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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Alien vs. Predator

    Precisely--so why play it up as if they may ultimately want to conquer us? Because simply put, we ARE next in line. Think about it, the Aliens are the ultimate test because of their numbers. If they eliminate all the Aliens, then what species would be the next logical test for them? A well armed, intelligient human race that works very much like the Aliens. Not to mention, Earth has been the proving grounds already apparently according to the story and the only thing keeping humans from being the hunted IS the Aliens on the planet. So either, humans become hosts to the Aliens or humans become the next thing to be used as a test for the young predators. So pretty much, whoever wins then we lose. The Predators would just take longer to kill us all while the Aliens wouldn't take as much time. Maybe I missed something in the comics, but when has a large population of Predators come en masse to a planet for conquest? Plus, aside from a few extremely strong humans, there's very few opponents for the Predators to prove themselves against. Compared to a Predator in fighting skills and strength, your average human is a total puss. The most Predators would really want to do is come here, snag a few trophies, and leave. The exception might be in the case of, oh, if their planet was in grave danger and they'd have to relocate their operations. What precedence is there for a large number of Predators to take on, oh, even a 3rd world country's relatively-small standing army, let alone slaughter lots of innocents and want to take over the planet. Those who have read the comics, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about that, but from what I gather the Predators mostly go solo or in small groups. Besides, why would the Predators completely wipe out humans when they'd make such excellent prey for other Predators, future generations, etc. They'd want to keep us around. Probably the reason they came to earth for this mission was to be able to take on some of the aliens as well as some humans, rather than having to trek across several galaxies to try to take on both. As for the person who said these are "teenager" Predators, I'd like to note that at least one of them is designated as an "Elder" Predator, who is possibly the leader. I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule, but you can add Catwoman to the the list as well.
  2. Makes no difference to vote since WWE decided who they wanted a long time ago, but I find Joy the most attractive and she actually knows how to draw some heat, even if it is the cheap sort. The redhead is annoying as hell, but at least she's enthusiastic. The rest I don't give a damn about. OH YES, that would so rule. Shame I'll have to wait for the SumSlam DVD to actually see the show, because the rest of it looks pretty good.
  3. AndrewTS

    Former WWE Star Planning To Release New Film

    Well, probably most of his matches were on WWF Superstars
  4. AndrewTS

    More bull from Sable

    Man, that was sure a vicious and venomous WWE rant there, wasn't it? But a Sable at the end of her contract, with plenty of enemies, and a fiance she doesn't get to spend much time with is a little different than one recently hired, secure in her job, with a love interest working with her. Basically, she probably doesn't care right now, I think.
  5. AndrewTS

    Best SNES Two-Player Games

    Either that, or they don't really think of Lemmings as an SNES game. Probably most people played that on a PC.
  6. No, we're on a pre-PPV Raw, the hard sell show, silly...with Diva Search junk.
  7. Usually I would agree with you, but considering we were responsible for Hogan's return (and we're still sorry about that) and that Trish is pretty much leading this, it probably won't be booed out of the damn building. We should all be rooting for Team WWE because they want to pelt Team Diva Search in the face with their balls.. err..that didn't come out right.. Trish: These skanks represent odor, and THESE *points to rack of green balls* represent the POWER CAPS.
  8. Not really. Rush CAN be good, but even then they haven't really produced anything I'd remotely connect with a wrestling event since their UnLedded Zeppelin days.
  9. HHH playing the part of Taker, Eugene playing the part of Ric Flair, and Regal playing the part of David Flair.
  10. Are you KIDDING? She must feel like Talia as Bats and Ra's battle on in the desert. I love comics. Yes I do. Who, by the way, better be in Begins, even if in a minor role.
  11. AndrewTS

    LAX Video Game...

    "The President said that Acclaim is going out of business" SOMEBODY forgot to renew their deal with Lucifer...
  12. AndrewTS

    Danny Williams to turn up on Raw?

    Maybe Desiree Washington, Sandra Miller, and those Mariott autograph hounds would.
  13. AndrewTS

    WWE store

    I was at Niagara Falls and checking out Clifton Hill...but I didn't go into the WWE store. The two arcades there were vastly more interesting to me. They had Raiden Fighters Jet and Virtua Cop 3!!
  14. AndrewTS

    Like Justice League?

    Yes, Superman's fantasy was slightly different. For one thing, he didn't retire to a farm. There are a few other things that are different, but I don't want to spoil the story for those who haven't read it. As for Mongul's fantasy; yes, they did show what he was fantasizing about. Rockin'. I actually remembered that. Now I need to try to find a trade paperback with that one in it, since I lost the original.
  15. AndrewTS

    Bryan Singer leaves X-Men to direct Superman

    Yeah, but this isn't DC, as was mentioned. And yes, sometimes a new director for a series isn't necessarily a bad thing. For example, Cameron and Aliens. Plus...uh...I can't think of any other.
  16. AndrewTS

    Bryan Singer leaves X-Men to direct Superman

    ...which is basically exactly what I said, but thanks for seconding it.
  17. AndrewTS

    Like Justice League?

