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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    New I, Robot Trailer

    The movie has nothing to do with the book from what I've gathered, and this one'll likely suck majorly. "I know many don't like Will Smith, but when put into good roles, he does a very good job." ?????
  2. AndrewTS

    The E3 2004 Thread

    Correct. Also Fable was demoed when the XBox came out. At least, shown a trailer. You obviously didn't get the subtle sarcastic hint there. Eh, I'm a new X-Boxer, so I haven't been paying that much attention. Plus it seemed like Malice was rather quietly killed--I saw a few lines in a magazine about it, but I didn't hear a big deal made of it.
  3. It's a SOUL-DESTROYING DRUG, that Marihuana. Signs point to...
  4. AndrewTS

    Meet the The Nintendo DS

    Probably the wireless requires you to buy a special wireless connector. But it won't work with the DS initially. You'll have to buy an adaptor, connect that to the wireless connector and then connect it to the DS.
  5. AndrewTS

    The E3 2004 Thread

    Wasn't Malice officially cancelled? I'm almost certain it was. It was that platformer starring that little girl with the big hammer that was being demoed around the time the X-Box first came out, correct?
  6. AndrewTS

    G4TechTV launches May 28th

    Webb was actually the replacement for some punky chick that, while not as hot, was probably better at the job. Plus, it isn't so much Morgan herself as it is Morgan's boobs. Everyone knows that.
  7. AndrewTS

    I don't like anime.

    You mean M.D. Geist, right? Any idea about those others? Ayane's High Kick...eh, I liked it pretty much up until the ending so, she wins with pure luck after getting the snot beat out of her and getting that kick in? Bah.
  8. AndrewTS

    Raw ratings takes a dive

    Keith gave it *** too. (scratches head)
  9. AndrewTS

    Meet the The Nintendo DS

    ...because this is SO much like a large, unwieldy, heavy headset with 2 colors, eye-damaging vector graphics and one or two decent games.
  10. AndrewTS

    Booker vs. Taker at Judgement Day

    Logic? On SD? NO WAY. But I will say this...that's a logical idea. So Mordecai did that promo a few weeks ago, died, was buried and this wakes him up?
  11. Aikido, I think is what you're referring to. In Tae Kwon Do. I think Rudo said that's basically like "having a black belt in ballet."
  12. AndrewTS


    Without any foreknowledge you shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. You're all too blind to see that. Pffft--yeah, because WWE has such a *great* track record of handling things like this well. So, basically Z started this thread to say "I told you so" even though when WWE started taking the Rain Man route 2 weeks ago people were already reconsidering. How productive.
  13. AndrewTS

    Something my friend noticed...

    That's a funny error, I gotta admit. Yeah, when they go to operate or anything, they cut off the clothes. They could have also just cut the pant leg off below where the cast would be, but it's hard to tell from the pictures.
  14. AndrewTS

    Meet the The Nintendo DS

    Those demos look promising. Yeah, the prospect of N64 quality graphics doesn't sound thrilling, but it's far from terrible. The GBA is basically a souped-up portable SNES.
  15. AndrewTS

    Day of the Dead SEQUEL...

    Yeah, that I know, but it was a sequel in the sense that it carried the same name and was capitalizing on Dawn's success. Heheh, okay, I'll admit my understanding of the exact history is foggy though. I kinda figured that.
  16. I think it may be worth noting that there's a DVD of an animated feature out--Van Helsing: The London Assignment. I saw it when I was at FYE picking up my copy of Reefer Madness (also got the Robot Monster/Plan 9 double pack for a mere 10 bucks). It's a prequel of sorts to the movie. It concerns Hyde in London, which means that they put out a feature that basically is going to have the villain get away before he's killed in the movie. Hmph. I was considering it, but then I saw that it boasts it has the same director and producer as the movie, so I set it down. The extra features seem to make it out to be just a glorified commercial for the movie. I could be wrong, but just reading the box gave me a bad feeling about it.
  17. AndrewTS

    Most frustrating bugs..

    And I thought my boo--er, Hong Kong Special Edition was just a bad copy. I'm surprised Any hasn't brought up the the various freezes and lock ups in SFII and MKII in the arcade versions. Although I guess bugs you have to go out of the way to get wouldn't count. Sonic Adventure/bonus stage in Chaotix: Man, it's fun to just FALL THROUGH SOLID FLOORS for no real reason.
  18. AndrewTS

    Meet the The Nintendo DS

    The GBA is selling well, but the PSP could be a threat to Nintendo's handheld market. (COULD be, that is)
  19. AndrewTS

    Meet the The Nintendo DS

    Still four buttons?! Also, yeah--d-pad doesn't look so hot. NEO GEO POCKET COLOR CLICKY THUMBSTICK!! STEAL IT, YOU BASTARDS!! I'm interested so far, though.
  20. AndrewTS

    G4TechTV launches May 28th

    Considering all the repeats on TechTV I wouldn't be surprised if they could fit nearly all the shows on the same channel. I'd laugh if they fired Sessler.
  21. AndrewTS

    Brian Christopher Released

    Since when does a black male pornstar work in WWE? *points and laughs at BC*
  22. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    That's one sexy Walls of Jericho.
  23. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    I don't think it is a spoiler to state who he should be facing based on the current angle going on...
  24. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    Man, that cage sure is preventing interference.
  25. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    fuck that. Pinfall/Sub is the LEGIT way to do this match. Exactly. Escape = Pussy Rules. The Cage is suppose to prevent interference....which means interference happens while two foes settle the score once and for all. Has the cage *ever* prevented interference?