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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. Maybe they'll be outsourced to Mexicans?
  2. ...he then continued to keep the women's division alive, instead of doing something like, oh, trading them to SD, perhaps for the fluffers there.
  3. AndrewTS

    Best classic collection

    Those Game Gear games were added (all of the GG games were on Sonic Adventure DX, though), Comix Zone (was in the Japanese SMC but not the US one), and I think that's basically it. They're all emulated, though. That's not a *bad* thing, but what it basically means is that it isn't full screen; there are black bars around the display. Still feels exactly like it should, though. Not really worth it if you have the original SMC, but if you don't you get a nice collection of Sonic games, plus the others, for $20. I'm not sure what you gotta do to unlock the S&K lock-in games or the separate lock-on games yet, though. No Sonic CD--you're going to have to go PC CD-ROM, Sega CD, or SCD emulator for that, I'm afraid.1 Anyone who has the PS2/XB/GC Namco Museum collection--could you tell me the total list of games on that one?
  4. If he doesn't rock the boat and continues to improve I don't think they'll cut him for a while, but he's yet to show any major upsides. Nowinski has potential to be used in a non-wrestling role, and certainly has more upsides than Josh Matthews, Grisham, etc. WWE likes Cade for some reason, ditto with Jindrack. Henry's contract expires when again? Maven, Mack, Tomko, Holly, Heidenreich I agree with. Grenier I agree with, but maybe they like the guy. Akio I disagree with, although the way they use him they may as well cut him. Hiroko is a worthless valet to a worthless wrestler, but they may decide to try to get some Diva shoots out of her first. Reigns is good on the mic and they seem to like him, so don't think he'll be fired. Of course, they can't cut all the jobbers...
  5. AndrewTS

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    I'm waiting for my Hollywood Video to get it in to rent. They said Friday. A friend online has it, though: "Well, I got through the first month (You try to get Torrie from Dupree... the usual, I win the match and she comes home and f***s me tonight. The storyline from wrestling I hate the most! I mean.. the bad guy wins and the girl is dragged off to get f***ed... so WWE is endorsing women as objects and rape?" Me: "You have watched WWE before, right?"
  6. Gail started out as a total disaster, but she was really improving and was a good heel. Nidia was awful, but I guess this means the TE folks aren't guaranteed a job forever. Palumbo actually had some upsides and potential, so it's a shame he's released. Why does Holly still have a job?
  7. AndrewTS

    11 States ban gay marriage

    I agree with Loss. I'm a Christian, and at the very least I think gays should have civil unions if they want, with identical rights to a married couple. It doesn't affect me one way or another, and it doesn't even conflict with my beliefs. I think there's plenty of room to be a Christian who loves his gay friends in a platonic manner and believes in evolution. Kerry and Bush having *identical* stances on the issue (both are opposed to gay marriage, but support civil unions) certainly didn't help, though. Get a good rest. I had a car accident this Monday and it may end up needing to be totalled, all because I fell asleep at the wheel. It's not worth the risk.
  8. AndrewTS

    Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal

    I wouldn't consider Sly in the big 3 because of sales, popularity, and being one game behind... However, it's much better than J&D and J2. J&D is extremely overrated, despite being hella fun (I collected every item in the game). Jak II is more of the same, with the super-form of Jak being the only major advantage--that and "attitude."
  9. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    I'm rather disappointed about that actually. I'd hope that there'd be more of a Dem/Rep balance this time around. Ah well. The people have spoken. Us young folks are slackers who like to whine and complain...I've talked to several Kerry supporters this morning who wanted to vote but "things came up." Yeah, PA is probably still going to Kerry anyway (with a slim chance of it changing), but I find that very funny. I expect them to be complaining a lot over the next four years.
  10. AndrewTS

    Best classic collection

    Sonic Mega Collection + is supposed to be out, but I haven't had a chance to check my local EB yet (yesterday was listed as the release date). Nintendo is gyping people. 20 bucks for Donkey Kong missing a level? There's no excuse for them not to give us Donkey Kong Classics instead, but even so I'd have probably stuck with my DK'94 for Game Boy. Namco needs to release a huge DVD of the entire Museums (The PS1's N,A,M,C,O editions and including the final one released only in Japan) for me to really bother with their collections. Midway's done a great job, but some lazy job emulating kind of hurts the packages. Konami hasn't released a "must have" one yet. Come on, give us a CV collection, guys. So Midway wins, IMO.
  11. AndrewTS

    Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal

    Game Informer sucks. A high rating from them doesn't mean a damn thing (9.5 for MK:D ?!?!). However, I think it will be excellent, and play it yourself if you have any doubts. Plus, it has old-school appeal with an excellent 2D platformer game with in as well. Big 3? R&C:UYA, Jak 3, and....? Online features? Rockin'. I'm going to have to annoy some friends into getting it.
  12. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    Fox News calling Bush 210-144. Ha!
  13. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    When Clinton or Nixon are eligible to run again with new robot bodies?
  14. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    Don't worry - Edward can just combine them all into one massive class action suit against Bush. And if starts channeling the dead at trial, Dubya is SUNK. I thought the dead voted for Bush? That Boondocks strip said so!
  15. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    Can we look forward to Kerry as an itenerant college professor? Score! When does Kerry's term as senator end? Not sure, but I think he's a giant douche for not leaving it, instead of simply not even showing up for sessions. Even Edwards gave up his seat to run.
  16. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    I think that's something we can all agree on. PA firmly in the Kerry column? I was hoping we'd be Bizarro FL 2004, with Rendell's questionable practices with those military ballots.
  17. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    Nader screwed Nader!
  18. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    With 94% of FL reported, they say *maybe* Bush. Did Moore trip and crush a few thousand Dems?
  19. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    "My father was a long shoreman with Tourettes, and I've never heard anything quite like (Teresa Heinz-Kerry)." Samantha Bee on CC I don't think she's joking.
  20. AndrewTS

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    "Don't remember those games but I remember Warzone and Attitude by Acclaim which were bad." No shit, Sherlock. "I hope WWE gets a new developer for their games." Why?
  21. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    On Comedy Central: "The Rockies are bumpy" Those are the Appalacians, dumbass.
  22. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    KKK and my state went solidly for Kerry.
  23. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    Civil suit against Jackson for "repressed" memories of sexual abuse from 20 years ago. What a crock. Oh boy, here comes a fat socialist weasel.
  24. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    "We have our first lawsuit of the night."
  25. AndrewTS

    CNN Live projections

    On CBS: Evil White Republican confronts a jive-talking Democrat woman.