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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS


    Thanks, Yuna for the feedback. Anyway, back to Ripper... You basically said TSM as a whole was that way, and implied that many of us had a double standard going on when clearly it wasn't the same posters saying different things based on gender. On the contrary, I extremely dislike many musical acts on that very basis. I loathe Limp Bizkit, get really annoyed with Led Zeppelin, and a lot of AC/DC's stuff I dislike on that very basis. I never got why people loved the Rolling Stones so much. Rap acts that mainly speak of women as "ho's" also disgust me. I think sometimes you can fit in some innuendos and if that isn't the entire point of the song it's fine by me. However, if you're screaming that it's "all for the nookie," I'm going to get rather pissed off. So please don't even attempt that double-standard garbage with me. Both of them are rather fucked up to have been taping it, but anyway, nobody knows who that guy is. Hence he's just "that guy." Ripper loves his ad hominems. Celebrity marriages tend to end a lot quicker and are a lot more publicized. When non-celebrities get divorced, it's usually for the same reasons; done on impulse, mainly for looks, and the two usually don't know each others. Since the celebrity marriages are on TV and more publicized, people think it's normal and it's okay. It's not that I care and actually watch, but it's EVERYWHERE. Let them date, let them take their time. They don't. Within a month, you hear they get married, and in about the same amount of time, they break up. No commitment there, no big deal, right? Nope--it's that these dolls are dressed like celebrities who act in a certain manner, therefore young girls draw the connection that they should act that way as well. It's not the look itself, it's the behavior that comes along with it. 15-16?! BWAHAHAHAHA!! Try 12-13. Go to a junior high school and ask around about it. Unless that's just around *here* as opposed to nationwide. Granted, I don't study statistics on the matter much, but what I see around where I live is going to affect my perceptions. Oh, and the average "first pregnancy" rates have actually declined, but that's because unlike in the past, contraceptive methods are more readily available and use of them are encouraged more. So comparing on that basis is somewhat skewed. As for the divorce rates--people don't know each other well before they get married. It's simple as that. However, it's much more acceptable now to get a divorce than it used to be. Earlier, it was frowned upon even though in many cases divorces should have occured if there was an abusive partner. That's a non-sequitor. How are those at all connected, Ripper? If a woman is raped, she's a victim regardless of how she's dressed.
  2. AndrewTS


    Not that I like shooting down your baseless, strawman arguments and sweeping generalizations about all the posters based on the attitutes of a few, but I'm to assume that you mean that a) all the posters here feel that way and b) all of them voiced their disapproval in this thread. Both of which are untrue. Please refrain from trying to do this in the future, Ripper. Okay, who do you usually see dressing skimpily and wearing obscene amounts of makeup--especially excessive eyeshadow? Usually whores, porn stars, and celebrities trying to look like the former two. Then of course some others like Mimi from the Drew Carey Show (a character, not an actual person though) and Tammy Faye. In general though, if you paint yourself up to a ridiculous degree, you're going to be considered to look like a whore. I only give the female celebrities shit that actually deserve it. For example, Christina Aguilera and Paris Hilton. Both deserve to be called whores. In general, though, it's hard to have high opinions of celebrities who seem to hook up only the basis of physical attraction and have marriages that last two months tops. That is, of course, not all of them are even most of them. Yet, stuff of that sort is heavily publicized. I don't understand why the hell people are fascinated with the private lives of celebrities and why the hell the media has to focus so much time on them. Heaven forbid real news get the attention. Of course, there are entire shows devoted to "entertainment news"--i.e. which actress is fucking this actor this week. Regardless, I think these dolls are just a symptom and not a cause. This fucked-up society increasingly sexualizes every damn thing, so the popular sitcoms, pop music, celebrity behavior and so forth gets increasingly and more overtly sexual. Hence, you have a bunch of 13 year old girls thinking they have to dress like sluts to get attention, and that they should be having sex at their age. Plus, it sure as hell doesn't help that girls are maturing physically at younger ages (a topic of major scientific study, brought on by environmental exposure to hormones at younger ages if I recall correctly). As a result, young girls bodies are developing before they're emotionally capable of dealing with it. Since they've already had their self-esteem, independence, and positive self-image crushed from the time they could consume the media, they are constantly told how they have to be to be accepted: be pretty, be blond, be shallow, wear lots of makeup, and be sure to put out a lot.
  3. AndrewTS

    How many of you have played...

