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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    Well, the Mirror Match made some sense at least in MK, but there's no sensible explanation for it in most games when it is in arcade mode. That's one of the great things about Street Fighter Alpha 1 and 2--midbosses and sub-bosses that make sense. (Well, Ken as Zangief's boss is kinda arbitrary, but mostly...). Even in Alpha 1, playing as Bison wouldn't cause you to fight yourself.
  2. AndrewTS

    Game Informer sucks...

    SMELL THE INNOVATION!~ No, people don't buy new systems for that, they buy new systems for prettier graphics. A very small minority are looking for new gameplay experiences. Even so, when's the last time something really new and revolutionary hit the market and was a commercial success? Also, funny you bring up Zelda...as a game different from Crash or Tomb Raider? The last three games didn't play too differently from each other, and the 16 and 8 bit games were very similar as well (except for 2). I think a far better basis for comparison would be the Sonic games (didn't change much) vs. Mario (virtually every new game brought tons of innovations).
  3. AndrewTS

    The Rock on Monday

    Taking time off for injuries.
  4. AndrewTS

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    In other words, MK isn't really a "tournament" exactly (wonders where the hell Sakura gets that definition of the word) as it is "you play as _____, and beat the crap out out of most/all of the other fighters, battle the boss(es) and win the game to get an ending." Just like about every other one-on-one fighting game since Street Fighter. There isn't any series of brackets set up elimination style where the last one standing wins like a real tournament, but rather you climb a ladder and progress towards the boss(es). You could pretend it is a real tournament...if there are are a bunch of other fighters in it that didn't make into the game, requiring that you win around 7-10 matches to win the game.
  5. AndrewTS

    Midway Arcade Treasures sequel

    No, it doesn't. You mean as in they posed for character portraits? Because if I remember correctly all the War Gods characters were polys, so they aren't really in the game so much as they were put in goofy costumes and photographed for the select screens.
  6. AndrewTS

    Game Informer sucks...

    That's why I planned if I do any reviews (sometimes I'll put a few up on GameFAQs) in the near future I'd rate it on two basis: content and context. While rather dry-sounding, the deal would be that content would rank how good the game is on absolute terms: if you never played this sort of game before, what would you think of it? It would rank what is actually there, rather than what's new. Context, on the other hand, would be purely comparative. How does it stack up against games of this nature? Former games in the series (if it's a sequel)? It would also double as a "then and now" type of thing, where if it is an old game or remake, I'd give an opinion on how well it has held up. The only really good magazines (I'm talking overall and with everything down pat) I've seen have been Gamefan and Game Players when they were really good. Next Gen had terrible reviews, and...whoopie freakin' do they had huge previews! So does every damn magazine these days.
  7. AndrewTS

    The OAO Heat thread

    ...and now trying to be a really shitty HBK.
  8. AndrewTS

    The OAO Heat thread

    Test pretending to be a shitty Brock now.
  9. AndrewTS

    The OAO Heat thread

    Steven Richards vs. Kevin Test!
  10. AndrewTS

    The OAO Heat thread

    Spike TV stealing the "Governator" tag.
  11. AndrewTS

    The OAO Heat thread

    Note to John: making your set look like the Man Show will not make your show any funnier.
  12. AndrewTS

    The OAO Heat thread

    Well, to be honest, me too, except for the part that involves Test being in the match. Hey, it could be worse...I.E - John Heidenreich. Right, he was bound to kill Stevie if that kept up. Speaking of which, Test right now. I guess no commercial break.
  13. AndrewTS

    The OAO Heat thread

    Well, to be honest, me too, except for the part that involves Test being in the match.
  14. AndrewTS

    The OAO Heat thread

    How could anyone say/type/write that with a straight face?
  15. AndrewTS

    Game Boy Player question

    A friend of mine who only has a Gamecube and a GBA is curious about the Game Boy Player. Does it just play through the GC using just the A, B, L, and R buttons? If you played SF Alpha 3 on it, is there a way to set the medium attacks to the other GC buttons (normally medium attacks are done by pressing two buttons simultaneous)?
  16. AndrewTS

    WWE Notes from the 3/1 Observer

    *Kenzo hits a series of shitty high knees on an opponent* JR:"Bah Gawd! Kenzo with that unorthodox stahle!" Funny you should mention knee-related moves - check out his "signature moves" in the link... *checks pic* Hagakure is a Shining Wizard. Uh oh, you know what that means. JR: Hurricane, we're going to have to ask you to stop that Shining Wizard of yours... (Yeah, I know it isn't the same move, not that JR can tell anymore). Although he'll probably have to lose the high knee because of H. *notes that skill is not mentioned at all*
  17. AndrewTS

    Tag title matches at WM

    SD gets screwed in that deal. As it is they're lacking in star power anyway, something the freakin' Dudleyz aren't going to help too much. I agree. Hardyz taking sick-looking moves from them (including a wicked-looking Dominator on Jeff one time) were always a cool match highlight.
  18. AndrewTS

    WWE DVDs at Wal-Mart

    gheeeeeeeeeeeey Maybe they're saving 12/29 for the next HBK or HHH DVD. =/
  19. AndrewTS

    Box Art thread

    I tend to forget Dan, a waste of another SNK slot (K') K' would have been a good choice, but in general it seemed the SNK roster was lacking. Athena's pretty popular and she's a character that's been in plenty of SNK games, but she was left out, oddly. Maybe Capcom figured since MotM was shoto-riffic, they'd be more diverse in theirs. Yet, that doesn't explain the lack of Karin in all the games (no, being simply a non-playable in MotM doesn't count!). Coolest new character in a while, and those bastards leave her out! Also, despite the extra buttons and characters, for some reason Capcom vs. SNK2 just doesn't make me "feel it" like Capcom vs. SNK. Maybe it is because of the backgrounds that suck in comparison. Also, while I think the logo itself is cool and all--Zelda games there are little more than a gold background, the Legend of Zelda logo, and the title itself as a subtitle is boring. Maybe I'm alone on that, but I don't like it. The Oracle of Seasons/Ages had spiffier box art, and that helps. The other boxes seem pretty lazy to me. I did, but I don't have it any longer. I thought Capcom might release it on PS2 and since I have issues with the DC pad for 6-button fighters, I figured it was worth the risk. Sure, we got Capcom vs. SNK 2, but screw that. I've put some peeps on the lookout for used copies of 3rd Strike.
  20. So, you've giving Vince the go-ahead to bring back Brother Love?
  21. AndrewTS

    Box Art thread

    That isn't just drawn in Alpha style, it IS an Alpha pic. That is directly from Alpha 3. Ryu's CvsS sprite isn't ripped from III. Sakura speaks the truth. Ryu, Ken, Bison, Akuma and Chun-Li all redrawn for the CVS games. Bah, my bad. I don't have any of the SF3's but the shotos seemed to resemble the screen shots I've seen. The point still stands--it's a completely different art style. And yeah, the oooold sprites really look bad, especially Morrigan, Sakura, and Zangief.
  22. AndrewTS

    Box Art thread

    I was getting the Red X of Doom every time. While not quite as bad, that Rockman art looks crappy.
  23. AndrewTS

    Box Art thread

    For those who haven't seen it in a while--it's even worse than I remember.
  24. That very quote was sampled by the death metal group Skinless in their song "The Optimist". *blinks* I thought that said "Lita sucks..." The whole Kiss My Ass club...ugh... But I enjoyed JR getting humilated, and Vince wearing JR's hat. Priceless.
  25. AndrewTS

    WWE Notes from the 3/1 Observer

    High school.