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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    Pinfalls in cage matches = the suck.
  2. It can't be worse than IV, can it?
  3. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    So far, well...decent yeah, great no.
  4. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    ...what a shitty match.
  5. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    Biazarro World continues. I thought I'd never see the day where a mentally challenged gimmick would be so over. Norman the Lunatic, Mankind, Jim Duggan? Rick Steiner. Mankind was never retarded...He was just degranged and insane. When he was acting like Vince's son?
  6. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    Biazarro World continues. I thought I'd never see the day where a mentally challenged gimmick would be so over. Norman the Lunatic, Mankind, Jim Duggan?
  7. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    Give me a fucking break... Yeah, remind us watching Raw that SD sucks black pornstar dick.
  8. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    This Raw is definitely falling far below expectations.
  9. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (May 10, 2004)

    Fold her in half, though... Way to flush the good will you earned from Backlash, Randy.
  10. AndrewTS

    Have the rumors about Sylvain Grenier

    It would explain him being hired...if it weren't for the fact that WWE routinely hires untalented, uncharismatic, useless vanilla pieces of crap and pushes them constantly. ...and fried chicken.
  11. I'd prefer Kutcher finally do "Dude, Where's My Car? 2" already. Since Trips is the "Cerebral Assassin," does this mean this version of Conan will be more like Ator, and be a chemist/surgeon/inventor/warrior?
  12. AndrewTS

    I don't like anime.

    Consider another recommendation for Metropolis. My only complaints with it are relatively minor. There's a bit of clunky exposition to actually tell you just who and what Rock is. Maybe bad translation, but it came off as very unnatural. The movie just holds your hand through a lot the symbolism, which was obvious to begin with. Yes! I get it! Tower of Babel! Even atheists have heard of it! It leaves you with a few questions about the subplots--but nothing that ruins the enjoyment of the entire thing. Otherwise, awesome. Any opinions on M.D. Geist (I think that's it), Appleseed, or Vampire Princess?
  13. AndrewTS

    Tyrese as Luke Cage?

    At least they haven't casted a Wayans. Although by sheer numbers, there has to be a Wayans out there somewhere that could pull the role off.
  14. AndrewTS

    Developers uncertain about PSP

    Based on what? I know plenty of guys and some gals at my college that have SPs (and some regular GBAs). Plus, why all the retro-titles on GBA if it's just kids? Why would Sony even consider trying to go after a market that you suppose doesn't exist or is very small? The only game system out right now that has more users than the GBA is the PS2. If you don't think that includes quite a number of older gamers, I don't know where you're coming from.
  15. AndrewTS

    Developers uncertain about PSP

    From 411games (yeah, it's more of a commentary on the things as it stands...)
  16. That's actually one of the reasons why quite a few of us are upset over it. Eh, 2 hours isn't really that long for a movie, although the listings said it would run 2:25.
  17. It isn't so much "breaking the rules" in horror flicks I mind. Most of the weaknesses seen in horror movies are generally created on the part of some film maker in the past. Superman may have not lasted as long as he did as a comic character if the radio show didn't create kryptonite. Plus, some liberties often need to be taken when adapting classic horror novels. For example, bringing the Frankenstein monster to life with alchemy isn't going to cut it. It's knowing what lines not to cross that's tricky. However, Sommers didn't seem to approach this too delicately. He just kind of threw the book out the window and decided to just make stuff up. I find it rather surprising that us modern-day, sophisticated film-goers (*chuckle*) have to have such big, dumb, loud action melodramas crapped out ad nauseum, when we could have easily added more depth and characterization to these characters (mostly the human, but perhaps even the monsters) while simply improving the visuals. Sorry, I couldn't really find myself empathizing with Kate's character just because her family is all dead but her and her brother. Conversely, it would stupid for too many monsters to be sympathic, human-like characters, but if you don't do that, make them scary. I can't find any of this slickly-done CGI scary. In the hands of the right people, I find a well-done atmosphere and mood, the danger of characters I actually care about, and a lot of caro syrup a hell out of a lot scarier than a 10-foot tall fire-breathing CGI beast spewing out fire and smoke. Then again, I've hacked so many of the latter apart in video games maybe I'm just too jaded. Probably the underlying themes and certainly the ending of Nosferatu wouldn't really appeal to modern movie goers, for instance. Of course, we're in a time where some one thought it brilliant to turn Casablanca into a post-apocalyptic action movie with boobs and explosions, so maybe I just don't "get it."
  18. AndrewTS

