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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    DOA Ultimate

    "SVC Chaos was horrible, heh, 6.5 is generous." Since 6.5 means ABOVE AVERAGE (or *should*), yes, it is generous. Plus it means that I don't think there's anyway in hell that DoAU will score that "low." SvCC would have deserved a far, far worse score than 6.5 if it had been released 10 years ago with the gameplay as it is. BUT, Chaos has online play...so I guess no matter how gawdawful a fighter is released, if it has online play GI will give it a 6.5 or better. There's an inherent flaw when readers *think* that 6.5 is supposed to be a bad game, when in fact it *should* be a game that's above average, may have minor flaws, and simply doesn't deserve a really high score. GI gave Ratchet and Clank 3 a perfect 10. They *hype that* on the cover. While I believe it is a really good game (going by the quality of the last two titles), that "perfect 10" is virtually meaningless. It seems like an "average" game gets about a 7 in game magazines that use the 10-point scale. I think a lot of the blame lies in people likening games to grades in school, where 65% or less is an F (at least where I live, anyway). It completely throws the "bell curve" principle out of whack. If it looks pretty and has online play, GI will probably give it at least a 9.0.
  2. AndrewTS

    Morrissey urges fans to vote for John Kerry

    Simply, his comments deserve nothing more than being brushed off as that of some whining little hippie bitch. The gist of Morrissey's gripes: "I'm being mildy inconvenienced. This is obviously Bush's fault. My fans should vote for Kerry since I think he'll make U.S. security more lax. (By implication of the comment about the officers) Bush = Hitler LOL2004)." If you've changed your mind over a candidate because Morrissey is being held up an extra hour when he enters or exits the country, you're a dumbass, plain and simple. There are far, far better reasons to vote for Not-Bush. Besides, if you're a Morrissey fan, you aren't voting for Bush anyway, so this entire thread is pointless.
  3. AndrewTS

    DOA Ultimate

    Game Informer (the worst gaming magazine around today that I know of, except for possibly those gaming/"men's" magazines) gave MKD a 9.5. NINE-POINT-FIVE! They gave SVC Chaos 6.5. If they give DoAU any lower than an 8 I'll be shocked.
  4. AndrewTS

    PSP or Nintendo DS

    Based on.......? Sony isn't even expecting to market that thing to the same people.
  5. AndrewTS

    Morrissey urges fans to vote for John Kerry

    Are all your posts this terrible? Do you take smart-ass comments from kkk seriously? Is this folder so pathetic that this is one of the main stories? Was there an actual point to this being posted anyway?
  6. AndrewTS

    Smackdown! Thread!

    The Rumble accomplishes something. A SurSer match can, too. Both HBK and Ortbran came out of last year's looking pretty damn good. Although I do think the SurSer matches often can seem forced and artificial when guys who weren't at all associated a few weeks prior suddenly decide to team up in a match. It works well when there are established stables, but when there aren't, you get things like Team Doink...
  7. AndrewTS

    Smackdown! Thread!

    The Carlito apple spit is SO on par with the coffee-spill but can't even come close to touching the toothpick toss.
  8. AndrewTS

    Smackdown! Thread!

    She isn't white. ...well, you know what I mean.
  9. AndrewTS

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Agreed. The balance in HCTP is godawful, and having to make a new guy's stats from scratch anytime you want to make anyone is lame. I should be able to edit a guy's stats however I like, making it easy to make multiple real life wrestlers that aren't in the game. I don't want to clone a guy with all-perfect stats because it would feel all wrong for anybody you'd make. Speed was nigh-worthless as a stat. They STILL didn't fix the awful-looking clipping in HCTP. They removed modes of play for BRA AND PANTIES?!? SvR will get a rent before I pick it up.
  10. AndrewTS

    Smackdown! Thread!

    Obvious edits here...
  11. AndrewTS

    Smackdown! Thread!

    This blond-haired guy is nearly as tall as Show...
  12. AndrewTS

    Smackdown! Thread!

    We've got Male Diva Search aka Another ****ing Tough Enough.
  13. AndrewTS

    Teresa Heinz can't keep her mouth shut...

