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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    So where does RAW go from here?

    Regal and his pet retard Eugene vs. the Amazingly Crappy French Canadian and his large American sidekick.
  2. I don't know what crazy place you come from but here a bukkake consists of cum, not doody Damnit, Frigid, you had to talk about stool, didn't you?
  3. And apparently it was Rikishi and Scotty who beat the Frenchies. Skinny white guy and fat Samoan. Eh, close enough.
  4. If WWE doesn't bring it up again, sure.
  5. *board breathes a sigh of relief, then...bukkakes Miss Jackie?*
  6. *shrug* Some contract thing since he's "senior official?"
  7. Hebner would get massive heel heat in the main event.
  8. Because wrestling a garbage match proves a wrestler has skillz!~ in a regular match up?
  9. Foley looks like one of the poachers the evil Alf creature killed in Pod People.
  10. AndrewTS

    Gamefaqs- Best. Game. Ever tourney

    That game isn't usually the one referred to when talking about RPGs, usually it's one of the Final Fantasy games and the Xenos. Ugh. I said there were some advantages over it that FFVI is lacking. So it isn't clearly and definitively better--but FFIV is more challenging and less "dumbed down." Because, aside from the FFIV games being more challenging (even the U.S. version, which is NOT Easy Type by the way, but it's very similar) than FFVI, there's a larger party and the unique skill sets are maintained without letting nearly every character in the game learn every spell. You can basically make nearly every character (except for Umaro/Gogo) godly by jacking their stats up and teaching them every spell. The individuality of the characters was kind of lost. FFVI is also only non-linear in the World of Ruin, and there's only a few events left there to complete. I was mainly referring to the battle system when I was talking about gameplay, anyway. As for the story/characters, FFIV seemed to have a more serious tone and when you had characters get iced, it was played off as far more meaningful. The character that got knocked off in FFIV were a lot more useful and they were likeable without being shoved down your throat as sweet and innocent and wonderful and as your love interest. Plus, their deaths caused you to constantly have to rotate your fighting strategies. The major death in FFVI is a character that you barely knew anything about, and in FFVII--weak character + lame-looking death sequence = me laughing at a moment I'm supposed to be feeling for the characters. FFIV managed to keep the right amount of story without getting overbearing about it, and managed to be old school without being far too primitive. I'll agree with Sakura that the Cecil/Kain stuff is a bit overrated, but it still is pretty cool. I do dislike the "okay, this is the REAL bad guy" stuff, though. Plus, Kefka is kind of forced comic relief. It's very bizaare to have your head villian be comic relief (yes, he's nuts, but his character design is that of a clown, for crying out loud), but it comes across as so forced in the game it seems a bit annoying. So yeah, I still think FFVI is a pretty good game, and has a lot of good ideas, but the way they were implemented had quite a few downsides as well. However, to me FFVII is a pale carbon-copy of FFVI, with new weaknesses all its own. Oh, acknowledged. Crono isn't exactly a compelling character, and most of the others are just rehashes of other Toriyama character designs. Still, I consider the Crono thing as less of a matter of "you're controlling this character" than "you are this character." So just imagine what YOU would say in a given situation, and there ya go. It's a far cry from ANGST!~ ahoy. The Magus/Frog stuff is pretty good for a 16-bit RPG, though, especially with the multiple endings. Incidentally, let's sum up some of the stuff Sakura has said recently: FFVII is worthy of being named the best video game ever. "Pit Fighter rocks." Killer Instinct is a really good game. War Gods and The Bouncer are good games. If not for MK, we may never have had blood and gore in console games. ...yow.
  11. How so? Plenty of us think that Benoit is going to win, and Shelton is most likely going to win as well.
  12. I know I will. Then we can breathe a sigh of relief, then...
  13. AndrewTS

    Gamefaqs- Best. Game. Ever tourney

    You want stupidity from GameFAQs, check this out... i have no clue if this moron is kidding or not. Doesn't sound like he's kidding. Naturally, he feels the need to put both names there. Although I'm reminded of a female poster that thought that MK was going up against two different Final Fantasy games (PinkJenny or something). Either she was a complete dolt or absolutely brilliant, because watching the posts of Square fanboys freak out was hilarious.
  14. For no reason, with no buildup. Ahhh...man, this company is going to turn itself around in no time. At least they built up that money match, Coach vs. Tajiri.
  15. AndrewTS

