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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    There is Shawn's ego, in relation to the universe.
  2. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

  3. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    So, couldn't Regal show him how to put his kneepads on properly? Or do they have just to sledgehammer the "he's retarded" stuff into our skulls?
  4. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    Why is Grenier wrestling?
  5. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    Gay jokes are more badass, I guess.
  6. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    I'm loving this, his name, music, and the Titantron, but why are they doing it? You see, WCW is dead. This is stuff nutty bill--er, millionaires like Vince wank over. Oh, gay joke from Edge. High-larious.
  7. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    Cripple fight!
  8. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    Johnny Nitro. See, it's funny because WCW is dead!
  9. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    I guess the FCC worries only apply to SD, which is okay because slutty face Torrie = the suck, but slutty heel Trish = rule.
  10. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    Lita fucks up again..
  11. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    Okay, what moron called it the "greatest match of all time?"
  12. Dudleyz as heels would be good. Their staleness is beyond irritating. Croweater's Yuna-esque sig is also really fucking disturbing, and huge to boot.
  13. AndrewTS

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    Without even looking at the poster's name, I knew who posted this. Silly, of course the faces will have individual entrances. I doubt the World Champion will be the last to enter, either. He's not important like that. Isn't Rhyno a face? And isn't Kane the usual designated punishment opponent?
  14. AndrewTS

    RAW and SD house shows for 4/10-11/04

    Kidman sucks as a heel and a face, because Kidman just plain sucks and couldn't cut a good heel promo to save his life. Although Kidman sucks a little less as a face, at least.
  15. AndrewTS

    The Girl Next Door

    It ranked tenth during Friday's box-office numbers. Hellboy and the Passion are duking it out for the number one position right now. Yeah, I know those "real people viewpoints" ads aren't anything new... From another MB: "I first took notice of these 'have the audience sell the flick' ads back when PORKY'S came out. I remember the critics really HATED this thing, so instead of the usual blurbs from critics, they had these little pictures of "Joe & Jane Average" (you know, Trailer Trash: REAL PEOPLE -- JUST LIKE YOU & ME!!! (well, as the marketers viewed the audience))gushing over how funny the movie was. I felt unclean just reading the ads."
  16. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter III on its way to PS2...

    How's the resolution look in Hyper SF2? Pretty much the same as Super Turbo on PS1/Saturn?
  17. AndrewTS

    Foley vs. Orton

    Orton beats Foley..."mutual respect"...Foley becomes Orton's manager?! Who would shit on that more, marks or smarks?
  18. AndrewTS

    Foley vs. Orton

    Tawren and Lord of the Curry pretty much said what I have to say, but throwing my 2 cents into it... Okay, why should I be rooting for Foley again? In "big matches" he's a gigantic loser. The feuds that pretty much made him a star were him getting his ass kicked. He got some wins over Taker as Mankind, and that was one of the main ways he was pushed--but the only match people remember from that era is Mick nearly getting killed. He's HHH's bitch any time they had a match. Yeah, lots of punishment, but Mick always lost. Basically, they make such a big deal about him going into this persona and being the master of this hardcore environment--always when he's about to become someone's bitch. Now he's not even been wrestling regularly and I'm supposed to buy that this is different? The big question--why should I hate Orton again? His "cocky" promos just sound stupid, forced, poorly-rehearsed and unnatural. Orton hasn't cut any money promos for this at all. He hasn't shown he's really frightened, intimidated, worried--more like "gassy." HHH's promos during the Foley feud really helped cement the storyline--especially his reaction to the Cactus transformation. Orton hasn't really been a major part of this feud as far as building it up and making you give a damn. He's just there. He wasn't 30 feet away when Foley apparently "transformed." He watched it on a TV monitor, and didn't sell it as it if were a big deal or if he even cared. Why should I? All the focus is on Foley and his mind games. Yeah, Orton would look pretty pathetic trying to match wits with Foley because he sucks ass on the mic, but that's something HHH had in his favor that Orton doesn't. That can't be fixed, but having equal time would help. Instead we have Orton cutting two-bit indy promos opposite Foley hamming it up. It just makes me think of a smaller-scale version of how HBK keeps getting his ass handed to him by HHH, and he keeps getting more chances at the title. Also, why the hell is the IC title even involved? Couldn't that be used in other feud? Foley doesn't seem to have the slightest bit of interest in it. Orton doesn't seem to care about it. Foley hasn't stopped Orton from cheating in matches where the title has been on the line, which could have added fuel to the fire. If Foley were to stop some cheating by Orton, Flair, etc to prevent a cheap win (too late now, probably), and then a face wrestler wins the title--you could have had a good way to build the feud and then get the title on another wrestler, which could make another match for the PPV and build to a rematch between Orton/whomever. Also, maybe it's the bad jokes, the Chef Boyardee commercials, Socko, stories of him going to a Britney Spears concert, etc, etc--but I cannot buy Foley as a badass no matter how much ham he serves up in a backstage promo.
  19. AndrewTS

    The Girl Next Door

    "The previews don't really do it justice!" Good Lord the new commercials with the "spontaneous" comments from "sneak preview audiences" suck. So, apparently they either: couldn't find positive comments from critics the advertising department sucks some one thought hiring a bunch of actors covering various demographics and gushing out praise would be a good ad campaign those are real audience members who think that, in which case I still don't care because plenty of people loved Bad Boys II.
  20. For the first few seconds when I read that, I thought it said Sabu, and I was like, WTF?!?!?!?! Well, both are well past their sell-by date, both have hideous scars all over their chests, and both really blow.
  21. Lord knows the problem with Smackdown lately has been the GM. "To TV" or "To Smackdown?" Hell, keep her on Smackdown--it isn't as if it is even watchable these days anyway.
  22. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Rating

  23. AndrewTS

    Beat em ups

    Naw, I liked Fighting Force--just not anymore. It's not stood the test of time like the 16 bit ones have. It's on topic! Gekido for GBA is really good. Double Dragon Advance, naturally, is quite bitchin'.
  24. AndrewTS

    This week's captionmania!

    Subliminal advertising in action: note the tiny Coke bottle between their chests. Torrie: Alas...can our love really be any deeper than cheap tawdry sex? I believe it can be! As surely as your lovely golden hair reminds me of wheat ready for harvest... Sable: Those are fake... Torrie: Er...or your full, red lips are... Sable: Also fake.... Torrie: Your bre--nevermind. Well, those lovely limpid blue pools that are your eyes... Sable: The left one is glass. Torrie: Nevertheless, I love you just the same, no matter what! If only you could meet my parents. My poor father has passed...and my mother...I never knew... Sable: Torrie...I am your mother...
  25. AndrewTS

    When Was Time You Cared About The Tag Belts?

    Not to sound like an echo, but the WGTT/Guerreros feud. When the Bashams took the titles it all went to shit. On the Raw side, I haven't cared about the titles since...before the Hurricane/Kane team was completely flushed. Yeah, the Booker/Goldust stuff was awesome too, but the titles weren't a major part of that. When Hurricane and Kane won them, it was a big surprise and a lot of potential was there for some good storylines and matches...they then decided to do absolutely nothing with Hurricane, and NecropHHHilia happened.