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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Super Mario Bros. DX or Re Release of Original?

    Well, they released the Zelda collection disc for GC, but that has some glaring omissions: Link to the Past (which got a stand-alone GBA release) and the Game Boy games. I think they were worried about people complaining that they tinked with a classic, or just figured that if you were into it enough to want to play the original, you wouldn't really need an upgraded version, and so Nintendo could focus energies elsewhere. Plus, the game that is often considered the one of the very best of the Zelda games, OoT, isn't possible on the GBA. It's be interesting to see them put Zelda 1, 2, LttP, Link's Awakening, the Oracles, and maybe even the new GC Four Swords all together--but sounds more fitting to a Gamecube Disc. Why they didn't do a better job the last time I don't get. Nintendo's Incomplete Anthologies of LoZ are getting increasingly annoying. Do it right, already. Upgraded graphics and music, but nothing else! I've noticed in general that the recent trend of Retrogaming usually strays far away from "upgrading" the original game. Of course, there's good ways to do it--Double Dragon Advance, and bad ways to do it--River City Ransom EX. Nintendo seems to be going the "safe" (or lazy) route and not upgrading. Then again, there's that puzzling Zero Mission...resting somewhere between "remake" and "prequel."
  2. AndrewTS

    WWE "SmackDown! VS Raw"

    Oh sure, in Exhibition it's not a problem, but in Season, it's quite different. It actually seems like the opponents get luckier as you increase the CAWs stats. Besides, I've never had problems beating Big Show, so that's a very poor example. I love the realistic aspect of the game that requires the smaller in-game wrestlers 4 times the amount of moves that the hosses need to do to win. Because when the smaller guys win in WWE matches, it's because they've absolutely dominated the match. HCTP is clearly the most well-balanced, realistic wrestling game on the market...except for all those other games that are better that came out a long time ago. I don't get what the "different moves" thing is supposed to mean. Guys with higher strength do even Cruiser moves better than the Cruiserweight guys, since moves aren't divided up by the type of wrestler that would do them and would be more skilled at them.
  3. AndrewTS

    NES Classic Series?

    First off, you forget that the current DK is actually Donkey Kong Jr. Now, he's shown he can indeed do it all, reinacting the classic rivalry of his father and Mario in Mario vs. Donkey Kong. Still, I think in his prime Donkey Kong Classic was just as good but we never saw his platforming stuff. I think in many ways the remastered Donkey Kong game of '94 is better than Mario vs. DK (aka DK 2004). =D Thing is, DK isn't that ambitious. The guy works for bananas and is content to be well-paid, get the spotlight now and then, and work programs with Mario. Nobody plays the game as well as Mario, so DK isn't going to waste his time trying. The guy becomes a complete Mario and Nintendo shill in DK 2004, playing a comedy heel who couldn't resist stealing Mario dolls. Plus it could be worse--we could we getting DK's stupid nephew Kiddy Kong. Diddy and Cammy Kong are skilled, but too small to take over the enormous responsibility. Oh, and Pac-Man's doing just fine. I *think* he's in retirement while Baby Pac has been taking over for him in the Pac-Man World games. The rumors of him blowing all his money and having to live out of Kirby's basement are unfounded.
  4. AndrewTS

    WWE "SmackDown! VS Raw"

    "Play differently": Play a hoss, win in 2 minutes. Play a Cruiser, beat the hell out of a guy for 10 minutes, try not to get hit by 3 moves and either beat the hell out of him with weapons or hope you get the big ****er to tap out. FUN! Having to make a guy from scratch and go through 100 matches to get his stats to match up correctly (no, I don't want real life wrestlers to have all 10 stats) = Speed being a useless stat = I think it's futile to expect Yukes to fix the problems. They'll fix something nobody wanted and take away something good in the process. Yukes is never going to make a No Mercy or a 3D Fire Pro clone. As mentioned, technique isn't useless. However, I found that if I reversed a ton of moves, I could still lose, because the laws of probability would catch up, my opponent would get 3 moves in, and that would do me in. Other than that, you summed up the major reasons I hate HCTP.
  5. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Showdown: LOW Thread

