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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    Unless you find completely reworked, HD-quality sprites, backgrounds, and art exciting, no.
  2. AndrewTS

    Transformers The Movie

    Reminds me of Loonatics. And Ironhide's a beast. Loonatics? Not at all. Bingo. I expected as much. Does Optimus Prime require a ridiculous looking, top-heavy/tiny-waist torso? It makes the concept seems even more implausible.
  3. AndrewTS

    Sid Vicious update

    He got better! Assault with a squeegee isn't really much to worry about.
  4. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    Redrawn sprites, attract screens, etc. However, it is supposed to play, frame-by-frame, identical to the original title.
  5. AndrewTS

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    MS would have to be the first to make the move. Nintendo would be the very last to make a choice like that, and Sony has a far younger overall user base than the MS consoles.
  6. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    GBA has Lunar Legend. Supposedly pretty good. DS has Lunar Dragon Song. It was almost universally panned.
  7. AndrewTS

    Contra 4 coming to DS

    Don't worry. You're in good company. I can't beat Contra 1 without the code, but Lord knows I've tried. Contra 3 I can get pretty far in, it's an awesome game in any rate. Super C kicks my ass so hard, and it's codeless. Hard Corp is glorious, but praise be to the almighty Game Genie. 1up has an awesome C4 preview up now. It even includes musings on the curious numbering. http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3160665
  8. AndrewTS

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    Fair enough--some people who pick it up for 12 bucks now may find value in it far exceeding the original price tag. Yet when a game's first few levels--heck the first half perhaps as you seemed to indicate earlier--seem to suffer from problems like that, it's offputting. So either you don't finish the game and you hate it, you finish the game and your opinion changes, or you finish the game and say "you know, I thought this game sucked when I first played it. Now that I've completed it, I *know* it sucks!" I think the first situation will be far more common on the whole than the 2nd, and eventually the 3rd. Unless it's a well-known issue with that particular game (like, nearly all RPGs have crap beginnings, and many action titles have nearly insulting tutorials that drag on seemingly for many levels).
  9. AndrewTS

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Benoit's ghost isn't going to screw around with floating objects and moaning. Just one "get the **** out of my house!" and if you don't he'll crossface you to death in your sleep.
  10. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I've only played 1. The 2nd one has some questionable innovations, mainly the health bar/psych-lock that is designed to make the game more challenging. I've heard overall it isn't drastic. But you can get PW1 for 20 bucks, so I'd start with that.
  11. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow is better than Portrait, IMO. Mega Man ZX is very good, although ZX Advent is right around the corner and has a superior map system. Phoenix Wright is an adventure/text game that's really entertaining (albeit linear and simple), and Dragon Quest Rocket Slime is a solid Zelda-ish title.
  12. AndrewTS

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Why before? At the very least he wouldn't have had clean underwear if he did that before.
  13. AndrewTS

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Benoit was a great father. He made them wear suits to the arenas.
  14. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

  15. AndrewTS

    OAO ECW on Sci Fi thread - 06/26/07

    No comments from Vince on the steroids?
  16. AndrewTS

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I never even thought of that before. That's terrible to have to go through. No matter what he could or couldn't have done, he's probably going to put some of the blame on this for himself, thinking that he should have seen the warning signs, should have done something to prevent this.
  17. AndrewTS

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    ...for a wrestler. The average height of an adult male in North America is about 5'9"--and that's the highest in the world.
  18. AndrewTS

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    As if Cole's laments about Daniel never being able to "follow in his father's footsteps" didn't sound awful before... Lots and lots of lies coming.
  19. AndrewTS

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Though some has reappeared... http://www.wwe.com/shows/ecw/superstars/chrisbenoit/bio/
  20. AndrewTS

    The OAO Tribute to Chris Benoit Raw Thread.

