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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Benoit is 'just a transitional champion'...

    You forget that she isn't involved in booking. I just think she handles some of the business decisions outside of creative--when she's not coming up with creative ways to sugarcoat WWE's fucking up for those stockholders' meetings. Slapnuts: Kudos for the Flair title reigns refresher.
  2. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For 3/18/04

    The Haas/Benjamin mat sequences were admittedly slow and didn't really go anywhere. It seemed more like they were doing a worked-shoot am wrestling exhibition to try to match some of Angle's stuff, but weren't able to as effectively spice it up for a pro wrestling audience like Kurt or Brock can do. The Gunn match was pretty inoffensive to me, Rey vs. Shelton was good, vs. Show was...typical Show match. Nothing terribly bad but nothing extremely good. It was fun to watch for me, at least. I'd say the Eddy/Rey stuff would probably seem a lot better if we didn't know what they were capable of before, though.
  3. AndrewTS

    Benoit is 'just a transitional champion'...

    She believes that the fans don't want to put up with her admittedly wooden acting, and she doesn't believe she's a compelling on-air character at all. So apparently, just like in kayfabe, she's the closest you can get to a good, living McMahon.
  4. AndrewTS

    Calling X-Box fanboys

    Okay, so there's nothing wrong with my X-Box and all of them do that?
  5. AndrewTS

    Benoit is 'just a transitional champion'...

    Well, didn't Flair just have a bunch of short reigns, as opposed to long reigns?
  6. AndrewTS

    Benoit is 'just a transitional champion'...

    Agreed. Neither is HHH, though.
  7. AndrewTS

    Benoit is 'just a transitional champion'...

    They're WHITE boots, so he should be seeing ceiling, not winning. Logic has no place within these walls. Which is the illogical part: the way WWE books, or the tendency for white boots to be found almost exclusively on jobbers?
  8. AndrewTS

    Benoit is 'just a transitional champion'...

    They're WHITE boots, so he should be seeing ceiling, not winning. I'll be worried if he starts wearing gold boots, though. Then again, maybe they're just working you, just like they are with Brock. Brock'll be back any week now, just you wait!
  9. AndrewTS

    Benoit is 'just a transitional champion'...

    I don't think this was Vince's idea...
  10. AndrewTS

    Benoit is 'just a transitional champion'...

    What's more insulting, having Benot job in his hometown to HHH, or expecting the Edmontonians to just forget Benoit's from there?
  11. AndrewTS

    Benoit is 'just a transitional champion'...

    So, he's just HHH's Garvin? Nope, not surprised at all. Maybe those evil Quad Tear demons will strike again.
  12. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For 3/18/04

    At the risk of making another thread bickering over star ratings--Keith is a moron.
  13. AndrewTS

    Mr. Johnson goes to Washington

    Ventura/Rock as running mates? I don't think so, since I'm almost certain Rock's a Republican.
  14. AndrewTS

    Mr. Johnson goes to Washington

    So, the Rock's going to be 35 when, exactly? That's only because it was in California, a whole state of raving loonies.
  15. AndrewTS

    La Resistance

    On Grenier: we haven't seen him wrestle, but he's been out injured and probably wrestled a few weeks in OVW before coming back. Since when have a few weeks or a few months even in OVW improved anyone's workrate? Grenier showed some charisma as the EEEVIL French-Can heel referee, and since he frankly sucks once he steps into the ring, something like that wouldn't be a bad idea. However, I doubt that's what will be done with him. Now, if he sucked in the ring, had some charisma, and started in WCW, WWE might just fire him. However, since he's got ties with Patterson and is an OVW product, he'll be another Road Dogg, minus the massively-over gimmick.
  16. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For 3/18/04

    Not me. Besides, isn't Taker, you know, a face?
  17. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For 3/18/04

    The Dead Doo-Rag!
  18. AndrewTS

    Ultimate Muscle sequel coming to PS2..in the US!

    First one wasn't as good? HCTP = greatness?! You sir, are on crack.
  19. AndrewTS

    scott keith's wmxx review

    I second that. CS has had a bit of a temper but Mike's been egging him on and having a bad attitude in the first place. He's generally fine in the Current Events folder, but here...
  20. AndrewTS

    Faarooq released

    Didn't he get into a confrontation with Big Show a couple of weeks ago? Maybe Show has more clout than we thought. I don't think it is Big Show having clout as much as possibly Faarooq starting it. If Faarooq was having a bad attitude overall, then possibly that contributed to it.
  21. AndrewTS

    Faarooq released

    "Suffice to say that you know this leads to a Bradshaw singles run." Damn...shit...fuck....SONNUVABITCH!!!
  22. AndrewTS

    True or False- WWE "bald" edition

    I haven't seen her live, but I have Dawn, and she's really freakin' tiny. I could only imagine how small Terri would look live.
  23. AndrewTS

    Faarooq released

    Meltz said "fired" instead of "released." He doesn't like to sugar-coat, or did Ron piss someone off?
  24. AndrewTS

    Metal Gear Solid 3, Anyone?

    I'll wait for the inevitable upgraded X-Box version.
  25. AndrewTS

    The fighting game character tourney 2k4

    ...huh? It isn't that it's Capcom, it's just that Capcom hasn't come up with a really good, original character design for their Street Fighter games in a long time. Even most of the new SFIII character designs blow. For example, take a look at Gill.