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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. Interesting concept for winners of the SurSer match. Although I fear stupid babyface crap for 4 weeks straight.
  2. Orton gets a *slighter* bigger pop than Maven. Batista gets more heat than Edge, by far.
  3. Trish vs. Lita .....WTF?!?!??!?!?!??!?!??!?!?
  4. Nature Boy Ric Shatner
  5. "I'm a Metro...sexual..."
  6. Are the diva losers never going to go away?
  7. AndrewTS

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Online only has Bra & Panties and single matches. Quite disappointing. At least it has singles matches. I thought it was B&P only like the guy said. By "singles matches" are we talking only normal exhibition, or all singles matches? Like, would HIAC, Hardcore, etc be playable online?
  8. "Let's see how well Raw does..." Looks like we're getting plenty of Orton and Edge tonight.
  9. AndrewTS

    WWE issues RAW spoiler in press release

    Wasn't the OVW character's name "Muhammad Hussein?"
  10. AndrewTS

    WWE Releases Billy GUnn and A-Train

    A-Train surprises me. I thought JR, Ace, Bruce, and Vince all liked the guy and Taker was a big supporter of getting him pushes? Test better milk that injury for every last moment he can and make sure he's in good with Stacy, because if they'd release those two I can't see them keeping him around much longer either. Of course, the institution that is Billy Gunn being canned after well over a decade in WWE is a total shock. Let's reflect on our favorite Billy Gunn memories.... .... .... .... Remember when he said "WE GOT TWO WORDS FOR YA?!" Remember when he beat X-Pac for the KotR? Remember when Edge made fun of him for being the 2nd worst KotR? Remember when him and Chuck Palumbo were gay homosexuals, had matches with 2 Count that weren't complete abortions, and were involved in the wedding where Bischoff unmasked, and had 3MW attack Stephanie to huge pops? Good times.
  11. AndrewTS

    MTV2 is becoming a basic cable channel

    Well, there's exactly 2 more things I like about MTV2 already than regular ol' MTV. They'd better both stay on when it becomes basic.
  12. AndrewTS

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    "and an online mode that's only for a Bra & Panties match" Wait...is this true?
  13. "Yeah, I think Dames used to ban posters for death wishes." Unless they were either obviously joking, and/or as in Sakura/Anyanka's case, be a chick. Then it's okay.
  14. AndrewTS

    Weekend Boxoffice Report Oct 29-31

    Plus it's based on a book that's actually pretty solid and funny as-is. However, that book (Skipping Christmas)'s humor wasn't as...well, overt as what I'd expect a Tim Allen movie to be. I magined Mr. Krank (in the book) to be played totally straight. This version seems to rely more on sight gags (the frozen cat wasn't in the book, for instance). Surviving Christmas was critically lambasted and hardly anybody has even heard of it. So it was pretty much doomed on all counts.
  15. AndrewTS

    Hunter S. Thompson digs in his heels.

    Especially with charming statements like: I'm speechless.
  16. AndrewTS

    Angle to RAW, Benoit to Smackdown?

    Trade who to Smackdown?
  17. AndrewTS

    The OAO What are you going as for Halloween thread

    Go as a vampire cowboy--duh. Hell, they're a video game starring one...
  18. I didn't see TT, but I seem to recall him saying that on a Raw, myself.
  19. AndrewTS

    SNL Review

    They completely blew the opportunity to portray Teresa as the crazy bitch she is in the Kerry/Clinton skit.
  20. AndrewTS

    New Osama Tape

    I thought we were in it already?
  21. AndrewTS

    WWF files papers against WWF

    Considering that this suit pertains to *past* "damage" done to the Fund, it's more like Pandas vs. McMahon Episode I of a prequel trilogy. Nugent!
  22. AndrewTS

    New Osama Tape

    Why kill him? He'd be a martyr. Make him serve hard labor until he dies in captivity.
  23. AndrewTS

    Trish as a heel, is it working for you?

    I'm pretty sure Molly said in an interview that she was a fan as a child, if I remember correctly she said she was a Hulkamaniac and also liked Ricky Steamboat. Sorry to nitpick, but that's just me being my smarkish Molly fan self. I agree with the rest of what you wrote too. Oh--I thought she said she wasn't interested until then. Maybe what she actually said/meant was that she had no plans of getting into the business, nor any idea how she would. I don't mind the "nitpicking" at all. I *still* don't count her as a wrestler.
  24. AndrewTS

    New Osama Tape

    Kerry: "He outsourced the operation...blah blah." Bush: "Aw, shit."
  25. AndrewTS

    Morrissey urges fans to vote for John Kerry

    I see those Nazi Germany parallels...yeeeup. MY GOD, SIX HOURS?!?! He might have missed check-in time at his hotel if he'd not planned on such a delay! Those monsters! Are all your posts this terrible? What sort of discussion? I don't think the actual music discussion in this thread was the intended result. The second sentence makes no sense whatsoever. Translation: "No, I can't justify Morrissey's embarrasing, self-centered, and tastleless gripes either, so I won't even try. I'll just continue to attack the person who DARES to not like him." Props to MiG for doing a better job of explaining Morrissey's complaints than Morrissey could himself, though, and certainly better than the folks who didn't even try.