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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. Say no more. While barely average by today's standards, I loved that game and the whole LJN WWF series. It was a very cool intro by the standards at the time, and the SNES did a good job recreating the Raw theme at the time.
  2. As do I. Well, I'd be torn on whether or not to include it, since Slammasters uses an extremely similar concept and was made long ago.
  3. AndrewTS

    Annoying extra on Foley DVD...

    Indeed. Jesse/Gorilla RIGHT NOW > JR/King. I don't think it is so much the money as it is that Jesse and Vince hate each other.
  4. Oh yeah, you forgot about this: Worst gimmick concept for a wrestling game. And the envelope please...*opens* WCW Backstage Assault for "a wrestling game with no ring!" Available now at n64 discount bins everywhere.
  5. AndrewTS

    Is Angle being mistreated?

    Topic question: No. He's just momumentally stupid to risk his life and ability to walk constantly for the shithole that WWE is becoming.
  6. *puke* Come on! At least pick Attitude! Vs. the World still smoked them both, come on! Fire Pro was available via import, though. Not as wacky as Ultimate Muscle, but the "fake" characters were quite creative. Good choice. Oh, and La Parka was in there, too. He was freakin' GODLY to play as. Plus he had the dancing taunts, he started his matches with the chair in hand, had an Asai Moonsault, the Dragon Attack, and Tiger Driver '91! He's my Revenge TV champ right now.
  7. AndrewTS

    The fighting game character tournament 2k4

    Edited for accuracy. Stupid upgrades that make gameplay worse does not = "best" to me. I thought you yourself said Deadly Alliance was the best in the series?
  8. 1, 2. Smackdown sucks. 3. Depending on whether you got to have WWE guys or not, No Mercy or VPW2. 7. Either Warzone or Ultimate Muscle. 9. Shut Your Mouth, or probably one of those really bad 8 bit wrestlers. 10. Either Revenge (which has the eye-lasers! from Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal), which is just strange as all hell, or Warzone I think. Either that or Attitude had a really good intro video. 11. Most of them are pretty good, so I dunno. 12. I'd say VPW2 or No Mercy. VPW2 was long but fun and rewarding. No Mercy had the branching paths and multiple title persuits. You could make a great case for Fire Pro, though, since there has been all kinds of awesome career modes in there. 13. Wrestle War 14. If you have to have a fun 1-player mode: Ultimate Muscle. If you don't care about a great career mode: Wrestlemania XIX. 15. WMX8 16, 17. Don't know or care, but probably the Raw games. 18. I'm partial to "Fire Pro Wrestling: Blazing Tornado" myself. 19. Shut Your Mouth, Here Comes the Pain, Know Your Role, Wrestle War, Backstage Assault... 20. Fire Pro or the AKI games. 21. Wrestle War or Nitro/Thunder. 22. HCTP I guess. 23. Apoooooh! 24. I'm partial to Ultimate Muscle... 25. Backstage Assault? The others: Fire Pro.
  9. AndrewTS

    The fighting game character tournament 2k4

    With good reason. Violence over gameplay, chunky controls, relatively poor balance, MKI and MK3 (and all its offshoots) sucking ass, and keeping Acclaim in the black?
  10. AndrewTS

    Weird thing hooking up my new old N64

    While there are many games I have right now competing for my attention (Lament of Innocence, Marvel Super Heroes, Legend of Oasis), I still play it a good bit. However, the language barrier makes CAWs sometimes a bit frustrating. Also, some moves seem to be missing from previous games: like the top rope Splash Mountain/Outsider's Edge (not to be confused with the Flipping Slam, which is in). I've been tweaking a Taker that fights with strikes like Goldberg in Revenge.
  11. AndrewTS

    Austin In Favor Of New WWE In-Ring Style

    Yeah, surely WWE can sacrifice an upper midcard heel to make their fucking hasbeen commissioner look great. That makes sense. And Stevie's only some wrestler with a bad neck in his early 30's who as of now saw better days in ECW. A guy like that surely would never amount to anything in WWE. It's not like he could possibly be a big star sometime soon and we wouldn't expect it. Nope. For now, let's keep centering the company around hasbeens, leave the midcarders stagnating, and just push the green-as-grass OVW kids. Austin kinda put over Kane and Batista. Whoopdy-fuck. Now, I hate to make a long-term assumption that simply can't be proved or accurately predicted too far ahead due to the nature the business, but I can't see Kane becoming much of a big star and Batista doesn't really strike me as the OMG FUTURE STAR!~ that even some people here see. Although, the Kane thing is kind of a moot point since the Shane storyline killed him as a ratings draw. Eh, maybe the Taker storyline will make him a top guy at last. That's part of why WWE sucks so bad right now. Besides HHH, heels generally have their balls cut off constantly by the faces. Then the heel scores some minor victory before a PPV--oh no, maybe the heel will win?! Nope, face wins the blowoff. Heaven forbid a heel look to be on even ground with the face, even if he has to cheat to do it. Can't have that. The reason a lot of people on the board are sick of Austin is because he bitched about crummy the writing in WWE was, then he came crawling back like a little bitch to Vince, and he himself became part of the problem yet again. He could have stood on his principles and said "shape up with the writing or I'm not coming back," but he had to be such a whore for the spotlight that he simply came back when Vince was ready to play nice, give him a squash vs. Bischoff, a Mania match, and a long-term non-wrestling role on Raw. At least that's how I feel, maybe I'm alone on that. Austin's one of the few that is in a position to help improve things, but he's only interested in making sure that he's getting his ass kissed. Remember, Austin just loved this wonderful idea to bring him back again after Survivor Series. Not that wrestling *ever* lived up to retirement stipulations, but WWE has matches and feuds that are supposed to "shake the foundation of Raw," but all they do is make a minor change for a week or two, then it's back to the status quo. Nothing ever happens to change things. It's the same old crap over and over again.
  12. To be fair, Cole is fed his lines, after all.
  13. AndrewTS

