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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Spring 2008: Should I buy a 360 or PS3?

    ...or you don't give a damn about either, like most 360 owners it appears, and would rather save $200+ by not buying the HD-DVD attachment.
  2. AndrewTS


    SO MUCH MORE! http://kotaku.com/gaming/rant/wii-update-b...ders-287086.php One poster says it still works, but some of you may want to take note of this. EDIT: Again, SO MUCH MORE! -- http://kotaku.com/gaming/baby-steps/wii-up...port-287134.php
  3. AndrewTS

    ECW on 8/7

    Stephanie looking a lot like HHH there, slo mo growling.
  4. AndrewTS

    Spring 2008: Should I buy a 360 or PS3?

    I'd say 360, pending the new hardware improvements do away with it breaking all the time. 360 currently has a great lineup of hits, while PS3's biggest releases to date have generally been considered rushed and mediocre (Heavenly Sword, Resistance, Lair). Of course, as you said, you mean circa Spring '08. Developers' experience working with the 360, and its highly-touted GPU have resulted in most of the current multi-platform releases to be superior on 360. That could change, of course, by 2008. But it isn't that far away. Plus there aren't many PS3 games you'd miss out on 360 except for 1st party stuff, FFXIII, Metal Gear Solid 4 (maybe), the latter two a big "maybe" for Spring '08. Winter 2008 PS3 will have a terrific amount of exclusive games. Spring? Not so much. At some point I'll get one, but so many games I'm interested in have "360/PS3" listed next to their release platforms I'd say PS3 is a redundant purchase for a 360 owner.
  5. AndrewTS

    So Fire Pro R is back

    Silly IGN--there were 2 US Fire Pro games, although they were on GBA.
  6. AndrewTS

    The Return of Triple H

    "Barmaid! Bring me stronger ale! And some plump, succulent babies to eat!"
  7. AndrewTS

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Vince is a vampire?
  8. AndrewTS

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Mike Rotun--er Michael Wallstre--er, Captain Mi--er, IRS!
  9. AndrewTS

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Regal is pretty solid in that role to be honest, he was very entertaining at it some years ago. I don't doubt his ability to play the role, I just don't see how this move will appeal to most fans. The reaction The Sandman received when he apparently won showed that the crowd wanted him to be general manager, the lack of any reaction to William Regal after he won showed that the fans are tired of a bad guy authority figure. Seems like Vince McMahon would rather re-hash old angles with different talent than to take the time to come up with original angles for them. Ditto. Regal was good as a GM or whatever he was... But this'll be, what, the 3rd, 4th time he was in a similar role?
  10. AndrewTS

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Probably. And likely see Vince slobbering over Divas and singing.
  11. AndrewTS

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    *Sandman false win* - *Megapop* *Regal actual win* - ...............*fart*
  12. AndrewTS


    I've considered it, but brokeness (car insurance this month) + me getting involved in playing a few games for the first time has kept me from it. I expect to rent soon, though.
  13. AndrewTS

    Who Wants to be a Superhero?

    From the creator of Stripperella!
  14. AndrewTS

    The 25 Worst Remakes Made

    Maybe some of the dragginess is because of him doing the LOTR movies basically back to back. Then again, even that could have been trimmed up. ROTK just wouldn't end...
  15. AndrewTS

    100 reasons why Sega is/was stupid.

    I am unfamiliar with this. Details? It was from a Game Informer interview. EDIT: Ah, just beat me.
  16. AndrewTS

    100 reasons why Sega is/was stupid.

