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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Big Show on Conan

    Anyone up for a "100 reasons Big Show is better than Randy Orton" thread?
  2. AndrewTS

    Calling X-Box fanboys

    Update: got a used Voodoo Vince for 10 bucks.
  3. AndrewTS

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    *slaps forehead* Can't believe I forgot that...it's even activated the same way. Plus the K makes it easier to trademark. "Mortal combat" is an expression, which might have made it harder to TM. "Mortal Kombat" on the other hand is different. New rule for video games: if you resort to jokes like that, your game usually is a steaming pile itself (see also: BMX XXX).
  4. Occasionally he'd be funny on SNL... Sadly, he was the funniest regular cast member until he left recently. Is Tom Green too obvious?
  5. AndrewTS

    Calling X-Box fanboys

    Is it on one of the Exhibition discs, and would the demo do it justice? I'm trying to pick the Exhibition discs up--why pay 5 bucks for one rental when you can try 9 games for a couple bucks more?
  6. AndrewTS

    Calling X-Box fanboys

    Well, two out of three ain't bad. If MP uses the dual-stick controls, I'm not interested, sorry.. Thanks for letting me know, though. I may skip PoP and go right to Ninja Gaiden, but Hitman 2 might be a pickup since it sounds like a blast. Not dual-stick setup on that one, though, right?
  7. AndrewTS

    Chavo Sr.

    It's a shame Chavo doesn't have his pop's charisma. He does seem to be improving lately, though...
  8. AndrewTS

    How will they explain Brock's leave on Smackdown?

    They'll...acknowledge Brock left the WWE. Then they'll hype up that he's coming back. On the night of his return, a bleached-blond Batista with altered tattoos will happy-dance out from the back...
  9. AndrewTS

    How will they explain Goldberg leaving RAW?

    After wrapping up the Santa's Slay shoot, Goldberg was kidnapped by invisible elves and never seen again.
  10. Winner puts over Randy Orton before leaving...
  11. AndrewTS

    Big Show on Conan

    Who here wouldn't take Big Show over Orton anytime?
  12. AndrewTS

    RAW Wrestlers Getting Frustrated With Creative

    "RAW Wrestlers Unhappy With Creative Direction RAW Wrestlers Happy With Creative Direction" Actually, that would be "Vince, Austin Happy with Creative Direction; RAW Wrestlers Unhappy With Creative Direction."
  13. AndrewTS

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    The Killer Instinct arcade game came out in 1994, while the arcade MK3 came out in 1995. Oddly, neither one duplicated the dreadlocks... Sub-Zero's new look makes me expect ninja turtles in the game.
  14. AndrewTS

    Calling X-Box fanboys

    "Everything?" Where the hell have you been? Anything I haven't outright rejected is under consideration. I have a pretty good list of suggestions, but some of "high profile" titles that people consider must-owns have zero appeal to me (except for Ninja Gaiden, Panzer, etc). Until Halo (and for that matter Timesplitters 2) can learn precise 3-D movement without me having to piss around adjusting 2 analog sticks while under heavy fire, I'm not interested. KotR is a semi-turn-based RPG, right? I hate new turn-based RPGs, period. I'll give the full PoP a try, but they should have done a better job with the demo, because except for Ren I would have passed on it completely. Sports games, GTA--nope. MGS2 I've played already, and didn't like it then, either. I have the 1st and 4th Exhibition discs now and I'm using it as an economical guide to decide what to buy. Whacked! is quite the fun and insane little game. I'm not sure if multi-player is doable on one console and hopefully not all of games are so similar to one another, but awesome thus far. Panzer seems good, although in the demo when I fight the huge-ass ship the enemy fire seems too heavy to counter, and it seems my shots aren't actually destroying anything shooting back at me. Timesplitters 2 has the same annoying "dual analog" control going on. If you have to do something so needlessly complicated to do something like "turn around" I'll pass, thank you. I'll stick with Metroid Prime. Haven't played the demos for Quantum Redshift, Splinter Cell, etc yet, though we'll see. So far, games under consideration (at least for a rental): Prince of Persia Jet Set Radio Future Crimson Skies Ninja Gaiden Hitman 2 Deathrow Beyond Good & Evil TMNT Buffy 1 May need a little more time for Voodoo Vince, Panzer, etc to make up my mind on those... I know it is multi-plat and maybe not that great, but how's Evil Dead: Fistful of Boomstick? Just watched both versions of AoD back-to-back last night and itchin' to try it. Show me where I said "all of these games suck!", asshole? How about working on your reading comprehension, or have the Texas schools failed again? There are plenty og games I'm interested in, so shut the hell up and pay attention. Or, you know, contribute something. *Note to others: it's okay. I know Adam Kent Wade West (Flyboy) here quite well; we do this all the time. *
  15. AndrewTS

