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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    She ran out of the shot, he could have teleported in front of her.
  2. AndrewTS

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    Naw, Kane's a prehistoric gentleman!
  3. AndrewTS

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    Kane doing his Tor Johnson/Torgo impression. Lita IS the Bride of the Monster.
  4. AndrewTS

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    KILL, KANE, KILL!! And create an invincible army of warriors from the blood of Uranus!
  5. AndrewTS

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    Is it just me or are the announcers even stupider than usual tonight?
  6. AndrewTS

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    On TechTV, British geek spewing bullshit about Lara Croft being a strong feminine character, whatever. So, how is doing a face-first standing moonsault supposed to hurt your opponent?
  7. AndrewTS

    WWE Notes from the 4/26 Observer

    Natch, it was Kenzo. And MMoM apparently was not blowing this out of proportion, at least on the Japanese side. Geez, WWE, learn to more subtlety and tastefully insult them, like they do to us. Echoing the above sentiments, WHAT WAS THE POINT?! Couldn't they figure a way to get Kurt out of the GM role without another stupidly over-the-top attempted murder? ...and drugs. Best of luck to Sting for the effort. I hope Luger cleans up and gets his life straightened out, because it's simply shocking to hear how low he'd sunk. I guess Ric has to be right about something these days. Not everyone. I still think he sucks, as does AS and several others, and plenty thought it was ballsy but they aren't completely impressed either about his wrestling yet.
  8. AndrewTS

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    So much for respecting the "Spoiler" tag and not blabbing about it. I guess we're going to have to hear how HHH's high knees are "Harley-Race-like" again.
  9. AndrewTS

    Is WWE racist?

    "So what you're saying is WWE doesn't push any minorities unless they're talented and they're popular. And then they will push them.... But on the other hand, if they have no talent and nobody cares about them, then they won't get pushed. So WWE = RACIST. Did I get that right? " You could argue WWE pushes plenty of white guys that aren't shown to be talented or popular either, but they don't do it with black... Wait, there's Mark Henry, Orlando Jordan, and Rodney Mack.
  10. AndrewTS

    Is WWE racist?

    MMoM: Yeah, they do offer it in Japanese schools, but unless some one can verify Funaki can speak fluent English, I have my doubts.
  11. AndrewTS

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    *Kane in a trenchcoat holding a torch menacingly as Spike Dudley is tied to a pole. Kane (sounding like the Black Scorpion): You will the last sacrifice!! *fights with a drunk, mullet-wearing Kevin Nash* Kane will now hail from Alberta, of course.
  12. AndrewTS

    An idea for WWE tv

    I object on the basis that WWE is already overexposed at this point, and this wouldn't help. Yes, technically it's not adding more time since it is just shifting another hour to the main shows, but in effect it is since nobody watches Heat or Velocity. Plus, looking at the crap and the filler WWE presents us when they have to fill two hours of air time, filling 3 would be horrible.
  13. AndrewTS

    Is WWE racist?

    I doubt it, because Japanese speakers simply cannot speak English fluently unless they have been doing since they were children regularly. If blacks account for approprimately 15% of the population, WWE is somewhat underrepresenting them, but there are still several there, and maybe there just aren't many black athletes trying to get into wrestling. Although that makes it vastly different from many "real" sports, such as basketball and football, which have far greater proportions of black athletes than the WWE or the general population. Asians make up, last I checked, what, one or two percent? If so, that's about on par with the general population. I don't know if I'd even consider "Latino" a race, though. Isn't it more descriptive of their region/culture of original than skin color?
  14. AndrewTS

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    Yes, quite. It just simply wasn't very funny, and subsequent viewings didn't change my mind at all. If it was one of those episodes chosen, I can only scratch my noodle and wonder just what happened. As far as cheesy biker movies on MST3K, I'll stick with the far superior Wild Rebels, thank you.
  15. AndrewTS

    If I was Johnny Ace...

    Isn't this more appropriate for Hardcore Discussion? It's mostly wanting people fired because of dislike of their wrestling/character/etc.
  16. AndrewTS

    Is WWE racist?

    "I think the Orient is an offensive term now(anyone correct me) but the right term is Asians (that includes Japan, China, etc.)." Orient is fine when describing food, inanimate objects, but not people.
  17. AndrewTS

    Is WWE racist?

