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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    Special start time of 7 Eastern? So, Heat is at 6 PM EST, or there's no Heat at all, period?
  2. AndrewTS

    Brock and Sable?

    Hm, and there was supposedly a fight with Torrie and Sable. Maybe that Brock/Kidman dispute goes a whole lot deeper than just the Shooting Star Press.
  3. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter III on its way to PS2...

    "GGX2 doesnt run on the same hardware as SF3 so you can't really say." But GGX2 has more characters, more animation, the backgrounds are far superior and it's in high-res.
  4. AndrewTS

    Mainstream Leak of Brock

    Those that are convinced this is all just to draw more buys for XX from some imaginary people who would shell out $50 because two guys that aren't going to be there the next day are wrestling. Not just people, but the enigma that is the casual fan who hasn't watched in awhile, and who probably doesn't think that the name 'Brock Lesnar' means anything. ...I apparently missed the point. *scratches head* I don't get how that's going to help them really. Perhaps it would knock some of the fans who don't normally buy PPVs off the fence, but if they weren't already sold on this PPV--because it *is* Wrestlemania--will this really affect them any?
  5. AndrewTS

    So if Flair finally does retire probably after WM

    Assuming Evolution isn't split apart? Jindrak and Cade? Seriously, though: you have the world champion (HHH), the mid-level title guy (Orton), a tag team to hold the tag titles (J&C), and I could see Batista leaving the group because they might decide to give him a solo shot.... This is assuming you want to keep it at 4 active members.
  6. AndrewTS

    Ultimate Muscle sequel coming to PS2..in the US!

    Well, there will be more moves, ground holds, and pinning--so it looks like that much is addressed. Regardless, that isn't going to change the basic gameplay. We've had "sim" style games for a long time, so I have no problem with a good ol' Slammasters-style insane grappler like this. It will be fun to finally be able to pummel and torture your opponents before finishing them off, rather than winning as soon as their life meter is empty. Iced-over ring?
  7. AndrewTS

    Mainstream Leak of Brock

    Who said it had to have a point? We had "This is Your Life, Mick Foley" on Raw and now a "legit" situation going on with Brock possibly quitting the company. If it isn't for real, I'd swear Russo was working for WWE again. Russo, of course, didn't have to have a point to his big angles, just make sure you have a big swerve for unpredictable TV.
  8. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter III on its way to PS2...

    Yeah, all the backgrounds should be in. I was disappointed they didn't put that in Vampire Chronicles (WITH MATCHING SERVICE!~), because without it, it's just a slightly upgraded Vampire Savior. I don't think we'd get "new" characters per se. Perhaps they'd put Maki in or some one else that would fit in storyline-wise. I'm shocked that none of the SF3's contained older, more polished versions of Sakura/Karin. Their ages would about fit in. Hell, if we still have Ryu, Ken, Chun Li and Akuma hanging around, it wouldn't be absurd to have grown up versions of those other characters. Maybe that's partly what took so long--I'll take a good version of 3rd Strike anyway I can get it, but if it is several years late something extra should be put in, I guess. *Whoot* I kicked Gill's ass with Guile's bishie knockoff Remy, fair and square.
  9. AndrewTS

    MGS: The Twin Snakes

    Because I know of plenty of people who are dolts and believe everything magazines tell them. I liked cloaking more, personally. Muhahha! I AM the Predator!! Nah, just Snake delivering a line about how his bandana gives him unlimited ammo... Now there is breaking down the 4th wall. Yeah, I remember that line well. However, your lack of quotation marks made me think you meant the item itself. I rolled my eyes and groaned, but liked that because it was one of the few moments where the game didn't take itself so damn seriously.
  10. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter III on its way to PS2...

    The New Gen/2nd Impact ones, or the classic SFII stages?
  11. AndrewTS

    Wrestlers upset about Taker return....

    Or maybe when he walks the ropes Cole will shout "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THIS MOVE IS CURRENT UNDERTAKER." And after 10 years +, opponents still stupidly stare in awe and take the move.
  12. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter III on its way to PS2...

