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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Most annoying things in fighting games

    So, Karl Marx was a whiny scrub because he was against capitalists exploiting the "proletariat?" He wasn't a scrub because he did something about it. Actually, he just bitched about it. It was in print from, but that's still the same thing. It was a call for others to do something about it. He didn't actually physically lead a revolution. I don't get if that "sorry for being nice" thing was a typo, insult, or what. Jer: I never talked about Tekken 4 King. I was talking about Tekken 2 King which requires you to have a photographic memory or insane amounts of play time to remember all those sequences to break out. Once you're stuck in the multipart, you have to know the right break to do at the right moment, and while you might get lucky if you don't know the breaks in 3/4, in 2, forget it. Uh, I corrected myself on throws already in my previous post. In the newer Tekkens, every throw is breakable and King's multiparts are simpler to bust out of. Many of my gripes were archaic, I'll admit. That's what I'm talking about, obvious imbalances. Also, I think we've established the fact that game magazines are pretty much shit these days, and even most "strategy guides" are glorified move lists except for the ones that had experts involved in making it (the Brady Alpha 2 guide, for instance). Hey, no disagreement here.
  2. AndrewTS

    Brock Lesnar goes Bananas!

    "BLAAA!!!" I can SO see that on a t-shirt. Although on April Fools, trust nothing on the net.
  3. AndrewTS

    Most annoying things in fighting games

    So, Karl Marx was a whiny scrub because he was against capitalists exploiting the "proletariat?"
  4. AndrewTS

    Most annoying things in fighting games

    Yup. Suuuuure. Haven't met any around here, but website forums are littered with self-absorbed pricks who think their "skilz" entitle them to be worshipped. Take a look at the context: that's not what I'm talking about. People around where I live suck at fighters. That's why I'll probably not get any better at them than I am now. However, people who restrain from using certain techniques that they know can help them win are scrubs, because they won't exploit their knowledge. Now, where did I say that? My belief is that for every move there should be a counter or some sort of defense, no single move should be too damaging unless there's a degree of risk attached to it. If there's no risk, no chance of being countered, and no defense--that kind of throws normal gameplay using the lower moves/combos out of the window, doesn't it? Use a more familiar example, since I don't play SC2 regularly. Those combos can be blocked, correct (at the first hit, natch, not after--they are combos, after all)? Even if some are high/low you can block them if you know the pattern, correct? Unblockables aren't so quick that there's literally nothing you can do about them, correct? Then there should be no problem. Besides, Soul Calibur is always a lousy example referring to damage because the rounds are so quick, even the basic moves and combos are so damaging, it doesn't matter. Even playing defensively, you play more rounds/fights in less time, and things even out. Hell, that's the way the makers want it to be, because in a region where lots of human players challenge each other, it eats more money. I have no idea where you drew THAT point from. Also, by definition, when some one states up front that something is their opinion...GUESS WHAT?! BY DEFINITION, IT'S SUBJECTIVE!! Although, thinking outside of fighting games, what's the definition of cheap? It's paying very little and getting a hell of a lot more out of it than what you paid in. However, the very use of this term seems to offend some people. Okay, so we have a disagreement on one of those issues. Ren, what about the infinites in the Vs. games? You agree those should be fair game, or not? To resolve some things I said earlier, probably universal techniques that every fighter has at his/her disposal can't really be cheap as long as, say, one person's normal throw does 3 times the damage as a normal throw (and it is a non-boss character). Probably some people here would disagree. ---- However, let's try to summarize: Nothing in a fighting game is ever cheap...except sometimes a game is "broken," and only fighting game experts are qualified to determine when that is the case--otherwise, all other players have no right to criticize a game on that basis, ever. If you dare, you're a whiny scrub. The point to where this brokenness gets that far is nebulous and even some of those really good players disagree on them. Character character imbalances aren't something to complain about, and it seems expert players don't even care for companies to try to balance things out. If certain characters have major advantages over other ones--well, ITTG. Infinite combos and 100% combos aren't cheap. Apparently gets the jump on the other player and pulls it off is really skilled, or something, because that's what the tournament peeps do. It isn't cheap! IITG! Exploit it! You're a whiny scrub if you don't exploit it.
  5. AndrewTS

    Steve Austin arrested again

    ...so? The Enquirer has slightly more credibility than your typical wrestling news site. Also, the only real bad news Austin has to worry about is if this goes to court.
  6. AndrewTS

    Battle of the Swine

    "I am impervious to your lame wrestling jokes." No, I don't own GLOOW.
  7. AndrewTS

    Booker T considering to retire...

    "Soon" = "a year or so," I presume.
  8. AndrewTS

    Family Guy primed for a 2005 return

    It will start with a Sunday night at 7:30 PM EST time slot...
  9. Since I'm sure we all have some games, etc we'd like to vent on, I'm interested in hearing which ones you peeps hate. Saw this on another board--Renegade might get a kick out of this one:
  10. AndrewTS

    So now that he's the deadman again.....

