    And it's in Pittsburgh.
  21. AndrewTS

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    Come on, Spike Dudley had it...
  22. AndrewTS

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    I thought London was going to do the 'Quake splash for a moment.
  23. AndrewTS

    Oliver Stone says you're stupid

    So Harry Knowles is smarter than most of the respected film critics around?