    Anyone know what the name of the song they played during the tribute was, please?
  21. AndrewTS

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    Retarded: http://www.joystiq.com/2007/06/25/esrb-see...-game-trailers/ Bullshit: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3160522
  22. AndrewTS

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    When Invictus was decrying how same-y all the GTAs are, I actually pointed out some significant advances between them, and it was unfair to label them expansion packs and directly compare them to Madden, etc. However, if you want me to talk about how to improve them--I'd definitely suggest tighting up the controls and changing the aiming of weapons to make it more like Saint's Row. The bolded part is a a discussion absolutely nobody cares about, because most people seem to think the games are fine the way they are or perfect. I've played the games, but wouldn't count myself a fan. That's separate from my opinion of R*--I'm not a fan, because the content/mood/theme of GTA holds little appeal for me. I've not played the game for years, but the levels were extremely linear, there wasn't a whole lot you could do within them--like jump to higher places and attack from below. You couldn't really hide aside from just running into the dark and behind static objects, instead of having more options like making use of the environment to give yourself different types of cover. And about that AI...about "if they give up, they go back to walking the grounds?" Well, the way that's done was kind of silly. *runs in front of hunter* "I see you! I see you! I'm coming to kill you! I'm chasing you! RUN! RUN! RUN! You ran into the dark! I know you're there! I called your mother a whore! I smell your funky ***!! WHERE ARE YOU!? I KNOW YOU'RE THERE!! HUNTER COMING UP THE THE HELL RIGHT NOW!!....I CAN'T FIND YOU! I DON'T SEE YOU but I know you went there! I! I! I...aw, **** it, I'm going to get laid. I'm turning my back now. I'm turning my back completely, and I'm just barely out of the dark! I'm safe! You're not there!... AHHHH!! *gag,choke* YA KILLED ME!! YA KILLED ME!! *head bashed in with baseball bat*!" The stealth and killing was basically all you had to do, at least for the portions I played. Other stealth games have more to them--exploring, item hunting, big explosive boss battles, platforming, etc. And no, I didn't play the entire game. I didn't put up with it that long. So I missed those parts where the gameplay actually expanded beyond that. I've heard of AI issues from that, too (guys standing in one place as you shoot them over and over), but I can't say I've experienced them first hand. I'd say the lighting and the bland environments. Everything seemed to look alike, there seemed hardly any variation. The static effect I know was intentional, but it wasn't that common. I know it's a design choice, of course. Too many areas that practically looked like a sewer, even if it was above-ground. Sony and Nintendo still won't license the game, no matter where it is sold. Even through the website. Problem not solved until the game is a) edited and re-rated to an M , or b) the game is distributed on PC in some fashion.
  23. AndrewTS

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    FWIW, the people who seemed to go insane for it seemed to be taking advantage of the headset. It's supposed to add a lot to the "experience." As for buy/rent--it's a 10 dollar used game these days you should be able to find at a pawn shop. So unless you have Hollywood's MVP/Gamefly/Blockbuster's flat fee plan, renting is going to cost almost as much to buy. I'd say download it if you have the means.
  24. AndrewTS

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    I just can't take AndrewTS comments on Rockstar game seriously, because they're always negative. Besides Manhunt, what R* games have I "unfairly" bashed? I've actually defended GTA on more than one occasion. And if I haven't been unfairly bashing GTA, what the hell are you talking about? GTA series and Manhunt are the only games of note they've made, assuming we're talking about R* North, and not R* Vancouver who have only made Bully. You've always been a Manhunt apologist. I'm not alone in thinking it's a POS; many top mags/sites say the same thing. Maxim and IGN seem to love it, though. The levels are dull, the AI sucks, the lighting is terrible, and the stealth is done a million times better in much better examples of the genre. The game's uniqueness begins and ends with the presentation and cutscenes. Otherwise, you may as well be playing the newest half-ass Tenchu game. The game lets its "horror" theme define it too much. Imagine a grindhouse horror flick with a guy sneaking around...slowing...killing people. Pretty much just that. For hours and hours. F'ed up cutscene now and then. Everything is hideous to look at. That's pretty much the game. Manhunt 2 actually looks a bit brighter and with more well-defined action segments. Anyone curious about how the first game looked--go to youtube. That should tell you all you need to know, whether you'll like it or not.
  25. AndrewTS

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    You're completely wrong. ESRB looks at videos of the in-game content, and PS2 got the same rating. It's true that some papers have editorials sensationalizing the "murder-simulator" potential of Wii, but it's irrelevant to the rating. LOL Manhunt was a POS. However, nobody has really reviewed Manhunt 2 since the final retail build wasn't available....and won't be for a while now. But all the previews so far undoubtedly scaled back criticism of the gameplay quality because that stuff is usually saved for reviews.