    Maybe all the chairs in the arena could have a number underneath it, and they do a drawing to see what lucky fan will get to have their picture taken while Taker Tombstones him/her.
  11. AndrewTS

    Smackdown spoilers

    Answer: Austin runs in and stuns them both. It's good to see WWE has their fingers on the pulse of their target markets.
  12. AndrewTS

    So now that he's the deadman again.....

    Or they can just keep the card positions normal and bill the opening cruiser match as the "special main event" like the Demon's PPV matches.
  13. AndrewTS

    Wal Mart has dropped the XBOX price

    Heh, well, depending on the games you like, you may not want one anyway, but there are certainly a lot of good reasons out there to get one. Exactly. In the console war, both of them are out of the markets they excell in (computer stuff vs. portable stuff). But "Evil" is a higher score than "cat," so I'll pick the insane one. Plus Galva-box can distract Grimtendo and steal its good letters. In the meantime, PS2-cron is hovering in to swallow them.
  14. AndrewTS

    So now that he's the deadman again.....

    How about this one...Warrior returns...as a heel!~ Think of the $$$! He could team up with Bradshaw.
  15. AndrewTS

    Wal Mart has dropped the XBOX price

    Actually, Gamecube's position in the console war is best represented by Grimlock trying to beat Galvatron in a game of Scrabble.
  16. AndrewTS

    So now that he's the deadman again.....

    Naw, Batista is under Trip's wing. John Leiderhosen will be getting the big heel push and the Taker squashin', probably.
  17. AndrewTS

    Wal Mart has dropped the XBOX price

    Sony is evil too.
  18. AndrewTS

    So now that he's the deadman again.....

    WWE can always hire back the One Man Gang.
  19. AndrewTS

    So now that he's the deadman again.....

    Demott's retired, A-Train's on Raw (I think), so aside from Show, who could really fit that role if they wanted to do that? .... I fear a Mankind return.
  20. AndrewTS

    Some XBox games price drop

    They was it was worded it sounded like PS1 games have to sell 1/4 million units, but it didn't say that PS2 GH have to sell any specific number, but it needs to have 400,000 produced. *shrug* Probably there are no specific sales numbers that X-Box games have to meet. If so, it has to be far less than 1/4 million, I'd gather.
  21. AndrewTS

    Battle of the Swine

    *Banky watching joshi* "What the fuck is this? One of the girls has no tits or ass, and the other is a fatass tank-looking bitch? How's a guy supposed to wank it over this?!" Im not a cerebrial wrestling nerd, so yea, the value of Joshi would escape me. *Banky watches GLOOW* "Fuck yeah, this is more like it. HOO-TERS! HOO-TERS! HOO-TERS!"
  22. Eh, actually, the Atlantis comparisons to what-the-hell-ever seemed to be a laundry list of cliches. There were some character design similarities, but it didn't seem like that big a deal. Also, Atlantis was a movie, but I'm pretty sure that anime that it supposedly ripped off was a series. "I don't think Disney can make a good movie without Pixar now. The last great one I remember was The Lion King." However, while on the topic, The Lion King is generally considered a ripoff of Kimba the White Lion. A more qualified otaku could probably shed a brighter light on that. Excellent post, Rando. I had a chance to take an internship like the one you described, but the distance, my unwillingness to leave my state, and hatred of the current soul-sucking Disney didnt make it sound too inviting.
  23. AndrewTS

    Most annoying things in fighting games

    Ah! Something new has been added! You're backpeddling. What's this about exploiting without ruining the game? No, that isn't what you said. You said if it is in the game, it's fair game. No thanks. I beg to differ on your definition of cheap. If the method of executing the move is far easier than the method of countering the move, that's "my" idea of cheap. If it is easily abusable and does far more damage than it should, that's "my" idea of cheap. Do techniques that players commonly call "cheap" (but you would not) reward skill on the part of the person using them? This is merely going on my Tekken 2 experience, but--no they don't. It wasn't too hard to pick up after a couple of tries. That is, executing the throw sequences. Also, King isn't the only one with them, Anna and Nina too. I know that. Which player complained they can't escape the throw? I'm the only player I've known of around here thus far that can do the multi-parts, period. I checked out Gamefaqs, and it turns out in the later games they...simplified the breakouts! They're now single or double-simultaneous button presses as opposed to arcane commands such as: "While she's moving their arm to break it... 2,1,3,4,1+2" Call me crazy, but changing it in the later games MAYBE indicated there was something wrong in that game that called for it to changed? "After he gives them the second knee... 2,4,1,1+2+3" --that isn't rocket science, but it isn't significantly more interesting, either. Again, where was I "crying and complaining" about "their" (my?) lack of ability to win? It's quite clear (at least in your case) the part of your brain spent on learning these games came at the expense of your mastery of the English language. PK manages to sound intelligent and diplomatic. Try it sometime. The wit in your signature astounds me.