    That music video playing in Gamestop is quite boss. Sure, they probably only chose that song because the lyrics include "Piledriver," but Quiet Riot is a guilty pleasure of mine.
  6. AndrewTS

    WWE "SmackDown! VS Raw"

    Some one please explain to me why Yukes makes a game that costs 50 bucks and leaves glaring gameplay problems, but to fix them we have to spend about 40 bucks on a cheat device? It would be more worthwhile to spend the 5 bucks for No Mercy, if that didn't have a glitch that is unfixable. Oh well, there's still VPW2.
  7. AndrewTS

    Xbox Owners

    I hate the X-Box controller layout. I have some friggin big hands, but it still is uncomfortable for fighting games. It's bad when you'd rather play a fighting game with a DC controller. It's good enough for Metal Slug, though. Oh, the much-hyped but delayed-until-no-one-cared-and-came-out-to-no-fanfare Malice is on PS2 as well. HA!
  8. AndrewTS

    Super Mario Bros. DX or Re Release of Original?

    I think they had to do some minjor adjustments to the screen because the GBA screen is more rectangular than square. Probably slightly, but nothing that is going to seriously affect play like the GBC version. ...$19.99 up the last Gamestop I saw, and that's without a box or instructions. Knowing Chris, that could be a factor as well. However, on half.com for slightly more you can get the box and instructions, too. It's supposed to be the same as the original, so it's unlikely. Can't give you a certain answer. Surely some one else here has already gotten it, hm? Watch Nintendo then do a Super Mario Bros. Gold Edition or something, given the Zero Mission treatment. Although I wouldn't mind if it was part of a Mario Superstar game--i.e. a GBA title that is basically a ton of games in one. Kirby Superstar is a game I gotta own, but I've only seen it to rent. The RPG spoof is great.
  9. AndrewTS

    SmackDown from JHawk's Beak

    Nope, no name for it yet, I guess.
  10. AndrewTS

    SmackDown from JHawk's Beak

    I actually watched pretty much the whole show. It wasn't extremely terrible, but I think a lot of it had to do with a good cruiser match, and the Gauntriple Challenge, or whatever. I agree that the psychology of the latter was all screwed up though--Booker wasting time, Cena NOT trying to waste time. It's bad when pro wrestlers make mistakes that a little bit of common sense should have taken care of. Kenzo sucks, but he isn't the Japanese Nathan Jones. His offense looked hella weak and his moveset was yeech. Working too "airy" spelled bad news for Ultimo, so we shall see. Note to WWE bookers: modern-day Japan is nothing like a Kurosawa sushi western film, and Kenzo is no ToshirĂ´ Mifune. Oh, JHawk--if all your Smackdown reports were formatted this way, I don't think people would miss the old ones much. Until SD gets good again, it isn't too pressing to recap it in much detail.
  11. AndrewTS

    Castlevania SOTN, COTM, HOD and AOS

    Note: I mistakingly thought the 2nd castle in HoD was reversed mirror-style, but I was wrong. Same layout, different look/enemies/etc. (corrected above). Maxim's pretty cool to use in HoD, much more so than "J" in AoS. He has a version of the Samus Screw Attack/Space Jump, too. Yes, it does damage enemies as you safely go past any enemies in your path as you do it. The games also have neat little references in them, also. The two succubi in AoS are green and red-hued (the latter is called Lilith, actually), there's several Lizard Men knock-offs in HoD, complete with sword and shield.
  12. AndrewTS


    That's quite evil of you. While I wouldn't condone it, if I wanted to do such a thing I'd cast her opposite of millionaire skank supreme Paris Hilton. Any movie with her in a role requiring her to act surely would be the work of Satan himself.
  13. AndrewTS


