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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. Where can I find the match on tape/DVD? I haven't seen it, just the KotR match. EDIT: Nevermind, I didn't see the subtitle saying Summerslam '91.
  2. AndrewTS

    New Resident Evil 4 Screenshots

    Is that what the hell Outbreak is?
  3. AndrewTS

    This week's caption-mania

    Ric: WHOOO!! THIS IS...THE NAY-CHA BOOAY..HERE ON COL' PEE-ZUH!!! WHOOO!! HHH: Damnit, Ric, we're in a police lineup. Remember? We were doing that heel beatdown and SOME ONE misunderstood the "Legend Killer" gimmick. Orton: I thought they were safety scissors!! Ric: Oh yeah--WHOOO!! This is the big one! I'm comin' ta join ya', Double-Ay!
  4. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    Whorrie's too busy with her business on the side...? Get ready for another Sparky Plugg push.
  5. AndrewTS

    WWE Tidbits

    *spontaneously combusts with excitement*
  6. That's the problem--she won't stay out of feuds. And the marks have little patience for her, even. When the split first started Bischoff was the face as far as the SD fans were concerned. Hearing 3MW Samoan Drop her to a face pop was hilarious.
  7. Actually, I thought the storyline was that they sold their WWE stock to afford the purchase of WCW and ECW (mostly WCW, I'd imagine). That's how Flair became co-owner and so forth. Oh well, brace yourself for more fantastic storylines such as Vince pimping out Steph years ago for business deals.
  8. Oh yeah, when it was originally thought Booker's career was over. I forgot about that one. However, that was more out of necessity than trying to increase interest in the house shows.
  9. AndrewTS

    Upcoming PPV schedule

    Exactly. Well, I had the Rebellion 2001 DVD for a while, and while the matches weren't bad, it was stacked with title matches, but you were almost positive none of them were going to change hands.
  10. Once in a while they'd have a title change hands on a house show, but the last time they had that happen was Edge beating Jarrett in 1998/1999, I think.
  11. AndrewTS

    Upcoming PPV schedule

    "It had little to do with the day of the week it aired, it had more to do with the fact it was the 2nd WWF pay-per-view event in that 7-day span." To be specific, it was supposed to be a test to see if weekly PPVs could fly. Hm. I don't think the more casual UKers will bother paying for PPVs, but if they pay next to nothing now, then at least it would mean more revenue. Although they should have a choice whether to watch it live or on a tape delay at a more reasonable time. Although this might mean something will actually happen on the UK PPVs for once.
  12. AndrewTS

    scott keith's wmxx review

    In California, MAYBE. Last time I took the political spectrum test, I came out as left-moderate, so I sincerely doubt that. http://www.411mania.com -- somewhere on there. He is type-2 bipolar, so he's got papers to prove he's crazy. He's itching to pop the champagne corks when Reagan dies and said so basically in those words. I can understand being a bit left-leaning when your medication is paid for by the government, at least. However, he isn't moderate anything.
  13. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    Banner ad -- "Drugdealer.com: Online medical prescriptions at rock bottom prices." http://www.mavenhuffman.com/ : he has his own official site, shockingly.
  14. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    Thanks Andrew, you've made my day with your daily Torrie joke. You're welcome. ...it seems someone's put down $400 on her ass by the name of NextBigThingNFL. Hmmm... And HossLover4Life wants her to wear football gear and roll in BBQ sauce.
  15. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    "Damn you! The only reason I put that site in there was for you to make a joke about it." Oh, alright. So that's how Kidman makes ends meet when he's always injured?
  16. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    ...I'll pass on the easy joke. And "eerie similar to this one" until you read it. Check out the "Divas" folder for some hilarity, if you dare. Mick Foley has a subsite as well.
  17. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    http://www.wordlife.com - christian fellowship group's site. http://www.williamregal.com - takes you to WWE Mirror Images. http://mysite.freeserve.com/wwfmi/sablethen.jpg That was Sable? Well, hair color and boobs are fake, to no one's surprise. http://www.scotthall.com/ : A car dealership http://www.bigpoppapump.com/ : apparently they didn't care to update when he came to the WWE. Hm.
  18. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    "jackiegayda.com This domain was registered recently at namecheap.com " Uh-huh. http://www.goldust.com/ : So Dustin's doing this for a living, now? http://www.shannonmoore.com/ : Some pop singer, I guess. http://www.mfers.com/ : fishing guide site. http://www.liliangarcia.com/ : Damnit, no really good pictures.
  19. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    http://www.thedudleyboyz.com/ New photos posted daily! *photo from 2002 King of the Ring* http://www.bookert.com/main/index.html : ...*shrug* http://www.edgearmy.com/ -- for sale...hey, if the WWE wants the URL you could make some money. http://www.ricflair.com/home.html : hey, a real site, but not WWE.
  20. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    Neither have I...but Kelly Lebrock is kinda close...
  21. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    Chrisbenoit.com -- selling men's underwear and jock straps http://www.goldberg.com/ -- a law firm, of course. http://www.laresistance.com/ -- hmmm... http://www.jimross.com/ -- Under construction!?
  22. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    HA! I expected a barrage of pop-ups--that's not too bad.
  23. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    "See what happens when you give me a project??? I find a porn site." That's pretty much what happens these days with random links. It used to be a lot more fun when porn sites didn't pick up so many URLs. I'm surprised that WWE hasn't bought nWo.com.
  24. AndrewTS

    newecw.com =

    How about some one do searches for similar domains? oldecw.com borrowedecw.com blueecw.com? nWothebandisbacktogether.com? BrockLesnariscomingbacktoWWE.com...
  25. AndrewTS

    HHH the Vampire

    Those fangs aren't very good--they look like really yellowed teeth--the Isaac Yankem of vampires!!