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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Free subscription to EGM

    No they don't. I thought it sucked before it died, hence why I stopped reading it. Although I remember at one time they were an excellent mag. The strategy sections were usually very in-depth and helpful. Also, readers could request help with certain problems/questions in games. I don't know they picked which ones to respond to, but usually it was for questions that were for confusing parts in games that most mags hadn't covered. It was the only magazine I saw that covered how to get Umaro and Gogo in Final Fantasy III. Thankfully, they'd often reply to questions about games that weren't exactly brand new. Unfortunately, their screenshots usually seemed washed out. They started to decline, in my opinion, when they were more concerned about stupid humor than writing good reviews. As it was, most game reviews were one page, most of it taking up by unnecessary blocks for the ratings numbers and the reviewer's picture, plus the text was unnecessarily large so not a whole lot was ever written about a game. They weren't good, not bad, just kinda "eh" before they declined and went away. My opinions on the current mags out there: Game Informer- I hate them. Their reviews usually seem terribly biased and unfocused on the important aspects. They have HUGE ASS PREVIEWS that go on for 10 pages, and then often they devote 1/6 of a page for a game review. I'll never forgive them for giving Shantae a bad review. I don't think the reviewer even played the game before writing that review. I could live with a less-than-stellar review if their was a complaint about the enemies respawning too close to you. However--that wasn't mentioned. Play mechanics, the innovations it made, the cool characters and gameplay--none of it was mentioned at all. It was just a generic review probably tapped up to devote more time to the newest overhyped piece of crap in their feature review. GMR - This mag seems to be having some growing pains. Some of the reviews manage to be well-written, funny, and informative. Gaming Geezer is a neat feature, but I find it pointless without a retro-section that they certainly have room for. Like GI, they spend too much time on previews and often stick 4 reviews on a single page. They seem a bit biased and cynical towards old-school style games, so there's room for improvement. Tips and Tricks - Very good magazine--except for the obvious complaint about the lack of/absence of reviews. However, I like the fact that the previews are limited to little sections with screen shots and the most interesting game tidbits. No huge, expansive layouts saying nothing. No excessive bull. The name says what they're about: they have a focus and they stick with it. The layouts on the newer games, and the occasional retro-strategies, are very well laid-out in my opinion. The archives of codes also prove to be very useful. Unfortunately, since it is still priced at 5 bucks a pop and issues are smaller than most of the other mags, it seems a bit light on content, especially since you may not be using too much of the content in the mag.
  2. AndrewTS

    boredom + php + SvC Chaos rips = this

    Heheh, thanks Meatwad. I like your first one the best and LPMC's 2nd one. Here's a few more. I'd feel guilty about the Mai jokes, but she IS the fanservice fighter. Another Mai Joke. More highbrow humor from me. *bows* Yes? The Cleopatra line was begging to be expanded upon.
  3. AndrewTS

    boredom + php + SvC Chaos rips = this

    Another friend made this one--excellent fit! Poor Mai--makes a great joke BUTT. One of my own.
  4. AndrewTS

    boredom + php + SvC Chaos rips = this

    This is fun... Will no one stop him! Siiiick freaks! Ryu enraged!
  5. AndrewTS

    boredom + php + SvC Chaos rips = this

    Not in a creative mood tonight, but a friend messed around with it a little. Here's one.. And another. And another... Now, if only you could make the text blocks be able to tell you just how much room you have on each line.
  6. AndrewTS

    The "Games You Just Bought" Thread

    "Sorry, we were unable to find any locations in your area. Please check that you've entered a valid address or zip code." We have a HV and an EB, but no Gamestop. Although there are Gamestops and EBs all around my area. I'd think this would show any stores in the general area, though.
  7. AndrewTS

    The Cat Not Well Liked Backstage.

    I don't know. Could it be that Miller is ten times more entertaning then all three of those goofs put together? He isn't, though.
  8. AndrewTS

    Free subscription to EGM

    Oh, c'mon, it's not that bad... You're right...it's worse. I haven't been reading it as much as anyone else so...why the hate on Gamepro? I'm seriously curious. Well, frozenblock said one part of it. Many magazines are easily swayed by advertising dollars. Gamepro is one of the worst of 'em. Gamepro used to be a decent mag, and had top-notch fighting game coverage. The magazines were fairly well put together and laid out well. However, they got really cheap, lazy, and poor-quality around the late 90's. They reverted to cheaper paper, reviews got to be more poorly written, their "strategy guides" were reduced to printing fighting game move lists--even if the lists were included with the game or in the game itself. The cover art became terrible, usually ending up a BUTT-ugly rendering or being drawn by a shitty artist. Worst of all, I think they know their magazine sucks because they back them at newstands now. I think if your mag is decent enough, if people flip through them and like what they'll see they'll buy them. Funny thing, I still have issues of Diehard Gamefan (R.I.P.) from nearly 9 years ago. Almost all of them are still intact and are in terrific condition. I often re-read them to get advice on what older games to check out or I'll use their rare strat guides. Often they'd have codes you wouldn't see other places. The Gamepro stuff...uh, I think it disintegrated or something. I know my Sega Visions magazines rotted away to nothingness (although they were in an old suitcase, which may have something to do with it).
  9. AndrewTS