    Day of the Dead SEQUEL...

    I'd hope at least for "Zombi(e) (2)" quality. Technically that is also a sequel to Dawn of the Dead, because the guy who re-did Dawn for a Euro release (where it was called Zombi) made a sequel to it that, while not as good as a Romero film by any stretch, was a good zombie movie (it's available here as just Zombie). Then, on the other hand, we have Children of the Living Dead. John Russo, one of the myriad persons who have the ownership rights to Night of the Living Dead, crapped out the "30th Anniversary Edition" of NotLD. Basically, the bastard took NotLD and bastardized it beyond recognition, adding a horrible new soundtrack and sound effects, cutting out footage, adding new "original footage," and changed the ending. It was done to renew his copyright on NotLD and set up his own sequel to it, Children of the Living Dead. It sucks. Hard. ...okay, pardon my little horror-geek rant. Anyway, this all depends on just who is making it. It could either be some dimbulb who thought the Romero films were "cool and all, but a little dull," or it could be a talented young independent director with genuine appreciation for the Romero films and decided to give his own twist to the storyline while still keeping the subtles and charm of Romero's flicks. Judging from the title, I assume that they're going to at least use the basic storyline of Day of the Dead.
  19. AndrewTS

    Developers uncertain about PSP

    The article says that even developers don't know jack about the PSP, so no one outside of the inner workings at Sony would be able to tell you that. N-Gage--not sure.
  20. AndrewTS

    Developers uncertain about PSP

    Have you even tried the N-Gage or the PS1 with the flip-top monitor? It's hard to put my finger on it, but it just "feels" wrong. You lose so much of the immersive quality and your ability to pay attention to detail is severely diminished. It isn't just the smaller screen too, but the resolution is going to be reduced, too. Plus the price seems like it's going to be far out of the same ballpark as even the Dual Screen, because of all the extra features planned. Nokia learned the hard way that people aren't going to be forking out 200-300+ bucks for a handheld. Yeah, that was far from the only reason, but I simply don't see it as realistic for a company to offer a handheld that costs as much as one of the major consoles.
  21. Thanks for the post, DH. Oh well, should be a fun rental. Still, it's not like there's a shortage of games with the same themes done far, far better. If I pretend that Van Helsing used a whip in the movie, there are plenty of good Van Helsing-ish games out on the market already. Alas, Konami wasn't working on it, though.
  22. AndrewTS

    Day of the Dead SEQUEL...

    Keep dreaming This is just a micro budget film from a tiny studio that somehow owns rights to Day of The Dead. Romero didn't use his original script because the studio slashed the budget after whatever disagreement he and the studio had. So, I doubt this studio has enogh moneey to film the original Day. Yeah, I figured as much, but never let it be said I was never optimistic.
  23. AndrewTS

    Mega Man Anniversary Collection

    I already preordered it for PS2...oh hell, if I really want to see that other stuff I can rent the GC version sometime. I'm unsure right now if I'm keeping my GameCube.
  24. The best thing to come out of this so far is the Universal box sets. I'll get at least the Frankenstein one (each of them are $19.99 up at K-Mart, cheaper than up FYE). Incidentally, anyone know if the Van Helsing game is any good? I haven't played it but I saw it was out already.
  25. AndrewTS

    Raw rating??

    Who watches USA now, anyway?