    I actually remember checking out FTMWHE in one of the reprints. Loved it, and was totally marking out when I realized it was going to be the same. Two questions though: wasn't Supes' fantasy slightly different, and did they show what Mongul was fantasizing in the comic? It also reminds me of the very similar Batman: The Animated Series episode where Bruce found himself in a very similar situation--but rather than reliving when his parents were killed with a different result, he was zapped right back into his "ideal" life. (Ep name escapes me, don't have that episode guide link on this computer...but it seems it was inspired by that story)
  18. AndrewTS

    Gamfaqs character battle

    Well, if it were Spike TV or something, Football Guy would go undefeated throughout the entire tournament. Didnt Gamefaqs just have a Character Battle in spring or something?
  19. AndrewTS

    WWE Notes from the 8/9 Observer

    Does anyone think we might see him return as Shane Helms and not the Hurricane? I'd say it would be more likely he'd return as the Mega Maniac or Fur Face/Run-In Man/etc. They'd be more likely to use him as Hurricane than a skinny jobber using his real(ish) name. Besides, Shane Helms? They might confuse him with Shane McMahon. Can't have that, can we? Agreed. If he's just following the rules WWE laid down, I can't really blame him. However, sounds like stone-age thinking since no one gives a damn about whether or not an OVW face and OVW heel are hanging out together. If anyone gives a damn about OVW period, they probably are wise enough to the business that such a thing isn't going to shatter their illusion of wrestling. This is SO screaming to be elaborated on by DEAN... However, I don't think WWE's main demographics have much interaction with women, at least not women unrelated to them. This is San Francisco--surely the men there do, too? Gotta love how the Observer covers anything even remotely related to wrestling. Or not. Translation: The writer here loves WWE Style, and Grisham, contrary to early reports, knows jack **** about the business and is another worthless "pretty young man" hired by that buck-toothed jack off Dunn. If Cole looks informed and well-composed next to you, you just suck.
  20. AndrewTS

    Guess who bought the Katie Vick Costume!

    Uh...where's the "irony?" However, I'm surprised he only paid 200 bucks for it (well, 100 between RD and Blade), but I'm still confounded anyone would pay that much for it. I eagerly await the follow up on it, though.
  21. AndrewTS

    American TV censorship reaches new Highs/Lows

    Is "LEZ" considered a slur, or does it merely have to do with it referring to homosexuality? Is it in the Scrabble dictionary? Yeah, I know it isn't Scrabble, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had a Boggle equivalent. I always through the proper spelling would be "LES" myself.
  22. AndrewTS

    Bryan Singer leaves X-Men to direct Superman

    Too bad, since I figured it was merely going to be delayed. However, I don't actually believe that Superman is going to come out before X3 anyway... Geez, between Batman, Catwoman, and Superman, nearly every DC movie has been delayed to a ridiculous extent. However, unlike DC's recent properties (save Batman Begins), Marvel's done decent to great jobs on all theirs. While certainly there's some fear that they'll simply farm it to hack director, give him a tiny budget, and we'll see a terrible cheesefest or rehash, it seems Marvel cares more (plus they have far more control that DC does, because what DC movies are made and how they're done is almost completely up to WB). Heh--maybe they can hire Richard Donner to do X3 in an ironic twist. Heck, he was an Ex Producer on the first X-Men I heard.
  23. AndrewTS

    Former WWE Star Planning To Release New Film

    "Former WWE Star"...and nobody seems to remember him being there or the name he used there. (Man Mountain Rock as part of the "New Generation" of 1995, if I recall correctly. ) I think the case was dismissed, because surely any sensible judge and jury would see there's absolutely no similarity in the characters, plus there's one less X in "Max"'s name. Surely Rockstar would rip off the name of a wrestler some one had actually heard of. Plus the name is so punny and cheesy it can hardly be deemed all that original. It sounds like an indie wrestler name, because it's little more than that.
  24. AndrewTS

    Best SNES Two-Player Games

    The superior DKC2 doesn't have the 2 Player option? I remember it had some issues in the first one, namely you still only control one character at a time, although you can "steal" control back and forth as you wish. King of the Monsters Oh, Animaniacs is also a co-op action game--made by Konami! Damn fun too, although I haven't played it in a while since it's just not as fun without 2 players. Censorship aside, Samurai Shodown is still a pretty good game.
  25. AndrewTS

    Danny Williams to turn up on Raw?

    I'd agree. Hey, remember that WWE deal Rulon Gardner was supposedly going to get? Didn't think so.