    The fighting game character tournament 2k4

    And you're supporting a dictator who deals in drugs and kills lots of people, his criminal companion, a demon in flesh, another evil dude, and a sorceror who kills people and steals their souls. Felicia just looks like a hot chick in really oversized boots and gloves and is wearing a fur bikini. OH NO! Few like MK here. What is? Nobody posted pictures of a couple of dogs with vaguely human features humping.
  14. AndrewTS

    Austin In Favor Of New WWE In-Ring Style

    The WWE style got slower? How would you be able to tell? Anyway, I'm so glad that they're slowing down the matches to tell more of a story in the, on-average, 4 minute matches that they have. That's sure to bring viewers back.
  15. AndrewTS

    Victoria pissing her wrestling career away?

    Naturally, I really, really, really, really, really hope it does, ASAP. However, I guess she has no dignity or ego at all so I'm not going to get my hopes up. Regardless, I actually like Victoria, and I'd admit to being a bit curious...but I'd rather her not pose.
  16. Well, the prospect is exciting...but knowing what they've done in the ring together in the past makes it a lot less interesting.
  17. That one went a lot longer than I wanted it to but do you think a guy wearing crazy ring attire use like what the repo man for example or face paint use sting as an example so they had a different look but still was a great worker would he get over? Thanks. I *think* I know what you mean--and sure, why not? Sting was way over but he had changed his look for storyline purposes. Warrior got over huge and in the 90's got fans excited until his pathetic 80's promos and offense got tired easily. I think it would work. The question is just how you would try to pull it off. Alright I was honestly just wondering and that was a great answer. Thanks. NP. If Goldberg and Kane got over huge fairly recently, I don't think the idea is too absurd.
  18. World's Slowest Rapper.
  19. That one went a lot longer than I wanted it to but do you think a guy wearing crazy ring attire use like what the repo man for example or face paint use sting as an example so they had a different look but still was a great worker would he get over? Thanks. I *think* I know what you mean--and sure, why not? Sting was way over but he had changed his look for storyline purposes. Warrior got over huge and in the 90's got fans excited until his pathetic 80's promos and offense got tired easily. I think it would work. The question is just how you would try to pull it off.
  20. If you so lack any defining characteristics that you have to stick the name of your city/state in one of your trademark moves, you shouldn't be in the main event of a PPV, ever.
  21. Drury: What the hell did that huge run-on say?
  22. Pointless arm offense, then an attempted powerbomb. It's like watching Bill Demott return from retirement!
  23. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Uh huh....think for a second. They will be mad they didn't get into Playboy so they will want to prove they are the future... Damn, could this angle be MORE demeaning to women? Two women upset they didn't get picked to strip nude in a magazine. Two women upset they won't be jerked off to by people who buy the magazine. The creative team is made up of a bunch of hack former writers from Monkeyshit Follies, and is headed by some comic book geek, Vince McMahon, and Stephanie. Why should anyone be suprised at this point? And all the women involved are well-known to do just about whatever WWE asks them to do, as well. Not like they'll say "you know what, this is offensive to me personally, get some one else." Well, in Sable's case, she'd refuse to do it if she thinks she could sue over it later. Sable's posed multiple times, Jackie wears next to nothing anyway but went with this angle no problem, Stacy's been gang-raped by Steiner and Test and Stunned by Stone Cold Wife Beater for not drinking beer, and Torrie's practically Missy Hyatt II storyline-wise and used her ass as a Playboy billboard already. But demeaning to women? NOO! It certainly isn't *that*. Because, you know, this is a free country, so if women want to take off all their clothes and pose for a magazine, bah gawd that's their inalienable right! It's the ultimate sign of independence, or something. I'm sure Vince would go for that if he could. He's disappointed the most risque he can do most of the time is having the women fight on a bed. At any rate, is it a bad sign that the most entertaining new thing SD has had lately is Chavo Sr.? Does anyone else really, really want to see Chavo Sr. crack Cat right in the throat with a cane?
  24. AndrewTS

    Gowen gone

    *does a Brock Happy Dance* Yup, they did the "shocking" pull-the-leg-off thing, had him hang with Hogan, job to Vince and beat Matt Hardy. It's gotten right now to the point where "creative had nothing for him to do." I love the patronizing way WWE says they've fired some one. Well, in this case I wouldn't have minded them rubbing it in.