    So she's admitting Kerry's view of how well he's going to do with the U.N. is childish?
  14. AndrewTS

    South Park

    Except Venture Bros.
  15. AndrewTS

    Morrissey urges fans to vote for John Kerry

    God bless Bush for keeping Morrissey out of the U.S.
  16. AndrewTS

    If Rock returned full-time

    Just like other "major" return... 2...week...boost. But damn if those two weeks wouldn't be entertaining. Why would Rock be able to do anything about HHH's stranglehold on the booking now if he wasn't able to before?
  17. AndrewTS

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    I see... Plus reviews and impressions from Gamefaqs basically say it's an average, middle-of-the-road, nothing-interesting game. So a $5 Fire Pro is still a way better deal than a $30 WWE game.
  18. AndrewTS

    D-Von Dudley involved in altercation w/ fan

    *Wonders how many of these "altercations" are staged and how many are real...* Plus I see a lot of assumptions being made here, so I'm indifferent.
  19. AndrewTS

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Anyone know anything about the GBA Survivor Series game? It has good graphics, but...that means nothing. Perhaps it will be good (like Fire Pro and Fire Pro 2), or it will be like every other portable wrestling game--bad. Heck, I've even played Big Bang Pro Wrestling on NGPC, which, despite having a casket match, an "on a pole" match, and a female "hidden" character with gignormous breasts, still was awful (mainly because of bad control).
  20. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Spoilers 10.26.04

    On Raw, at least, I guess. On SD, I would figure Heyman would be, and can picture him easily going on Lewis-Black-style rants.
  21. AndrewTS

    GTA: San Andreas

    You can be a sheeplike "casual gamer" who bought the damn thing because Maxim and Playboy thinks its so kewl and you can kill hookers? (/still an elitist prick) Although the basic point that a lot of the people getting this may suck at games probably stands.
  22. AndrewTS

    GTA: San Andreas

    Well, I kinda got a slight impression of that sort in commercial with "Welcome to the Jungle" playing and a bunch of black guys running around in the game footage...
  23. AndrewTS

    Trish as a heel, is it working for you?

    "And, yes, it´s the mens fault, not the girls... I´m sure the girls dreamed about being wrestlers when they were 9 years old, not getting paid for taking their clothes off...." Actually, even Molly, Ivory, and so forth weren't even interested in wrestling until they were older (Molly after high school, Ivory in her 20's, I believe). Only Trish has been a fan since childhood, I believe. I don't think there are a great number of women that are interested in getting involved in the business to wrestle. Heck, not even too many black males seem interested (compare the state of wrestling to other sports in America). The business is run and watched by a lot of backwards, stubborn males who want their male wrestlers to look a certain way and want their female wrestlers to look good in tight clothing above all else. Until a major part of the fanbase wants to take the women seriously, nothing is going to change. "Why not fire all the divas and let the menter miss world-contests and stuff like that.since that´s all they do, show their looks and not their wrestlingtalents...." I think it's tolerable if they make the wrestlers separate from the fluffers. I mean, keeping the "divas" on one show and the female "superstars" on the other works fine. Should they ever interact, somebody like Torrie should stand about as good a chance against Molly as Coach would against Tajir--ER, Shane would against Ka--ER, make that Michael Cole against the Rock. The Divas realistically should get their asses kicked without the female wrestlers breaking a sweat. Of course, you know how that works out. They're pushing Nidia and Stacy as wrestlers, for cryin' out loud. Welcome to the board, BTW, sarafromsweden.
  24. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Spoilers 10.26.04

    "If they're not smart enough to realize that, when in the middle of the ring, during a SD taping, with PEOPLE WATCHING, they should sell for THE GODDAMNED BIG SHOW, then they have NO business in wrestling. None. Period." Agreed wholeheartedly. WTF do they think it is, the 80's and they're Hulk Hogan (hell, even Hogan sold for Andre's bodyslam)? I'd assume that selling the move would be the whole bloody point.
  25. AndrewTS

    Ok people, Sell me on something.

    EB offers a warranty for a year (maybe even 2 years...) on used stuff, and they fix up the broken systems before reselling them. I still say if you keep your system unplugged when not using it, keep the lens clean, and it wasn't one of the crappy first-run PS2s, your system should last a while: 3 years already and going strong with my PS2 that I bought used in September '01.