    Gamefaqs- Best. Game. Ever tourney

    ^ The level of unbelievable stupidity you find at GameFAQs, and that's probably one of the more intelligent posters there. The stupidest ones have compared some of these RPGs to Shakespeare. Good Lord... Until FFV was available in English, it was extremely overrated, with the the import snobs telling people how much it was the bestest RPG around! I don't buy VI as the best RPG ever made, because I think the gameplay has gotten very archaic, the story is now cliche and out of date, and gameplay and story in FFIV has certain advantages over FFVI. Okay, I'll buy that. I liked a lot about IX, Vivi included, of course, but the gameplay was really getting boring by that time. Tetra Master was fun for a while, I'll admit, but I hate when crap like that is necessary to get really good items. Plus, PlayOnline was one of the most boneheaded ideas Square ever devised. Ironically, one of the best Square games released in a long time wasn't really a Square game. Despite being a big fan of Chrono Trigger, I know its major flaw is that the characters usually are pretty unremarkable, cliched, and sketchy on backstory. It's far less story-driven than most of the RPGs out there, but that's one reason why I like it, that and the gameplay. That being said, I played FFT, I enjoyed it, but got far too bored to actually get to the point where Delita did anything notable, soooo... Although out of those that played FFT, I've almost never seen a bad review. Sakura: Nope--what made you come up with that conclusion? I think it would have definitely happened, although I'd imagine it would be a more realistic, Virtua-Fighter esque game than the unrealistic gameplay of SFII, filled with moves no real person could actually perform. I'm imagine without SFII the first big one-on-one fighting game would be a variation on a side-scrolling beat 'em up, with gameplay a bit more complex than your Final Fights or Double Dragons. Judging by the way that arcade scene was evolving, that's a perfectly logical conclusion. What you're telling me is without those visionaries Boon and Tobias, that blood and gore in console games would be a taboo that would never be broken. Nope, I simply do not buy it. Thing is, I admitted it. The advertising was focused on...pop music and the girls in skimpy outfits. The game was to an extent as well, and of course we got--oh boy, costume changes and fanservice and yeeeeeeech. It seems to be pandering to to the TRLish female crowd while simultaneously trying to lure in pathetic pimple-faced teen boys with scantily-clad CG women. Absolutely shameless. It also appears to me Square flushed its last vestiges of artistic integrity when they decided to make sequels to FFX and FFVII--although one isn't in the game medium.
  16. You'd never know it if JR didn't say it. Yes we would have. Foley said it in the interview segment he had at the start of the show. Oh, okay. I missed it and I don't recall them recapping it.
  17. Maybe he'll have the shit beat out of him for 20 minutes, then kippup, essentially no-selling the entire match. You'd never know it if JR didn't say it.
  18. AndrewTS

    Mark Jindrak

    From what I saw on Smackdown, it was clear to me without a shadow of a doubt that he can jump high, and he has a good dropkick. You just can't take that away from him.
  19. AndrewTS

    Gamefaqs- Best. Game. Ever tourney

    Pokeman I can't speak for, but mainly younger kids are the ones really into it. Oh, and Alex Lucard from 411mania. He has some insane fanboyism going for the games. Nearly all of the X games are good games, and when they are reviewed, critics and players alike take the lesser games to task--X6 and X7 mainly. The overrated ones would have to be X3 and maybe X2, because hardly anyone played them. The first X games on SNES is probably the best game in the series as far as I'm concerned, and is a great game in its own right. Final Fantasy from about 4-5 onward is tremendously overrated, though. It's easy to ditch if you don't have to have a party that is fully controlled by a single player. Otherwise it's tricky, although if they take full advantage of all the buttons you could have other party members attack/defend while still controlling the main character. Wouldn't hurt to have "Raged" style fighters who act independently or have an attack pattern set at the start of a fight, though. There's actually two new Kingdom Hearts games-- Chain of Memories for GBA (prequel) and a PS2 sequel. Sadly, they've been pushed back and it doesn't seem Square it too committed to it, which really annoys me since they're instead focusing on games I don't give a damn about. Plus, supposedly the original KH team isn't going to be doing it. *sigh*
  20. AndrewTS

    Kurt Not Dead According to WWE

    "I'm getting better!"
  21. AndrewTS

    Gamefaqs- Best. Game. Ever tourney

    When you're talking about a game's quality, which is what the whole point is, no one cares about the violence, unless they're so immature that makes it a selling point. Liking games for their "mature" content is pretty damn immature, and if a game relies on its violence as it's total merit, it doesn't deserve acclaim as a good game. See: Manhunt. At least the vastly overrated GTA3 has some decent gameplay hidden amongst all the hype. In games, gameplay is THE most important thing, bar none. Without that, nothing else matters. Likening games to movies is EXACTLY why games suck so much right now, because little or no attention is focused on gameplay. Xeno games, for instance--because of the "auteurs" behind it, we have a mess of a game with some decent gameplay, but that is conpletely undermined because of the pretentious crap the developers shovel up with gusto. Worst of all, is when they can't even get the thing they focused so much time and attention on correctly, i.e. those "epic" games like MGS2 and Xenosaga. Bull. Absolute bull. You make it sound as if MK hasn't been around, it never would have happened. Sorry, I am not buying that. I'm dying to know what all of the high-quality MK knockoffs are supposed to be. You argued KI, which is influenced heavily by SFII as well, and you might even argue Eternal Champions, which is the same deal. Where are the good ones that mainly copied MK? No, I laugh at their stupidity and their ignorance. Big difference, there. I hated VII-IX, Tactics Advance, and for good reasons. The rest of their games don't even deserve me giving them a chance, because their marketing campaigns drive me away in disgust. It's funny how much they suck up to Square even when Square insults them, such as in both the Tactics Advance and FFX-2 games, as well as the advertising. I'm dying to know what would be then, because they're certainly the most overrated gaming series on GameFAQs. GTA kind of escapes on a technicality, since no one cared about the series until GTA3. I somewhat agree on the hatred of turn-based RPGs. So many of them, despite all the graphical improvements, are still unbelievably primitive and boring gameplay-wise: select "fight" over and over, occasionally select Magic, there MIGHT be some rudimentary strategy involved in boss battles or against strong enemies, but that's usually rare. The only recent Square game I don't absolutely loathe is Kingdom Hearts, because they actually tried something different and cool, instead of having the same basic gameplay I got annoyed with long ago.
  22. AndrewTS

    Some WWE News

    How about London and Rey? The Kidman/London team is stuck on Velocity so it doesn't matter if they are broken up, and with Rey it won't matter if London has the personality of wet cardboard, because he's a great wrestler. Meanwhile, Kidman continues to deteriorate further as a worker, so have him remain a Velocity jobber.