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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    The Ballshot

    To be more up to date, they should replace that move; they could have a dog come with them to ringside, and when they distract the ref, the dog can jump into the ring, bite the crotch of the opponent, and drag them around the ring a bit. Hey, it's as legal as a low blow is, and don't tell me the marks wouldn't go nuts for a dog wearing a Dudley shirt and glasses. Goldust's "Shattered Dreams" looked really cool, but took too long to set up and he only actually hit the move 10% of the time.
  2. AndrewTS

    Dudley Boyz

    "They should be booked as a team that will do anything to stay together at all costs...but as heels. They should play up the strength in numbers card too. Regardless of card position, the Dudley Boyz should be able to take out any one man. The Dudleyz against Austin? Squash. The Dudleyz against The Rock? Squash. The Dudleyz against Austin & Rock? The Dudleyz win because they are 'tag team specialists' and Austin & Rock are just two single wrestlers." Yet another of many reasons I hate WWE booking.
  3. AndrewTS

    The Widows Peak....

    Where did the Pedigree come from? Did Triple H "invent" it? Was it an old move that was forgotten about or did he lift it from Japan or Mexico? Trips claims he invented it. I honestly haven't seen the move at all in any import wrestling games prior to Trips getting big, so maybe he did invent it. Also, yeah--it works great for Vicky as long as WWE doesn't bring in a female around Monster Ripper's size or weight. The females being fairly similar in size and weight keeps it as a move that could be used on anyone. I still wince everytime I see it, since it still looks sick to me.
  4. AndrewTS

    The Ballshot

    Didn't midgets take a pair of pliers to Snow's groin, and he was hopping up and wincing? I know Kid Rock's midget lowblowed either E or C with a hockey stick. Also, how can we possibly forget Kane frying Shane's potatoes with a car battery?
  5. AndrewTS

    The Ballshot

    It's not really a ball shot sell, but I loved the way Hall would sell an inverted Atomic Drop. I didn't like Chyna's low blow. "One of my favorites ever was Jericho's kick on HBK last year. The timing, reaction from Jericho, and selling from Shawn were all great. " Yup. I mark for Al Snow pulling a bowling ball out of a bag and STRIIIIIKE! Even if he did rip it off of Dreamer.
  6. AndrewTS

    GBA Recommendations

    I got the official guide from EB for 49 cents.
  7. AndrewTS

    Few WWE Notes

    *see also, THEMONSTERDAVE!~
  8. AndrewTS

    Few WWE Notes

    Why? I thought it worked well and served to get the Bashams over. What Smackdown were you watching? Shaniqua was always being pushed as the next Chyna and was booked as the priority over the team. Also, no--the Bashams are not over.
  9. AndrewTS

    The McMahon involvement at WMXX

    *hopes* Getting punched in the face by Bret, and locked in the Sharpshooter?
  10. AndrewTS

    RIP Mystery Science Theater 3000

    Newz weakly disguising a *bump* from mst3kinfo.com Sweet...
  11. So, I guess MST3K movie quotes aren't annoying. Thought not. I picked Austin Powers. If another movie comes out, I just know I'm going to hear more quotes from that movie.... Then I'd like to sentence each and every one of the quoters to TORCHA!!
  12. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Friends and Frasier finale

    Friends sucks. Frasier's alright.
  13. AndrewTS

    New Shopzone shirts

    Get real, he'd be wearing an Austin FOCK FEAR shirt and you know it. *points to teenagers wearing pants and shirts 10 sizes too large for them, because they think it looks cool* RVD shirt's pretty cool, Jericho shirt is da ghey.
  14. AndrewTS

    2/16 WWE Observer Notes

    Edit: wrong thread.
  15. AndrewTS

    2/16 WWE Observer Notes

    Edit: wrong thread.
  16. AndrewTS

    EA to make CATWOMAN games

    Bruce Campbell narrating the tutorial was great, too. However, when was the last good EA non-sports title?
  17. AndrewTS

    2/16 WWE Observer Notes

    "-CBS-TV passed on the pilot for the WWE films produced tv drama that was to star Mick Foley. UPN has shown interest, but wants the show spiced up with more sex and stuff, but they haven't ordered a pilot to be filmed." *flashbacks to the baby-oil sex scene in Mitchell* AHHHH NO!! So, sounds like Mick was going to gladly take part in this... I'll repeat it again: Mick Foley is a big whore. Also--man, what a great start for WWE films. I can't wait to see how bad the stuff they do put out will be, once it is picked up by Comedy Central or FX to fill out their late night lineup.
  18. AndrewTS

    News on Tommy Dreamer

    How's that a problem? "Now ladies, WWE wants you to be completely comfortable with your bodies, so for the next few weeks, we're going to be training topless. I'm going participating as well, to maybe help you feel more relaxed."
  19. AndrewTS

    EA to make CATWOMAN games

  20. AndrewTS

    John Cena DVD cover art

    Exactly. Cena hasn't had a single big win that I can think of. Even his mini-feud with Eddy he lost. I don't think you should shy away from including some matches that some one lost on their own DVD, but if you can't find many or any that he won...that's a problem. Well--maybe they can include his win over Jericho back when he was in his vanilla-gay-tights phase? ...his biggest win is over Jericho, for cryin' out loud. Everyone's beaten Jericho. The problem is, yeah, people might buy the DVD just because Cena's name is on it, but when they watch it, he'll look like a big-mouthed loser and choker. That's kinda counterproductive, ain't it? Well, I guess you can count the TV wins he racked up on SD prior to the Brock match, but those aren't too important other than him winning them.
  21. AndrewTS

    News on Tommy Dreamer

    Considering they spelled her name wrong and I've never heard anything about them being married IRL, I doubt the validity of the rest of this report.
  22. AndrewTS

    John Cena DVD cover art

    The Flair DVD has, you know, content on it. And Cena's biggest moments? He's lost all his big matches, and the only other thing they can put on it would be promos and profile stuff. Stuff that's already been shown on TV a lot.
  23. AndrewTS

    The fighting game character tourney 2k4

    Vega (claw) (Street Fighter) Iori Yagami (King of Fighters) Sagat (Street Fighter) Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury)
  24. AndrewTS

    John Cena DVD cover art

    Will it, though? That's the point. Brock's done a hell of a lot more than him, and when I go to FYE I'm practically tripping all over the unsold Brock DVDs. Now, this one has almost nothing on it.
  25. AndrewTS


    Being pushed towards a top position and reaching it are two different things. Gunn--never could pull it off. Luger--nope. That's what Orton is right now, as far as I'm concerned. WHAT does he have that sets him apart from anyone else on the roster? WWE tried it with lots of guys, but if the audience says "WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN" they can try and try and try until they accept that some guys just ain't got "it." So, he has what? "The look?"