    He's an actor? At least put Pam herself on there, for being responsible for Barb Wire (a rape of Casablanca) and Stripperella (both Ticks get cancelled and this piece of **** is still being aired?). Again, he's an actor? While he's a far-right nutjob, most of his music kicks ass. Plus he's one hardcore mofo. He'd honestly make for a neat b-movie character, though. I'd be up to see him in a parody of The Most Dangerous Game, where he hunts down other musicians for sport. Pretty much everyone named the ones I hate, but since he's actually been on a TV show--William Hung. The fucker can't sing, and manages to be a disgrace to both Asians and Hispanics for covering Ricky Martin's shitty catalogue of material. On top of that he shills for Wal-Mart while dancing like a 'tard.
  14. AndrewTS


    Are those the only two possible sorts of characters for barely-legal teenage actresses? Wait, wait, wait--there's also "nerdy chick," "nerdy hot chick," "gluttonous fat chick," and "goth chick." We can't unfairly write off the creativity movie-makers exhibit when they create roles for young actresses.
  15. AndrewTS

    OAO Smackdown Thread for 6-10-04

    Cena survives the 5 minute Black Dude challenge! Up next: The 5 Minute Stoner Challenge! And if necessary, the 5 minute French-Canadian Guy Challenge!
  16. AndrewTS

    OAO Smackdown Thread for 6-10-04

    Well, at least we finally got a pretty good match out of this mess of a show. That hasn't happened in quite a while.
  17. AndrewTS

    OAO Smackdown Thread for 6-10-04

    Beard isn't thick enough and there's no mohawk. Give it a few weeks, the mo', some gold chains, and yeah.
  18. AndrewTS

    OAO Smackdown Thread for 6-10-04

    He's Japanese and out FOR REVENGE!~ I honestly can't think of any Japanese workers in WWE that didn't have stereotypical music. Let's give it a shot... *pulls out kazoo* Here comes Kenzo Suzuki, and he's really MAD! Here comes Kenzo Suzuki and he's really AN-GRY!!! I wonder if he'll get in deep crap for being too "airy."
  19. AndrewTS

    OAO Smackdown Thread for 6-10-04

    He did a chop and the Tongan, okay, now he's a skinny Meng. And...that's it. Bah, lame, as expected. Not too horrible, though.
  20. AndrewTS

    OAO Smackdown Thread for 6-10-04

    Thus far, he's looking like a skinny Hugh Morrus.
  21. AndrewTS

    OAO Smackdown Thread for 6-10-04

    So his gimmick is that he's an angry Japanese guy?
  22. AndrewTS

    Castlevania SOTN, COTM, HOD and AOS

    I feel similar, but I'm not complaining about it. The difference with HoD is that you don't play one castle, then the other. You move back and forth between the castles until they merge into one. So it's a bit different in execution. So, depending on your opinion, you may find that a positive or a negative. As for that last sentence, yeah, I know, but you should probably mark that as a spoiler.
  23. AndrewTS

    OAO Smackdown Thread for 6-10-04

    Hey, there's Kurt. Remember this show used to be good when he was a wrestler?
  24. AndrewTS

    Castlevania SOTN, COTM, HOD and AOS

    Probably, although given the choice of two games at the same price, I'll take the regular over the mucus-green GH version. However, both versions of SotN suck because they aren't the original Ayami Kojima art. They're just...a CGI castle. Yuck. On the contrary, it was a Great Moment in Gaming for me, realizing there was more to it. Did you think you were going to get off without fighting Dracula? That would suck to only fight him in a introduction level.
  25. I wasn't even talking about the Ken article, I meant in general. There were pro-Bradshaw posters doing the same. Let's not act like either side has been extremely civil about it. The difference is that the anti-Bradshaw posters were attacking Bradshaw, and many of the pro-Bradshaw posters were attacking other posters. The pro-Bradshaw posters then act like they're so mature and unbiased while simultaneously flame-baiting.