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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    He's going to join Venis on Raw?
  2. AndrewTS

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    What a hardass--it takes TWO refs to hold him back.
  3. AndrewTS

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    I never realized what the hell that was--that avatar's an Oompa Loompa, right?
  4. AndrewTS

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    Hardcore Holly! Man, listen to that...silence!
  5. AndrewTS

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    Angle with the SHITACTULAR Freedom of Choice shirt!
  6. AndrewTS

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    They're sexual deviants? They wear leather? They screw an overly-muscled chick? WWE said so?
  7. AndrewTS

    One and only Smackdown Thread

    "Money Night Raw." Brock talks funny. "you see that idiot behind Cole and Tazz?" They're not idiots? Which one?
  8. AndrewTS

    WWE Website stupidity

    This is just funny: The stupid "Smack Your TV" slogan is all over the place on the site. Oh, another poll: Who is your favorite wrestler? Brock Lesnar Triple H Kurt Angle Rob Van Dam What's a wrestler?
  9. AndrewTS

    Putting people over

    Bingo. Smarmy RNN-era Randy Orton was a smark (and fan) favorite, but there's absolutely no credibility behind this "Legend Killer" schtick. So he pushed Foley down some stairs. His push is so transparent (much like Rocky Maivia's initial push) that the fans are rightfully puking it back up. The scary part is about to come, though. I think the huge backlash will come if he goes over Foley at WM, methinks. As in, it will give him heat with the marks? Right now, WHOOOO! FUCK YOU FOLEY! I would want to see Randy get rid of Foley at this point.
  10. AndrewTS

    Beavis & Butthead Mini Marathon

    *Iron Man video* Beavis: Whoa...is that Ozzy? Butthead: Uh...no way. That's like, Ozzy's son. Ozzy's old. Beavis: Ooooh yeah. He's an old fart. ---- same video... ---- Beavis: Are these guys from England? Butthead: No, dumbass, they're American.
  11. AndrewTS

    To You Power Ranger Marks

    My bad, missed the "evil" part. As for the Zord thing--I don't remember him getting inside the Zord, but even so, the sound of the flute could lead someone right to him and get him whacked by a huge monster.
  12. AndrewTS

    Vince McMahon Pushing Again For Bret Hart's Return

    "Nuuu Shawn Michaels"...Jesus...forgiveness...? After all, look at the positive influence his unselfishness has had on booking.
  13. AndrewTS

    Kerry helped the North Vietnamese

    Has Kerry done ANYTHING during his campaign but bitch about the current administration? Maybe I'm not listening in much (because at the candidate stage, I as a Republican don't care), but that's all I've been hearing. Come on, you know Moore wouldn't be there unless the catering was the shiznizzy.
  14. AndrewTS

    No Way Out Poll

    2001--like there's any comparison?!
  15. AndrewTS

    Austins Role At WMXX

    Maybe this means Austin will finally be ready to job to Brock Lesnar? Why's everyone laughing?
  16. AndrewTS

    WWE Website stupidity

    Anthony Cali was his name, right? I hated him so much. On a related note, just 1 or 2 years ago on another forum I post at, one poster poked fun at Cali's commentaries every time a new one was up at WWE.com. A lot of people were laughing their asses off. Edit: I'm sorry, it was at a forum I used to post at until the administrator decided to close it down for some reason. I think so, and the other (or perhaps, the fake name guy) was Brian Solomon(?). Which I feared would end up in a ring...
  17. AndrewTS

    Lesnar/HHH planned for WM21

    The Rock won by finishing HHH off with the Rock Bottom, but Brock got Pedigreed and HHH got the F-5 in the match. Okay...well, I got the Rock/HHH/Brock part right, at least.
  18. AndrewTS

