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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Anybody Read the "Diva Search" Info?

    Spoiler: Torrie wins, because the WWE wants to remind you yet again that Raw > Smackdown. Well, at least they're right this time.
  2. AndrewTS

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    Yeah, but no one here puts much stock in your opinions, so . Also, the DC actually sold very well, but Sega had a poor ad campaign going on and couldn't quite capitalize on it to suck in others besides the faithful. It's really sad developers dropped the DC like a hot potato. I don't understand why the PS2 was so clamored for when it was released, since the launch line up was, frankly, really really lousy. Good titles on the PS2 early on were almost non-existent. Plus, there's some speculation that the DC is actually more powerful than the PS2 in a lot of ways. Compare some of the first-gen DC titles to the first-gen PS2 titles. Now, imagine what could likely be done on the DC right now. They both suffer from jaggies, but it's pretty well known the Cube and X-Box are far more powerful than either. Note that Anyanka's perspective is somewhat skewed because most of the titles she was interested in, the fighters, were mostly ported or sequeled to the PS2. Knowing how much I dislike cinemas in my game, I think my hatred for that particular title is quite clear. However, I agree with the basic premise--if you're going to do that many cinemas, DON'T BOTHER WITH THE GAME!! JUST DO THAT!! In fact, Advent Children is almost an admirable decision by Square, since they's dropping the pretense and going ahead with what they've really wanted to do ever since prepping FF:TSW. That's a bit close-minded. However, I believe given the advances of technology, the old games were far better than what we're seeing today. Granted, I loathe the Xenos. I also feel that the recent FFs have been in a real rut gameplay-wise, although I can't comment on the MMORPG one since I don't care for that genre, period. Also, while it is more of a strat title, stay the hell away from FF Tactics Advance. Wow, the gameplay is inferior and slower than the PS1 title that preceeded it, AND the story is a pandering, insulting load of crap with characters that you want to stab in the face? OMG GBA GOTY!! Basically, turn-based RPGs with overly-simplistic gameplay and the pace of a 3-legged box turtle can lick me. I've moved on. I expect it from the Square-heads who don't know any better, but the gaming press seem to still be hung up on it. I think either they're stupid or well-bribed. However, there have been some good RPGs as of late that break that monotonous FF mold. Kingdom Hearts, Dark Cloud 2, and the promising Tales of Symphonia are all more up my alley, for instance.
  3. AndrewTS

    Canada loses "Coolest Crowd Ever" title

    Doesn't need to be a city if a region shares the same kind of crowd, and Canadian crowds are pretty much alike aside from minor differences. Thing is, THAT REGION (Quebec) is far different than most of the rest of Canada, except for the Bret Hart love. Sylvan sucks, though. You don't see Billy Gunn getting cheered in his hometown, after all.
  4. AndrewTS

    Am I paranoid about HHH...

    It's natural to be wary. I know Benoit's going to lose the strap eventually, yes, and probably to HHH. The true test will be what happens then. Will Benoit be "Jerichoed" down to midcard status and only be used to set up HHH's next opponent? Or will he remain a main event fixture? A lot of people really question Benoit's use on Raw, but the main problem is that WWE isn't really sure how to book a guy who frankly isn't that great on the stick. Hart had a similar problem but through gradual work managed to become decent and even cut some great promos. Benoit's shown he can do that when he's prepared (the vignettes), but he's not as skilled speaking extemporaneously or completely improv. Supposedly HHH was going to do a big program with Edge over the summer, but I don't really see the seeds for that planted yet. Since La Res have the tag titles now, you're avoiding the clash of Edge with Evolution for now. Likely La Res will transition to Evolution, but that breaks what could have been a spark to that feud. That is, unless WWE has a far better plan in mind and could stand to hand the titles to La Res for that. However, considering how...nothing La Res is in the US I find it odd they'd hand the belts back to La Res out of the blue like that. It seems they've completely given up on the tag division. However, the overall tone of the show has changed. Back then, it seemed like everyone from the announcers to opponents and face and heel authority figures would either kiss HHH's ass blatantly or subtlely. His name would be dropped constantly and the whole show seemed to be built around him. That's changed a hell of a lot, and that's definitely a good sign. In the meantime, I'll enjoy "team player" HHH and the matches that he seems to actually give a damn in. The excessive focus last week on HHH/HBK seemed to be a bad sign, but it seems like it was mainly used to built to the Hell in a Cell announcement, so it's a bit understandable. HBK should be on Raw next week, so we shall see about that.
  5. AndrewTS

    Canada loses "Coolest Crowd Ever" title

    First off, Quebec isn't really Canada. It's the screwed up province with faux-Frenchies that the rest of the country hates. At least our naturalized Frenchies, the Cajuns, are actually cool. Montreal doesn't suck for cheering Eugene. They suck for: Cheering SYLVAN GRENIER and chanting his name. Bearing Jeff Hardy signs and chanting "We Want Jeff" (Matt's even in full face mode, so huh?). Using that stupid "popcorn fart" chant. Booing Benoit (okay, booing Edge was cool...but) Doing the na na na na song to when Batista was banned from ringside. First up, that song was never cool, but when JR did it, it got even worse. However, save it for at least kayfabe firings, you idiots. On the bright side, Victoria dancing around and acting like an idiot to no reaction was funny, and them booing Edge was fantastic.
  6. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    "THE BOYHOOD DREAM HAS COME TRUE!!" *Eugene slobbers all over World Title."
  7. AndrewTS

    Yeah, it'll probably win the GameFAQs poll...

    Anyanka is clearly a parody of the typical idiot Square fanboys/girls.
  8. AndrewTS

    OaO Recent Video Game Purchases.

    "Enter the Matrix - PS2 (it's a good buy at $17.99)" No, it isn't.
  9. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    It would be funny if he got a decent streak going, then did Goldberg poses with Kurt Angle promos.
  10. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    But, what was THE QUESTION?!
  11. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

  12. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    Almost agreed, but Kane just clotheslining Eugene sucked, too.
  13. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    She was decent at it in early 2001. ...we know leave you with this shot of Kane. I think we're going to find out THE QUESTION!!
  14. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    Tomko botches a move. Big surprise.
  15. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    You know a promo sucks when I'm begging for face Jericho to come save the segment.
  16. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    Put her in porn!!
  17. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    ..."it seems I have a frog in my throat...and..." Heel Trish needs to shut the hell up and just look hot. Her mic skills went to hell.
  18. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    Senor Bag of S.H.I.T. makes the highlights from the house show.
  19. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    She can't act?
  20. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    N-Gage commercial... How can it be "anyone, anywhere" when NOBODY WHO ISN'T A COMPLETE IDIOT OWNS ONE?!
  21. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

  22. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    Raw breaks one of Besus' Rules.
  23. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    No. Cade has potential, and he's tall. Just when you think the crowd isn't full of morons, they chant "We Want Jeff."
  24. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    J-Day 02. That's when HHH really started to become the monster he was for over a year, doing that match for no other reason than to bury Jericho. That's when I became an HHHater. AndrewTS Fact: I fucking hate Lita--she's the Torrie of Raw IMO.
  25. AndrewTS

    Monday Night RAW on Memorial Day 2004

    Gail's getting a title shot? WTF? So, is one version or the other of HHH's theme going to run in a continuous loop for the rest of the show?