    Latest Hollywood Buzz On Triple H, Foley, Goldberg

    Exactly my thoughts; smells like a metric ton of bull crapola to me.
  10. AndrewTS

    Latest On Trish, Torrie, Lita, Stacy, & Sable

    Aaaand, there was any reason to respect them prior to that? It was far from anything too shocking for Torrie's character, that's for damn sure. Take a look at her dad and hubby; that makes sense. I don't mind the flatness, and she has the great legs/ass. Too skinny? Yeah, but there's plenty of meat back there, quite surprisingly.
  11. AndrewTS

    Huge ammounts of police swarming "Neverland"...

    There's something I found rather confusing/stupid/odd... Most "vicious lies" are untrue, guys. Also, if he's innocent, how could they be motivated by "revenge?" Revenge for what? Vicious and Malicious is usually redundant also--either that, or reminiscent of a WCW tag team. This was a written statement. She didn't have the guts to come out in public and say anything.
  12. AndrewTS

    The "Games You Just Bought" Thread

    What is this Gamecrazy place? A friend of mine on the West Coast goes there all the time, but I've never heard of it here in PA. Is it basically a West-Coast-only Gamestop kinda place?
  13. AndrewTS

    Genesis/SNES Games

    Uh--I disagree. I personally think after Gunstar Heroes, many of the Treasure titles were vastly overrated. Besides, we're in the sticky territory of saying one game in one genre is better than another game in another genre, when both are considered near the peak of their respective genres. Haven't played it, good but no, CZ had some control issues, haven't played it, BOOOORING, cool but the second one was far better, didn't play it. Yeah, but they smoke any of the Final Fights. 3 wasn't as good as 2 but still was a good game. SoR1 was pretty good, but yeah, the 2nd one was best. Contra Hard Corps...that game hates me so much. RKA was awesome, and an exclusive. I heard the two Sparksters are different, but I only have the Genesis version. Haven't found the SNES one yet. Buster's Hidden Treasure? As for Sonic--1's fun but doesn't hold up so well. Once you get past Green Hill Zone, the whole speed aspect is forgotten and it's a normal platformer. You can't go too fast after that or certain death awaits you. Sonic 2 is generally considered the best in the series overall. I'd almost agree, but I hate Metropolis Zone too damn much. Sonic 3&Knuckles is basically a bunch of extra levels tacked onto 3, but I really like it. I hate Sandopolis Act 2 though. By the way, where's the Ristar love? The "Illusion" Mickey titles?
  14. AndrewTS

    The "Games You Just Bought" Thread

    "GameCrazy has a sale on all used games (anything predating the current Xbox/GC/PS2/GBA era) where you buy 2 and get 1 free. " They ripped that off Gamestop, who did it a few weeks ago. I recently got King of Fighters 2000/2001 for PS2, Beyond Oasis for Genesis, and Castlevania Chronicles for Playstation.
  15. AndrewTS

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    3DO Yeah, Panasonic made the 3DO, but it could have also been the Phillips CD-I which had a (shitty) Zelda title on it. I love that Playstation rumor, though. I actually remember the talk of the SNES CD. That's supposedly what that slot under the SNES was designed for. If the Sega CD had succeeded, who knows what the gaming world could be like now. Although, I'd shudder to think what a world where a system that's library is primarily FMV games would succeed would be like. Although Sega sadly learned a harsh lesson far too late: console add-ons don't work. They mostly limit you to your existing user base. You needed a Genesis to use the system, so you'd have to buy a Sega CD and a Genesis if you didn't own a Genesis already. That's over 300 bucks for a console with no killer release titles that isn't a significant jump in quality over the existing console. Still, it wasn't as boneheaded a move as the Jaguar CD. Plenty of people did actually already own a Genesis...then again, Atari never released the 32X.
  16. AndrewTS