    I don't think the whole company or even all of the booking team, but Vince? I'd say most definitely, and likely a few others (JR probably). Triple H going along with that Booker T angle, regardless of who thought of it, doesn't put him in a positive light either. Lawler and Heenan have both made comments that could be considered racist, although it usually wasn't too excessive (except for Lawler's bullshit harping on HHH's comments) and was coming from a heel's mouth.
  18. AndrewTS

    Final Fight to Street Fighter

    According to that guide, at least, he's 3/4 Japanese and his hair is colored, so that's why. As for Guile--eh, he's blonde, so they're practically invisible anyway, I guess.
  19. AndrewTS

    Basham Brothers

    A 3:16 -- no, I was referring to Azz. It wasn't even so much that he wanted to defend Buff for any good reason, but to defend him and the others because him liking them when most smarks don't makes him "cool" or "rebellious" or something. He arrogantly said that we were stupid sheep for not liking them and "ganging up" on them. Although I admit, it having been so long I completely forgot about the importance of that match, because it doesn't really seem to me like Vince was going to make a serious attempt to run WCW separately anyway. In retrospect, maybe that would be correct. Look at how they had WWF stomp the Alliance, the half-assed way they're running the extension, and the illogical favoritism towards Raw. Now imagine how it would have been if one of the shows ran under a WCW banner. I can't see it being any better. However, when you add in his bad attitude and his momma's boy tendencies, how does one really defend Buff? If you like him, you like him, and that's that. However, if you're defending him just to be a wise ass, then you get to snap the hell back to reality and see how stupid you're acting.
  20. AndrewTS

    Basham Brothers

    So? That's probably why he was banned the first time then. (and the PBP poster thing is a stupid rule, by the way) And most smarks are stupid, don't blame me for calling them on it. Dry those tears. "That's probably why"--sure. I guess "disagreeing with the majority opinion" is a euphemism for "being a flame-baiting prick." Those l33+ h@xx0r5 straw man and that "sheep" ad hominem NEVER get old for you, I guess. How's the PBP stupid when he COMES OUT AND SAYS he was a PBP, basically putting a big neon sign around his neck saying "BAN ME!"? The rest of it was basically a longer, more boring summary of shit that Anglesault's been saying for months. By the way, can anyone remember the last time anyone bashed Buff, Luger, or Sable? Luger only got spoken about briefly when HHH brought him up, and the rest have been ignored since they've not been around in a while. The only logical reason I can see to bash the Bashams and defend Bagwell is that at least Bagwell has somewhat of a character/hook to him. As far as their ring work goes, Buff's been crappy but the Bashams were allegedly good in OVW. Buff was so bad WWE fired him for sucking. WWE FIRED HIM FOR SUCKING!! That's pretty bad.
  21. heroin* He's Swiss, actually.
  22. AndrewTS

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    Oh yeah, it was hilarious, but still disturbing. At first I thought she was the Latvian woman in Werewolf. Sci Fi eps seemed to have a lot of waifish, curly-and-red haired women in it. BTW, on topic, here are some MST3K and related to MST3K sites: http://www.agonybooth.com/ http://www.jabootu.com ^ features LONG reviews of bad movies. Think of them as a mix of riffing and commentary in text form. Ideally, you would watch the crappy movie while reading. Some of the movies were done on MST3K, but for here the uncut versions are reviewed. http://mst3k-review.home.mindspring.com/ http://community-2.webtv.net/Mason85/MIGHTYJACKSMST3K/ Good episode guide/review sites. I find that Mighty Jack's page, while good, may not be reliable for picking episodes you like. Episodes he finds hilarious I may not really care for, and vice-versa. However, he's got great write ups, often with neat trivia and riff explanations, plus choice riffs from the episodes. http://www.badmovies.org ^ Covers tons of low-budget movies, b-movies, and bad movies. Not all of them are "bad," though. Generally, it's a quick run down of a ton of oddball b-ish flicks. Gives great summaries, "things learned" from the film, pictures and downloadables.
  23. While I can appreciate your view here, the Catholic Church should not simply change its views to keep with the times. They've done it before. Yet, there are still very archaic teachings that the church stands firm on. No offense to any Catholics, but a lot of it makes no sense to me.
  24. Ahhh... Everything on Google seems to suggest it's "GHEE-GER," but it is *spelled* "Giger." If it was the other spelling, it would be right to say it the other way probably, like the Geiger Counter.
  25. I asked my friend who was into the Geiger stuff about it, and he's pretty sure it's "Guy-ger." He has a few Geiger art books, can often glance at a piece of artwork and give a good guess of who drew it, and some one he knows from his art classes also pronounces it that way. So, I'm not sure. I think he's not a virgin, either. ...they made Monty Python and the Holy Grail figures? Eh, I'd say they don't qualify. Monty Python anything is inherently cool, so they would be by proxy. Is there a black knight figure with removeable limbs? Edit: Or are the ones he has custom-made?