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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Christian looks like Mr. Burns there. Victoria get her hair done especially for that?
  2. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Retired Hogan at MSG...did I miss something?
  3. AndrewTS

    Manhunt Receives R Rating In Canada

    Because it really sucks.
  4. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    "Pound n' Ground attack..." *Rudo stabs his Cole voodoo doll*
  5. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    I guess so, but it seems a *bit* much. Weren't the Raw titles defended on Heat last year in a regular tag match? The difference is that the WWE is hyping WrestleMania XX as the single greatest show ever. So, I guess that means that everyone in the roster must be on the show one way or another, so that is why the Bashams have to be on the card, I think. But Storm isn't? Oh, right. Not OVW.
  6. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Don't forget McChicken Heads.
  7. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Welcome to the world of WWE faces, John.
  8. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    6'9" Uh, no.
  9. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    I guess so, but it seems a *bit* much. Weren't the Raw titles defended on Heat last year in a regular tag match?
  10. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    "Sexual Tee-Rannosaurs!" +1 SP for a Predator reference.
  11. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Wait--Bradshaw is played by Benjamin and Haas is playing Faarooq!
  12. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Well, today's cellphones aren't going to do a whole lot of damage...
  13. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Maybe he'll borrow Benoit's diving headbutt.
  14. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Technically, when he cheats to win he "steals" the victory?
  15. AndrewTS

    Manhunt Receives R Rating In Canada

    I'm in favor of banning it entirely...
  16. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    I LIED!!
  17. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Heyman...uh, he's not the first.
  18. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    I think so, because he's already been in public office.
  19. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    But...I thought Smackdown and Raw were competing with each other?!
  20. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    *Barf* FUCK FOLEY!
  21. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

  22. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Apparently a moron executive that thought it just needed a retooling to be successful.
  23. AndrewTS

    One and Only Smackdown Thread For Today

    Because...they always do shit like that? It'll probably show at a later date for you. Luckily, Chris lives near Philly and I live near Pittsburgh. Our sports teams usually suck so bad they usually don't go too far in the seasons, so their games won't pre-empt our fave shows much.
  24. AndrewTS

    Latest GMR magazine...

    I got the latest issue of GMR yesterday, but only got around to reading it at night. Wow, there's actually lots of good news on the horizon. First off--shock of shocks, Astroboy gets the cover. There's going to be two games for it, one on PS2 by Sonic Team (re-reads that, brain breaks)--hopefully a vast improvement over the crappy version of Sonic Heroes. The other for GBA, produced by those whacky group of Ex-Konami employees, Treasure, and Sega's Hitmaker development house. The PS2 game is going to play...somewhat like NiGHTs with more play mechanics when you're flying, but there's ground-based stuff as well. The GMR peeps got to play a bit of it hands-on and it looks mahvelous. Apparently you even get new weapons and gimmicks when you beat a boss. The GBA game is supposed to be an awesome old-school style game, packed with special effects and techniques, hearkening back to those glorious platformers of the Genesis days. There's even a bit of Gunstar music in the game, supposedly. The screenshots look very much like Treasure's work, to be sure. Lots of speculation over the Nintendo Dual Screen. There's criticism, as expected, but actually a lot of constructive discussion about it. Maybe it will be a hit afterall. A couple other touches I like: actually acknowledging that not everyone gushes over Metal Gear Solid's overbearing melodrama, and the magazine closes by daring to bash Rockstar's shitacular Manhunt. *applause* The reviews still are short though, blah. However, this issues is head-and-shoulders above just about anything G.I. has done in years.