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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    They could hire back Jeff, but it wouldn't be the same.
  2. AndrewTS

    So Velocity anybody?

    Smackdown Your Vote--funny, I thought most of WWE's audience was well over 30 years old? One of these guys is no longer employed...the wrong one.
  3. AndrewTS

    The Republican Wish List

    Aussies aren't a race, and Jews are just another group of white people as far as most Americans are concerned. I wish some folks would get together, restore the economy to it's Clinton-era "glory" so can avoid 4 more years of how Bush is bed with big corporations. Iraq. End it. Don't care how. Hand it to the U.N. and watch them screw it up worse, I guess. Once we're down to the leftists whining about a president "raping the environment" and pretending as if they've personally dumped a million barrels of nuclear waste into our rivers and streams because they've slightly loosened pollution controls (and refuses to follow Kyoto, like every other industrialized nation is right now, you know), then we know everything's okay.
  4. AndrewTS

    Most anticipated PS2 game

    Most anticipated = gaming "journalists'" speak for "most overrrated as hell." MGS3, because SDvs.Raw is just another SD sequel, don't care for racers, and MGS3 shouldn't lick as much crotch as MGS2.
  5. AndrewTS

    Clinton to Dems: Don’t whine, work on image

    Seriously--we need to do something about that two term limit. Maybe as long as it is non-consecutive it should be okay. And no, having Bill as First Gentleman won't be the same... It wouldn't. It'd be the first time he was a gentleman. LOL2004! What about those clubs that are referred to as such?
  6. AndrewTS

    Kurt Angle was beaten by a TE kid.

    "A wrestler has a count of 5 to break a hold if any part of his or his victim's body is outside the ring. It's not often that holds are applied out on the floor, but if they are there's a 5-count just as if there was a rope break." Since when? I don't recall that ever happening. They just do the regular count on guys who are outside the ring. I haven't paid much attention to the shows lately, so maybe I missed a new rule.
  7. AndrewTS

    TNA starting false WWE rumors?

    What does Bush being re-elected have to do with Arab-American characters showing up on Raw? Geez, 9/11 happened three years ago. This is no more stupid or offensive than anything they've done in the past...yet. It's not like their characters are terrorists, even.
  8. LatinAssassin: Aren't most Catholics Democrat, though, anyway?
  9. AndrewTS

    Clinton to Dems: Don’t whine, work on image

    Seriously--we need to do something about that two term limit. Maybe as long as it is non-consecutive it should be okay. And no, having Bill as First Gentleman won't be the same...
  10. AndrewTS

    Meet your new senators!

    ...so, what were the losers like?
  11. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Writer Fired

    Firing a bad writer isn't the same as getting good ones, you know.
  12. As long as the US maintains its current political structure, we'll always be a two-party system, I believe. What this will mean, I believe, is just that the GOP will shift towards a more moderate platform while the DNC drifts further left. If either one vanished, another would take its place. What I don't like about a lot of these projections are that they take it for granted population will increase at the current rate. Likely, what will happen is that you will minorities increasing their educations and getting better jobs. With that, you often see decreased numbers of children being born. So I do see a large increase over that time period, but I don't know about them becoming a majority.
  13. AndrewTS

    The One and Only WWE Firing Thread.

    Rajah said "two more" were cut that haven't been announced yet.
  14. AndrewTS


    "If a society is not in reasonable health, democracy can be not only risky but disastrous....not that dictatorship is good and democracy bad but that democracy emerges successfully only as a capstone to other social and economic achievements." -- Robert Kablan, The Coming Anarchy Iraq is unstable, to be certain. While it may very possibly blossom into a healthy democracy, it's simply not going to work in its current form, and the transition is going to be long and brutal. There's always the threat of that power vacuum, which provides vast opportunity for another Saddam or theocracy to take its place.
  15. AndrewTS

    Keyes Blames Loss

    Republicans probably would say so, too...
  16. AndrewTS

    Where to exchange opened games?

    I absolutely loved Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game and it was one of the top 3 games I bought my Playstation to play. Acclaim's sequel just absolutely botched everything Midway did right with it. Hell, the Genesis version of WMTAC blows IYH away. Oh, back on topic, another great thing about buying used is that you can return them easily. Your store slap a sticker on it? Well, if it is just on the side, unsnap the lid of the jewel case to open it. If you decide to take it back, snap the hinges back in place--and you're set. Some of them have put stickers along the spine and over the jewel case lid to prevent that, but a lot of them haven't caught on about it.
  17. AndrewTS

    Where to exchange opened games?

    EB used to do it before a lot of assholes abused it. I had only used it for MK Mythologies and WWF In Your House, myself, because they really, really sucked.
  18. AndrewTS

    One Day Left by Michael Moore

    So, because the "most liberal" guy in the Senate lost to a very conservative President who was unpopular with a lot of people for various reasons by a mere 3 million votes...the answer in 2008 for the Dems is another liberal? May as well fire Terry and replace him with Mikey right now. He's got his chubby fingers on the pulse of the American voting public. "What's up with points #8 and #10??? African-Americans = Good health care and fair governance???" I think Mikey means that in 50 years hispanics should be the majority population and they'll be Democrats. Except, you know, half of them may end up becoming Republican and/or they may not necessarily experience population growth at the current levels. Of course, based on current theory, at least the demographic trend should be correct, although not necessarily the ideologic.
  19. AndrewTS

    Rumble Roses Thread

    Yukes: Okay, we've been coasting on the same ol' wrestling engine with minor tweaks thanks to the WWE license. So let's see if we can pull it off with b00bi35! Insightful, I know. "Borrowing very heavily from the SmackDown franchise in a multitude of ways, it plays a lot like that series does; only dumbed down a bit to keep things light. In fact, Rumble Roses as a whole it a lot more difficult than SmackDown is, despite the fact that it doesn't offer as many moves to select from. Granted, players will still have the same double-directional functionality that's found in THQ's title when it comes to moves, but there aren't as many to maneuvers to select from." Sounds like a "casual" wrestling title, even more so than the vastly overrated HCTP.
  20. AndrewTS

    Tonight's South Park...

    It was funny because it is true. All of the Wal-Mart stereotypes got a huge laugh from me. I grew up in small town Kentucky, which has given me a greater appreciation for the grossly overweight Wal-Mart employee and Wal-Mart stereotypes in general. Awesome episode. They needed a murderous gingerbread cookie, or Gramps talking to a regular gingerbread cookie. Okay, I would have settled for Mr. Hanky in one of those vests, but that flat-out disturbing Wal-Mart commercial begged to be parodied. Drawn Together was much better this time. Parody of tentacle hentai--nice.
  21. AndrewTS

    3 MORE WWE Wrestlers released...

    But, but--Carmella's a great heel who is going to draw tons and tons of $$$ through her thrilling feuds and shoots of her...in bikinis, and maybe another couple of Playboy shoots. She's a brilliant investment!
  22. AndrewTS

    3 MORE WWE Wrestlers released...

    This was posted in another thread. I thought we were up to 12 already cut in the last few days. Maybe in the morning, though... I don't remember WWE ever cutting this many during their regular "spring cleaning." Are they in more trouble than we thought?
  23. AndrewTS

    Tonight's South Park...

    Actually, they said True Value (sp?).
  24. AndrewTS

    Since the WWE is on a firing spree...

  25. Because WWE may have forgotten they work there?