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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Sell me off of a national ID card.

    Those upsides would be...(aside from the ones mentioned)? It seems quite scary to me, actually.
  2. AndrewTS

    Fav episode of the simpsons

    Agreed. What happened to the real Mr. Burns? I never thought any of the characters should be taken too seriously in the Treehouse of Horror episodes. I could name 10 or 15 lines or things that made this episode worth watching again. But then again, I know there are a lot of Simpsons haters out there. Not specifically here, but just in general. I had my away message up that I was watching it and my friend, who likes to antagonize me, put one up that said he was watching American Dreams and to hell with a show that had been on for 15 years with no storyline and where the characters never aged. It's people like this that The Simpsons is wasted on. They think it's stupid because it's a cartoon, it's been on a long time or you actually have to have some knowledge in pop culture or the finer points of life to get all of the jokes. I really like the Simpsons, but I get the "jumped shark" vibe that plenty of people were complaining about *a lot* lately. It's not bad by any stretch, and a mediocre Simpsons is still way better than most of what is on TV. However, I know they're capable of better, and I'd prefer to see them try a new series rather than drag a few more mediocre seasons out of this. I really liked last year's THoH, too. However, when I see virtually any show rip off Fantastic Voyage, it seems like they've run out of ideas. Yes, the THoH eps are almost all ripoffs of classic horror/sci-fi movies or Twilight Zone eps. Okay, it can work if a good enough twist is put on it (Family Guy), but far too often it is a rehash of the same ol' ideas. I think it's very telling that the awful Sea Lab 2021 resorted to the FV ripoff in its SECOND SEASON. Cute reference with Marge's suit being eaten away to Welch's 1,000,000 Year B.C. bikini, though.
  3. AndrewTS

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    I did something similar when I threw a chair, while outside the ring. Apparently they've made it so throwing the weapons is a DQ now, as opposed to HCTP, which, while good, I'd have liked to have known beforehand. Ah yes, I remember that. At least they paid attention to something. Hosses still rule in this game, though. Even though he didn't get quite as much offense in, my Batista completely devastated somebody's Shelton Benjamin online, despite him powerbombing me plenty of times. He barely put a nick on Pimpmaster B, though. A friend of mine apparently faced a Japanese gamer who made a minotaur CAW. They actually let you make a Mantaur head. Can't believe it. I have the pic on my HD if anyone's interested; just got no server to u/l to. Collision still is a bit too floaty at times--ie RVD's spinning heel kick, and so on. Apparently you can no longer stop a taunt partway through. This let me Irish Whip an opponent into the corner, super backdrop, and ***** Frog Splash for the win. I'll probably extend my rental now that I found my spare memory card. May face some peeps online around 8 PM EST if anyone wants to play a couple matches. I'll be using AndrewTS for my sign in name. I'm not bothering with CAWs yet. I've started season as regular Show because I just wanna use Bret right now. Torrie is still a gignormous whore. I see she's forgiven Show for trying to kill her, though.
  4. AndrewTS

    Rumble Roses Thread

    I would actually say more along the lines of a fighting game. DJV was still a wrestling game at its heart. FfNY is more of a fighter, though. Likewise, this will probably play more similar to the SD games than anything else, but will likely still have a play style different enough from them to be worth checking ou t.
  5. AndrewTS

    Gene Snitsky: The Next Sid?

    Long before I became a smark, Sid was the first heel I cheered for. I believe it was around 95 when I was cheering the guy on, because Diesel was sooo horribly lame. I wanted him to kick Diesel's ass so badly. He was really funny with the Psycho schtick, the odd mannerisms, and he at least looked scary. Nash just sucked, even then. Also, in I believe 96, Shawn's cheesy babyface routine also made me cheer the big lug on.
  6. AndrewTS

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    That's a good thing...Otherwise you'd have70% of idiots just running around with a chair trying to hit you for most of the match, and running around the ring and stuff like that. But yea...just knock out the ref then. Knock out the ref. Ah, I see. I made the mistake of doing it outside the ring, and thought it was okay. Got DQed. Argh.
  7. AndrewTS

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Is there a way to at least make the online matches no DQ? It's a shame you can't bash some one's brains in with a chair in a regular match if you can't play the other types of matches online. bah
  8. AndrewTS

    Clinton to Dems: Don’t whine, work on image

    Asking the Dems not to whine? That's crazy. That'd destroy nearly everything the party stands for. Of course, everyone knows Kerry lost because the GOP were disenfranchising blacks and Latinos.
  9. AndrewTS

    Rumble Roses Thread

    With no CAW or license, I guess they want to make it a pretty good value to interest folks. If it works out well, they may put in a CAW and highly expanded options in a follow up, at least IMO. Apparently, Konami is working on a Def Jam-ish approach by presenting an "alternative" approach to a wrestling game, only with b00bi35 instead of rappers.
  10. AndrewTS

    Man commits suicide due to election outcome.

    Whatever. The guy is burning in hell now.
  11. AndrewTS

    Fav episode of the simpsons

    Agreed. What happened to the real Mr. Burns?
  12. AndrewTS

    Sympathy for the Kerry?

    Those boner pills--stiffen one part of your body, loosen up the rest? I recommend picking up his "Great Political Wit" book. Excellent read.
  13. AndrewTS

    Rumble Roses Thread

    Interesting note: a bud put down a preorder for RR, and according to Gamestop, it's supposed to retail for $29.99 USD. Nice.
  14. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    I guess that was part of the severance package.
  15. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    The Bashams are going to split? Oh boy. This will be the most thrilling tag split since the Smoking Gunns broke up. You know, except for Sunny.
  16. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    Even the Basham fretting on the outside of the ring looks bored out of his skull.
  17. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    My sig. Above the Vince quote. It answers all.
  18. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    Left over figures from Arnolds movie that was canned in 2001 because of 9-11? It wasn't canned, it just was delayed. "Collateral Damage," I think it was.
  19. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    A Bashams' match or a Venture Bros. rerun. Really freakin' tough choice here.
  20. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    And this dude still doesn't have a job...what is wrong with our country?
  21. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    "Survivor Series: it's so unimportant this year that the logo for it has the name in parenthesis."
  22. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    We here at Spike TV would like to take this moment to piss on the Ramones' legacy.
  23. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    Mero was injury-prone, stale, and pretty much useless when he was taken off TV. They still employed Sable for a long time. Kidman's injury-prone and has none of Mero's upsides. Can his boring ass. Yah--I totally buy Rey has stroke.
  24. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    They could feed Hogan, Taker, HHH, and the Warrior to Kidman, and no one would give a damn.
  25. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    Yet he's survived the cuts. Thanks, Vince.