    Lesnar/HHH planned for WM21

    "They had a match at a house show once, i wonder how that went?" "A lot of fucking retarded things happen at House Shows. It probably would have been a *** match." I don't know about the ***'s, but I remember that there was a Triple Threat in Austrailia--Melbourne I believe, with Brock kicking out of the Pedigree and pinning HHH. I think it was Rock/HHH/Brock, but I can't be certain. I haven't heard about a singles match between the two. "I'd rather see Andrew's match than Brock/Helmsley " Thanks, and since HBK is a heel of sorts now (I think), and both could play the ego game and say who would have beat who back when HBK was the champ, there could be a decent basis for a feud. Still, it seems unlikely that match would happen this Mania. However, I'd think Rock would be back by now if he was planning to be on this Mania. HHH doesn't like being a face...and there's at least two points in the past where his reluctance to turn face was very costly. Supposedly a face turn is coming with the Evolution break-up, but I can't picture Orton as champ at all. Nor can I think of a strong enough champ to hold the belt on Raw instead of him, since Goldberg is going to be gone after Mania, and Taker's future is uncertain and would be tied to the Kane feud post-Mania. Edge? Too soon. What I could see is them both holding the belt around this time next year (maybe not the whole time, but pretty close to it, to make them both look uber-strong), and then one of them does a half-ass face turn to try to make the feud work. Unless...you know...WWE tries something like heel-heel, which I don't think they'd ever try. If one of them turns face, Brock would make more sense. Just ditch Paul and have him mess up some heels, and you're all set.
  19. AndrewTS

    To You Power Ranger Marks

    Yeah. Greatest thing of the Power Rangers... ever. The Green Ranger was a complete pussy when it came to actually fighting, though. He'd always be drained of his powers or screw up or something. Plus, he couldn't actually climb into his Zord, so he'd be a sitting duck a lot of the time during kaiji-style fights. Although, the Ultimo Dragonzord looked damn cool.
  20. AndrewTS

    RIP Mystery Science Theater 3000

    Sure. Thursday is my last day of classes (I scheduled Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday. I have night classes, but it gives me a four day weekend...), so that works fine for me, too. As for characters: CONTAINS SPOILERS!! . . . . KTMA/1st seasonish: Dr. Forrestor, Dr. Earnhart , J&tB Comedy Central: Dr. Forrestor, TV's Frank, J&tB... Mrs. Forrestor was introduced, but didn't become a regular character yet. "Mitchell" episode-- Mike introduced, Joel leaves the show via the "Deus Ex Machina" escape pod hid in a box of Hamdingers. Mike gets shot up into space to take Joel's place. Forrestor and Frank relocate from Gizmonic Institute to Deep 13 (Joel owned the copyright on the "Gizmonic" term, hence the change). "Samson vs. the Vampire Women" episode-- Frank gets taken to Second Banana Heaven by Torgo the White. Season 7: "Did I tell you my mother's here?" Pearl Forrestor moves into Deep 13. Six eps later the satellite is cut free from the umbilicus and....well, watch Laserblast when you get the chance. Somewhat prophetically, the ending references a sci fi movie classic. . . . . The Sci Fi era you're familiar with, so no need to detail that. Frank you likely saw at the end of the Soultaker episode in a cameo (Joel made a cameo too, of course). Basically, he's the bumbling assistant of Doc Forrestor (with simply stunning hair) that he found working at a drive-thru. Qualifications? None, really. However, they get along very well, and Forrestor has a lot of fun killing him and torturing him all the time. Dr. Earnhart, the original assistant of Forrestor, was more his peer although he was rather irritating. Although, creative differences (Earnhart was played by Josh Weinstein, the first voice of Servo) caused him to leave the show, because he preferred the riffing to be spontaneous rather than scripted, and he also was a lot younger than most of the crew so there was a gap in that respect.
  21. AndrewTS

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    They can do what Tekken did, and have his son take over or something. I was going to ask about Kang, but I somehow KNEW that something like that happened in DA. What is an MK without Lui Kang's hilarious death screams?
  22. AndrewTS

    Lesnar/HHH planned for WM21

    As long as Hogan is gone, Austin and Bret can't wrestle, Goldberg is ready to go out the door...I guess. What about Rock/HBK?
  23. AndrewTS

    Ernest Miller Released

    Well, Demott is retired now, with no apparent plans to wrestle again (although, this is wrestling, and retirement means little if the guy is able-bodied), and I think he works as a trainer (yeah, he did for TE but I think that got him a spot as a regular trainer). However, if I were Snow, I wouldn't accept any offers to be a full-time WWE wrestler again. However, Lita escaped so far...
  24. AndrewTS

    WWE Website stupidity

    "Bradshaw: Bad intelligence, good politicians" Although I remember the ones you're talking about. Where the one guy would create a company-line column sucking HHH's cock and under a different name would write a "pro-smark" column filled with misconceptions?