    Seriously, though--what took so long? The PS2 certainly is capable of doing really good 2D. Sure, some of the previous games were slightly-sloppy port jobs but they were still good. Aside from that, after seeing Guilty Gear X2 run on the PS2, it's certainly more than capable of pulling a game like Third Strike off. What sort of extras would really be necessary to include? Online play probably is feasible (for those who care), but the options already allowed you to adjust nearly every freakin' facet of the gameplay you could possibly want. There's plenty of characters and no real hiddens we haven't been able to play as yet. Hm--art gallery mode? Team Battle? Survival? If it comes out here, I'll get it. I'd prefer a legit copy over my pira--er, you didn't hear that.
  13. AndrewTS

    Mainstream Leak of Brock

    Meltz's been duped plenty of times too, so there is no one source with a sparkling record. And Brock should keep his leaks with the seat up. *rimshot*
  14. AndrewTS

    MGS: The Twin Snakes

    Because I know of plenty of people who are dolts and believe everything magazines tell them. I liked cloaking more, personally. Muhahha! I AM the Predator!!
  15. AndrewTS

    Mainstream Leak of Brock

    "Story's not true. I'm sure actual WRESTLING sources like Meltzer or the Torch would know about this before the Miami Herald. " It would kinda be implied Vince wants to resign Goldberg if he's losing Brock.
  16. AndrewTS

    Mainstream Leak of Brock

    "Ironically, speculation was Goldberg would wrestle his final WWE match at WrestleMania, but since becoming friends with Stone Cold Steve Austin and the apparent departure of Lesnar, look for Goldberg to remain with the company -- possibly joining the SmackDown roster." FUCK LESNAR!
  17. AndrewTS

    MGS: The Twin Snakes

    I said "a good bit." If you take that to mean "everyone" then you skipped over that part.
  18. AndrewTS

    MGS: The Twin Snakes

    I for one like MGS and am not swayed by the press. Also, I hope you never get on my case about not adding IMO ever again... I'm talking about those people who actually think that MGS2 has such a grand, epic, excellently-done story that it rivals the works of Kubrick in his prime. I hear garbage constantly about people holding up games like this and Xenosaga to legitimize a hobby of theirs and compare it to legitimate entertainment. It doesn't compare in any way, shape, or form to a quality film or book in regards to story. I won't dignify the opinions of anyone that thinks that way. If you liked the gameplay, fine, but the story wasn't very good.
  19. AndrewTS

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

    In Scott's current condition, Rick would be a better choice.
  20. AndrewTS

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

    There are people that think that Steiner has any use left in him aside from mid-card roadblock? On what basis? Because he used to be good?
  21. AndrewTS

    An offer you can't refuse?

    Well, wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up first. I really wouldn't trust EA to this project. What sort of game to expect? A GTA/Mafia-style game seems likely, but just wouldn't quite fit.
  22. AndrewTS

    Street Fighter III on its way to PS2...

    What took so long? Regardless, anyone have a modded PS2 just lying around they'd like to trade for an X-Box?
  23. AndrewTS

    Calling X-Box fanboys

    What gave you that idea? Most of the console RPGs coming out on any of the systems do nothing for me. They bore the hell out of me. However, a well done, action-oriented RPG will work for me. However, I don't want any part in MMORPGs. I like Metroid Prime. No, I don't. I just won't get it. See previous post.
  24. AndrewTS

    MGS: The Twin Snakes

    I'd think the theory that a good bit of people who buy video games have poor taste and are easily swayed by the gaming press would be so far established it would be foolish to think the opposite. Pardon me if you think that is pretentious. Okay, I'm not alone. I think if a story depends so heavily on exposition that gameplay plays a relatively minor part, then probably a video game is a poor medium for your vision. I'm more entertained by gameplay than talking, and more talking, and more talking, and more talking... Yes, a story doesn't hurt, and can also greatly add to the experience--a "survival horror" style game's bread and butter is its storyline; that's why Resident Evil is cheesy fun and Silent Hill is actually scary. One accomplishes its purpose and one fails but entertains in another way. True, but as you mentioned, that was funny. Plus it wasn't as overbearing as it was in 2. Bishonen: Femmy male leads of somewhat indeterminate gender, Anime pretty boys and twinks.
  25. AndrewTS

    Major Japanese Star Backstage At RAW

    He has used his real name of Tokimitsu Ishizawa. If he makes it onto the WWE roster, I imagine they will either keep him as Kendo Ka Shin, or have it bastardized into simply Kendo. If he comes in without the mask, he'll probably be Ichiro, Hiro, Baka or some name along those terms. Silly, it will be "Kenny."