    91. Killing the Shinobi series After the death of the Dreamcast and Sega's subsequent change to a 3rd party publisher, the company spent the lion's share of their focus on porting Dreamcast titles to other platforms and making arcade titles and ports. Curiously, the Xbox seemed to get most of the higher quality original products, while the PS2 mainly got ports and shovelware save for VF4. One of their first interesting original PS2 releases came in the form of Shinobi. Reviews were mixed, with most negative reviews focusing on the game's difficulty. Hordes of enemies were always ready to attack main character Hotsuma, although his ability to dash about quickly and strike multiple enemies all in a row helped even the odds. Camera issues and pits helped complicate things, however. In response to much of Shinobi's criticisms, the sequel/spinoff, Nightshade (Kunoichi in Japan) had much lighter overall difficulty. However, Shinobi was no longer the title character--replaced by a female protagonist. Also, there weren't many overall improvements to the game; the same basic engine was in place, the graphics were more or less identical, and level design was generally considered weak overall. Poor marketing and undoubtedly much of the massive hype for Ninja Gaiden on Xbox lead to a quiet release for the title. Sega hasn't released another original game in the series since, though they continue to flog many of their other series to death and beyond. Maybe Itagaki's boast about the Ninja Gaiden titles making developers "lose their ambition" wasn't just blowing smoke up people's asses after all. Yeah, VF and also VF2 were huge, especially in Japan. Saturn was a huge success in Japan early on because of it. However, Sega fumbled the US launch badly and the American market was hungry for good 3D, something Japan didn't need quite so much. Eventually, yeah, Sony began kicking their asses everywhere, but Saturn stuck around in Japan a long time. Of course, to this day import-playing capability is a must-have for any Saturn owner. Like 3/4 of my Saturn games are imports, and several of them are games that *did* come out in the US, but Saturn import games are/were so dirt cheap on Ebay that importing them is a better value.
  17. AndrewTS

    Resident Evil 5 trailer online

    Speaking of Left4Dead...it's been delayed: http://kotaku.com/gaming/they-hunger/left-...2008-285967.php Holy crap, is there a game slated for this fall that hasn't been delayed?!
  18. AndrewTS

    And yet another iPod question!

    Google "get music off ipod" and look at one of the jillion sites that appear.
  19. AndrewTS

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Well, looks like I'm right. Oh wow does it look like I'm right. EDIT: Another article indicated TT's fiscal 08 begins in November, which means it sure as hell isn't going to make it late October (the prospective GTAIV release date), but MH2 might still possibly beat GTAIV to the shelves. Ouch. This is the first I've heard of a PSP version, though. This probably is anothre reason for the quick cash-in ports of R* Table Tennis and Bully; Take Two's release schedule for '07 would be looking pretty bare otherwise.
  20. AndrewTS

    Wii Numbers

    DS codes are game-specific. So DS game codes would be better-suited go in a thread for a game or a sig. Wii numbers should have a thread but DS codes are different. Since the merge ate the title now I don't even know what the code is for. EDIT: Ok, Thoth edited, it's a Strikers: Charged code now. Bah, I thought Strikers worked with the wii number? At least with DS it's consistently inconsistent.
  21. AndrewTS

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    That exact same scenario happens in lots of stores in the States when parents take an M game to the counter. Well, often without the swearing.
  22. AndrewTS

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    Well that's good. However, hopefully they don't come under pressure from politicians. Isn't there at least one lunatic Parliament member decrying video game violence? I remember reading some really idiotic statements from him that sounded like some of the rantings from Jack Thompson.
  23. AndrewTS

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    In that case, it's certainly a good forward-thinking measure to assure R* will actually get to make games and get them released in the UK, but it won't mean diddly for the squeamish Europeans. Hell, Manhunt 2 couldn't get a rating acceptable for console publication with us blood-thirsty Americans. I'd say the Greeks and krauts are completely boned on the game, even if it is edited.
  24. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    That long-anticipated PS3 release that has a dragon in it and isn't Panzer Dragoon, has been hit with a delay: http://kotaku.com/gaming/summer-is-draggin...mber-285027.php
  25. AndrewTS

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    Will it make a difference, really, in every other country that banned it or effectively banned it, though? I don't think it'll ever come out in, oh, Germany, but I'd think the most sensible option would be to look at what cuts the ESRB would want made.