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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    The OAO Survivor Series 2004 Thread

    "IT WAS ALL...a dream!"
  2. AndrewTS

    Baywatch Coming To The Big Screen

    So, is this going to be CGI? Is that Full House movie really that far-fetched these days?
  3. AndrewTS

    The OAO Survivor Series 2004 Thread

    They had extra time to fill even after all the video packages?
  4. AndrewTS

    The OAO Survivor Series 2004 Thread

    And now a recap of the wacky antics of The Real World is Not Tough Enough.
  5. AndrewTS

    The OAO Survivor Series 2004 Thread

    Anglesault likes her, for some reason.
  6. AndrewTS

    The OAO Survivor Series 2004 Thread

    "Oh. Mister Flair."
  7. AndrewTS

    Shannon Moore's

    It was the 80's, though.
  8. AndrewTS

    Papparazi beaten

    Has an episode of "Walker, Texas Ranger" ever changed your life?
  9. AndrewTS

    The Thread Vince McMahon doesn't want you to read

    Considering that's what my dad says after going to the bathroom sometimes, it seems appropriate.
  10. AndrewTS

    LOL He wont give up

    As long as it wasn't a buffet. He should use "Fahrenheit 911,000." That's the death toll in Iraq now, right INXS?
  11. AndrewTS

    Shannon Moore's

    "Yay! I get to be the pitcher this month!"
  12. AndrewTS

    Video game sites/mags, and why they suck

    I'd never look at an issue if it didn't come with my Gamestop value card, thus being free for me. 90% of the games I buy are used, so it's well worth it. Although, yes--GI is really awful. Also, in an e-mail to one of the GI folks (which I posted a while back), everyone at GI basically hates 2D games. Despite their ties to EB, sadly the best magazine I check out these days is GMR. Tips n' Tricks is great, but their content is limited. I used to read Gamefan all the time, and they certainly gave a deserved look at a lot of titles that people would never hear of otherwise. However, they had a horrible tendency to overrate games they personally favored, and they'd change their minds a lot (a game would get a fairly good review, then a few issues later they'd mention it as being mediocre). A friend of mine really likes Play...but the reviews seem to never pan anything, and I think it even gave Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness a higher-than-average score.
  13. AndrewTS

    Election 2008

    Well, more correctly I think he was completely knocked out of the picture in late 2003, but it seems longer. Did he run for the 2000 election? Clark I would think would be less likely of a choice than Edwards, even. http://www.clark04.com/issues/
  14. AndrewTS

    One Day Left by Michael Moore

    Wow, I see poor punctuation, fragments, and huge leaps of logic all in the same place!
  15. AndrewTS

    Why is it that WWE are making all these blunders?

    The way Cena started out, he was hardly any better than a Tough Enough kid, character-wise. He changed his character quickly, it got over, and now he's doing just fine, although he's a little stale at the moment. Meanwhile, Maven is really no different now than he was after TE ended. Hanging around with other, more over guys isn't going to change the perception of him.
  16. AndrewTS

    Video game sites/mags, and why they suck

    I don't know the Driv3r debacle, please explain that to me. A brief look at it: http://news.spong.com/detail/news.asp?prid=7014 And a longer, opinion-oriented piece: http://worldofstuart.excellentcontent.com/driv3r.htm "So here's the real lesson of Drive-three-er, chums. Videogames magazines and videogames publishers nowadays exist solely as a mutual-support network aimed at squeezing money out of your pockets and into theirs. They know only too well that the days of games mags are numbered, so they have no interest in building reader loyalty, and hence no interest in integrity. All they want is to get as much cash out of you as possible before they die forever. And the best way of doing that is by hyping publishers' games, artificially inflating readers' enthusiasm, getting lucrative advertising from the publishers in return, and meanwhile cutting back on staff and budgets to the point that even reviewers naive enough to want to do their job properly simply don't have the time or the resources for it." I never said it wasn't an excellent game, I just suck at FPSers in general that use that control scheme, so I can't exactly get into it. It's rather insane that the original was in top ten sales lists for over a *year* after the game's release. Who was buying all those?
  17. AndrewTS

    The One and Only WWE Firing Thread.

    Yes it would. It would still suck. Seriously, though, Teddy was wasted in that role. He wasn't making *any* progress with those guys, although at least Henry was used well as a midcard heel. Mack seemed completely worthless.
  18. AndrewTS

    RVD DVD??

    Venis? I like RVD's piledriver sell when he's running towards some one, and he's caught and spiked into the mat, then bounces off the mat. With one of the discs dedicated to Mae Young.
  19. The guy who was on The Daily Show? I thought I saw his name on the credits as a writer, but didn't know he voiced a character. He's the dude with the eyepatch, correct? Own series? Eh, they're good, but I don't know. Plus, I liked the Dr. Weird ones a lot more on the whole.
  20. Oh, I like C2C a lot, but the LOOOONG PAUSES ALL THE TIME hurt it a lot, IMO. There were plenty of good eps, though. It's been while since I've seen SGC2C, which they actually plug in Adult Swim ads but never actually show anymore. (and the DVDs are still priced a bit high for my cheap ass) ATHF usually has very strong eps, and I've liked most of the newer eps ("Gee Whiz" is my favorite new one, though), yet I've not seen them enough to see if they stand up. Biggest problem with Brak Show at this point--as menitioned--too little Brak, hardly any Zorak, not enough Thundercles. Dad's left to pick up the slack (which he does well--such as his whoring of the Japanese company's crap), but is hurt by Brak, who was only tolerable as "that dumbass who would occasionally be on C2C." Three eps of Harvey Birdman stick out for me: the first ep, the Droopy one, and the one where they're trying to make everyone more efficient. Okay, honorable mention to the one with hidden cameras everywhere. My favorite one probably is the Droopy one, though. Wait--that's half of all the episodes they ever made right there, isn't it? X the Eliminator is the highlight of it for me, though. Sea Lab has a handfull of episodes I really like--Waking Quinn, Radio Free Sealab, and Hail, Squishface. For the most part, I absolutely hate it. I actually enjoyed the episode where they just re-dubbed an episode of Sea Lab 2020 with the current voice actors more than most of the 2021 eps.
  21. AndrewTS

    Scott Peterson Convicted of Murder

    That answered the question I've had for a long time--"why is this such a big story?" He's rich. I see. That really makes the case more important than so many other things that were shoved by the wayside in the meantime. My money is on Dean Cain to play Scott in the TV movie, BTW. Remember when he had a career for a while? Teri Hatcher only *just* bounced back...
  22. AndrewTS

    Bill Murray and Lucy Liu

    I'd like to hear the rationale for Garfield. He is a fan of Garfield and Jim Davis personally selected him. And Garfield wasn't a bad movie, it was like a movie version of the cartoon. Just wasn't good if you are above the age of 11 or not a fan. That movie was slightly more Garfield than Catwoman was Catwoman. If you are a fan of the strip back when it was good and before it turned to crap, you probably hated the movie. Murray was the sole bright spot, and even then his material was kind of weak. Hell, the "cartoon" that was based on the strip blows the movie away.
  23. AndrewTS

    RVD DVD??

    *clicks on thread, sees RVD bashing, dies of shock*
  24. AndrewTS

    Election 2008

    Maybe Al can revert back to Goreson Welles mode and take a shot that way.
  25. AndrewTS

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Wow, another aspect of AKI's nearly 5 year old titles have Yuke's' beat on.