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    Sort of. However, I'd say this guy looks far more like Predator. With that shot of him and Spinal's skull, I think it's even more obvious.
  16. AndrewTS

    Maven news

    You don't say?! I don't think the character falls too far from the person, myself. I would think WWE would be hesitant to push anyone who is injury-prone--but Orton, Batista, and HHH's pushes wouldn't be going on right now if that was true.
  17. AndrewTS

    Calling X-Box fanboys

    In the final, I guess. However, in the demo there's only one third-person view and the HUGE ASS BIRD'S EYE VIEW! Then when the camera "turns" it doesn't slowly adjust, it just "jerks" to an awkward position that's downright lousy for gauging your jump.
  18. AndrewTS

    JR Speaks On Brock, WMXX, Foley, Rock, & More

    Pondering using the Astrodome again, are they? Interesting. Hey, free tickets to several thousand people in the Houston area!
  19. AndrewTS

    WWE: Day of Reckoning for the Gamecube

    Yessiree--if you want a Mania title shot, you have to commit vandalism, assault, and murder. I guess Booker didn't go far enough. Worst of all, the controls are ill-suited to the environments you fight in. Plus, the game intentionally makes certain tasks impossible--like trying to make X number of security guards bleed. It takes a few minutes in a regular game, but in Revenge mode you might bust open one, and waste the rest of the time limit beating the hell out of the second or third guard and he refuses to juice.
  20. AndrewTS

    WWE News: Goldberg's Future, Edge, SD!, Stern

    Approximately how many total buys did WMXIX get last year?
  21. AndrewTS

    JR Speaks On Brock, WMXX, Foley, Rock, & More

    "With Rock, Foley and Flair in the same match, it can't help but be good." Hey, at least he didn't kiss Orton's ass again.
  22. "This company really is one more bad move from a meltdown. Hard to believe they really HAVE gotten to this point." They're still financially secure, though. However, in terms of WCW I think we're about at late 1998 in comparison to current WWE.
  23. I think this makes it all the more obvious that these are a bunch of WWE hoaxes. Because they've even overbooked THAT.
  24. AndrewTS

    Berry promises sexy 'Catwoman'

    "Flintstones" ...well, to be honest, I don't think that's the movie you should be even bothering to act in, because the people who are going to be watching it won't be able to tell the difference anyway. The rest I won't defend; don't really like Halle. And the costume she's wearing is so ridiculous she's already fighting an uphill battle.
  25. AndrewTS

    Calling Woodmaniacs

    Yeah, although there's a good bit of artistic license used: for example, the movie implies Tor got his start in acting with Wood, but that's not true, neither is the big fight over Loretta King getting the lead in Bride of the Monster. However, yes, it's a tremendous movie, and it is mostly accurate in other aspects. Angora of course is one of them. I don't get why some directors have to put their fetishes on display in their movies. (Tarantino: Okay, Salma, then you shove your foot in my mouth...) The "horseface" comment actually made me almost like Sarah Jessica Parker, the way she took it in stride. Then I heard about what a total bitch she acted like during filming, and she lost the respect she'd gained from me. As for Plan 9's status, it's a sci fi movie that fails on virtually every aspect, but when it comes to comedy--definitely wins. It's a movie with so many obvious technical flaws that your typical popcorn-munching casual movie-goer can pick up on them. "Visits? That implies visitors!" The direction, the writing, the special effects, the editing, the plot, the "science" (sunlight is made of atoms?), the continuity, the abuse of stock footage, the Bela stand-in...it's so ridiculously absurd it becomes one of the best comedies around. Despite Wood's ineptness, he displayed a passion for his craft that is absent in most modern directors. He didn't do it to make money, for sure, and he wouldn't let minor obstacles like budget or talent or writing stop him from going forward with his vision. I still haven't gotten my question answered, exactly. -iB-, why the "first" one over the other one, would you say?