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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    The New Undertaker

    "Although, admittedly, they could have at least changed his tank top." Agreed--it's gotta go.
  2. AndrewTS

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

    Does anyone else think they're still stringing us along? This still sounds suspicious. The fact that the camera panned to a "Broc Sold Out" sign and JR acknowledged the "rumors" on-camera made it seem like it's an elaborate work still being pulled.
  3. HBK...sometime...right? One of the falls in the Armageddon 2002 match?
  4. And I couldn't wait for the first troll to invade the thread.
  5. AndrewTS

    The New Undertaker

    Me and a group of MARKS at the campus: BULLSHIT!! Would it have killed them to give him a new ring attire? Sable was able to "wrestle" with hair extensions so I don't see why Taker couldn't. Coat and hat were fine, but once the bell rings, there's no difference but the hair. Lame. Kinda killed the illusion for marks as well.
  6. I didn't cry, but I marked the fuck out, perhaps even more so than I did...when I read that Eddy won at NWO. Good match, put over Benoit well, made everyone look awesome, buckets of blood, wicked table bump, some spots I haven't seen in Triple Threats--very satisfying.
  7. AndrewTS

    Big Show wuz screwed thread.

    Big Show is injured? I thought that was Cena? That bastard cheater Cena!! That is NOT a champion for us to be proud of! Sure, Big Show never defended the thing, but when he did he won fair and square!
  8. AndrewTS

    WWE on MADtv

    So, despite the fact that the wrestlers were in one skit, and thus writing around them wasn't a problem, the show isn't usually this terrible? And they usually just don't take a 2-minute skit and stretch it out to about 7 minutes as the beat the same joke to death? The show went downhill after the Mexican dude's soliloquy.
  9. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter III on its way to PS2...

    Renegade: okay, I kind of see your point, but I don't see any reason why the PS2 couldn't do an excellent port. We both know that MvC2 and CvS2 were half-assed rush jobs. I asked around elsewhere, and got some quotes I'm unsure of the validity of: I haven't seen any specs that would say the PS2 version would have to make any sacrifices. However, I guess you just meant my basis was a flawed comparison.
  10. AndrewTS

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    That's just the wire "hair," though. They aren't dangling around his head like they are on Pred. Fulgore and cyborg Smoke can both go invisible as well.
  11. Or sleeping with Shane, or sleeping with JR, or wasn't a HOSS BAH GAWD--take your pick. This makes sense how? Well, at least it makes more sense than Noble being buried because his on-air-only girlfriend had pissed people off.
  12. AndrewTS

    WWE News: Goldberg's Future, Edge, SD!, Stern

    Don't joke about that. But seriously, Edge would be fine as a heel. He was a heel before, and 'screaming little girls' weren't a problem. Sure, he's a pretty boy, but not to the extent that someone like Jeff Hardy was where it would be hard for people (alright, teenage girls) to cheer against him. Really though, turning him heel right when he returns is STUPID. He's gonna get huge return pops. Milk that for awhile, and then turn him heel maybe. But to turn him heel right when he comes back? STUPID. Well, obviously you gotta wait to turn him heel, unless you build him up as a heel before he returns, which is already too late to do. And Edge's E&C character was strictly "midcard heel," just like his face-turn post-KotR win was "midcard face." He's too goofy to main event in that character. Rock does a lot of comedy, but still has an aura of legitimacy around him no matter what, and can cut a serious promo when he needs to. Edge turning heel, calling faces "dorks," and acting like a goofball isn't going to be a ticket-selling main event character. Yeah, I'm sure at least 10 percent will spring for 50 bucks to see him for a few minutes in a segment where there is no nudity, while Stern himself makes fun of WWE on his show.
  13. AndrewTS

    WWE on MADtv

  14. AndrewTS

    WWE on MADtv

    Because they only have a couple "jokes," so they have to beat them until the ground to fill an entire hour.
  15. AndrewTS

    WWE on MADtv

    When's the "funny" start?
  16. AndrewTS

    WWE on MADtv

    Guest stars? Wasn't that chubby Asian dude from "From Dusk Till Dawn?"
  17. AndrewTS

    WWE on MADtv

    Where are the "guest stars?" *click*
  18. AndrewTS

    WWE on MADtv

    The "Comedy Channel?" That hasn't been around in over a decade.
  19. AndrewTS

    WWE on MADtv

    At least Trish's crappy forearms are funny.
  20. AndrewTS

    Velocidential Thread

    Well, is isn't the unemployment line, but close...
  21. AndrewTS

    Velocidential Thread

    How? He's got a better workrate, I can tell what the hell he's saying, and he's in shape.
  22. AndrewTS

    WWE on MADtv

    MadTV rocks beetch. ...me to sleep.
  23. AndrewTS

    Ultimate Muscle sequel coming to PS2..in the US!

    I wonder if Mr. Cheeks will make it in--the rating for the game may depend on it.
  24. Overhaul the damn engine attributes system, bring it back to where it was before. To this day HCTP haunts and pisses me off.
  25. AndrewTS

    WWE on MADtv

    Why has Kevin Smith stooped to doing MadTV?