    Genesis/SNES Games

    This is true. And is Cyborg Justice the one-on-one fighter where you customised your robots, and you could rip off each otehr's legs/arms/weapons and use them on your own cyborg? That game was FUCKING ACE but no-one would ever play it with me because I kept stealing all their shit. I don't think so. It's a side scrolling beat 'em up, but there's a duel mode. You could customize your robot and I believe in Arcade mode you could steal enemy torsos, but I don't think in the Duel mode you can do that. You're probably thinking of it but also confusing it with another game as well. Still, it's a pretty cool game. Shame it comes so close to being really good, but falls short because of control issues.
  17. AndrewTS

    Genesis/SNES Games

    It had that kick ass virtual fighter, a NBA JAM TE that was better than the console games, a MKII that owned the regualr 16 bit versions and Wrestlemania: The Arcade. Asses were kicked....faces were 0wned. And if you are wondering, yes I had the mushroom of doom. I had that scottie pippen basketball game, SLam City, that had realtime video and you were playing street ball...yeah...it sucked... MKII 32x wasn't as good as the SNES (I'll trust Sakura on this), WM wasn't as good as the Playstation version (but still alright). The FMV games sucked, of course. Metal Head could have been a great game if there was more technique and better level design. Cosmic Carnage wasn't too good. Anyone remember that old Genesis title Cyborg Justice? It has some of the smoothest animation I've ever seen on the Genesis, and if it were optimized for the 6-button pad and tweaked, it would have been a fantastic title. CC makes me think of that game, although it isn't as good. Both were made in-house by Sega though. WWF Raw...uh...had Kwang! And tag ropes! And a Raw sign! Yeah, at one point I've had the Mushroom Tower of Doom. I've owned a 32X twice in the past, and I own a Sega CD occasionally (not at the moment). As for why I'm so defensive of the Genesis, it's that it seems people completely dismiss the metric ****load of great exclusive games. I play the Genesis more today than my PS2. Other than the babality/slicing blades glitch in the arcade version, what are you talking about? Nope. Although I believe the early versions of NBA Jam for SNES had Charles Barkley in it, but he was yanked from all later versions. And the Konami titles, and Landstalker, Beyond Oasis, most of the Sega-made stuff--Phantasy Star, Streets of Rage (greater than the SNES' crappy Final Fight games), the Shining Force games, etc. Don't sell it short.
  18. AndrewTS

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    Spree: I thought most of those myths are actually true?
  19. AndrewTS

    Latest On Trish, Torrie, Lita, Stacy, & Sable

    It can be fine if they use real celebrities, like Tyson. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with the current product. It's perfect. We're just not marketing properly!" -- (/WWE suit) You'd lose that bet.
  20. AndrewTS

    Genesis/SNES Games

    If this was 1995, I could rattle off about 10 examples, unfortunately it isn't. I also agree with Prototype. If you found him too fast to control, you just kinda suck at the game. That's simply not always true, though. Also, I'm surprised no one has added this to the list yet: Earthworm Jim. The Genesis version's graphics were equal except for the lack of a lens flare effect, the sound was pretty good (slightly behind the SNES though), and had a whole extra level that the SNES lacked (Intestinal Distress). However, the winner out of the versions was the later Sega CD/PC Special Edition, which had CD tunes, the Big Bruty level, and a rearranged New Junk City and Heck. It seemed that Shiny could always get the best out of the Genesis, and many of their team actually worked on the Genesis Aladdin. Speaking of Disney games, Lion King was better on SNES, though.
  21. AndrewTS

    Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

    You can get weapons into the ring in the SNES version of Saturday Night Slam Masters. Just jump with the weapon you want to use and hit B, I think. Okay, I guess that trick works on both. It's just that I never left the ring when I was playing over at my friend's. Could someone please tell me whether or not the Genesis has Co-Op mode or not (Kinda like a tag team season without the tags)? Is there up to 4 players possible on the Genesis game?
  22. AndrewTS

    Xenosaga: Should I buy it?

    There you have it--a testimonial from some one who loved 'Gears. Although I'd rather personally rather murder the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance cast, both of them are rather annoying. In conclusion, X3N0S@G@ 5UXXX0R5 d00dr.
  23. AndrewTS

    Worst Final Fantasy Lead

    Uh--it was made mostly by Enix. That just goes to show how great Square is(n't).
  24. AndrewTS

    Genesis/SNES Games

    Hogan didn't want to risk jobbing to Flair?
  25. AndrewTS

    Genesis/SNES Games

    It's more difficult to execute complex controller motions and hit the "L" button to pull off moves in fighting games than using the Genesis face buttons. The Genesis pad wasn't perfect, but the Saturn pad (that is, the Japanese version and the later, revised American ones) were excellent in my opinion. It still has less than half the processing speed of the Genesis.