    I repeat: is Fire Pro Z 2D or 3D? Also, anyone know of some good translation guides for Fire Pro D in case I get it?
  4. AndrewTS

    The Dames' Diatribe on WWE Raw - 12/1/03

    I'm get back to you when I'm completely sober.
  5. AndrewTS

    The "fired" heels

    I suspect when Austin comes back, the "some capacity" at first will be selling stuff as a hot dog and drink vendor...
  6. AndrewTS

    The "fired" heels

    Yeah, that was great...up until about Unforgiven 2002 where they saw fit to embarrass him at every turn and make him a bland, generic heel instead of a swarmy love-to-hate asshole. Couldn't have that, though, since he was getting cheered over Stephanie.
  7. AndrewTS

    Smackdown Tapings

    That match is going to be taped and shown on the Spike TV Video Game Awards. Yeah, makes no sense to me, either.
  8. AndrewTS

    The "fired" heels

    Yeah, but is Coach included with those others?
  9. AndrewTS

    Trish/Jerich & Xitan/Lita

    Yeah Anderson would be perfect for Benoit. And as for managers overshadowing their wrestlers lets not forget Flair pretty much gets the most reaction out of the whole Evo group. Yeah, but without him, Evolution wouldn't get much of a reaction, and Trips knows it.
  10. AndrewTS

    Trish/Jerich & Xitan/Lita

    They would still work in this day and age, if they didn't focus so much on the valets as the core of the angles and the such, and if they weren't wrestlers. And they weren't practically nude. Liz was more classy, nobody really wanted to see Sapphire nude, and usually Sherri was a dastardly heel in odd clothing. Would Luna fit in there? Because she seemed to usually fit well with who she was with.
  11. AndrewTS

    Trish/Jerich & Xitan/Lita

    The problem isn't with the concept of a manager/valet, the problem is that WWE has had trouble finding the right pairing of guys/gals to make it really work. Well, the point of a manager to me always seemed to have someone do the talking for a wrestler whose character prevented that, or who wasn't any good on the mic. However, what happens these days is usually the guys that get managers or valets are wrestlers who could not get over by themselves despite constant pushing: Henry, Test, Gunn.
  12. AndrewTS

    Trish/Jerich & Xitan/Lita

    Gail's out injured, and because it's a collarbone injury, I don't think she'd be able to be on TV a while. Besides, she's been lousy on the mic so far. I think one of them dissed Molly tonight so I think she's out. In which case, PLEASE no more talentless valets.
  13. AndrewTS

    Trish/Jerich & Xitan/Lita

    Is it just me, or do managers--male or female--just simply not work anymore? Long's been doing a good job in my opinion, but D'Lo was almost completely heatless, Mack was heatless, and Henry is heatless (although it's hard to do much with the latter two). Sunny was great on the mic and worked well as a manager pre-WWF, but when she came to the WWF she just overshadowed everyone she managed. The Hardyz got over by themselves so Lita's presence is negligible. Heyman with Brock seemed to work well, but other than that I can't think of much else that worked.
  14. AndrewTS

    Trish/Jerich & Xitan/Lita

    You forgot also: Heels: La Res Test/Steiner Molly Coach/Snow Bischoff Rico w/ Gayda Victoria w/ Stevie Faces: Dudleys Trish Lita Foley Lawler/JR Storm Mor--er, Venis Hurricane Rosey Jindrak/Cade and soon...Austin
  15. AndrewTS

    Trish/Jerich & Xitan/Lita

    Oh, I agree. I just wished they'd waited longer to do this.
  16. AndrewTS

    Trish/Jerich & Xitan/Lita

    You mean the whole bet thing? To me it just seemed like a cliche out a teen movie. Writers don't like the term "cliche." It's "archetype!" When Trish was overhearing, I thought she was laughing at first, then she remembered she's supposed to act all devastated and stuff, but missed her cue (or wasn't given the cue). However, what was it all to accomplish?
  17. AndrewTS

    How many of you have played...

    Is FPZ 3D or 2D? I'll probably get FPD because I can actually play it. I'm not prepped to play PS2 imports.
  18. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    *shrug* Anyone else know?
  19. Well, Tazz mentioned it last week. Yeah, but he's a ex-wrestler and he's not a McMahon, so he's not important.
  20. Hey, I do! It's just that nobody notices me. Oh, I know it, it's just that there are relatively few of us. Well, probably they'd do one of two things... WWE Logic will factor in--they'll never mention his "death" at all. Or, he'll play his twin brother, Sal Wilson. Probably with an uncle-niece incest angle to go with it.
  21. AndrewTS

    WWF/WWE DVD's from 5.98-9.98...

    Except for Summerslam, which I already have, don't all those shows suck?
  22. Torrie's suggestion, eh? I tell you people time and time again, and some of you still don't believe me--Torrie is pure evil.
  23. AndrewTS

    Help Goldust Keep His Job!

    Yet, Orton, Batista, and HHH are still on TV. I love that old "creative team couldn't come up with anything for his character." Gotta love a company that releases people because another department completely sucks ass at their jobs.
  24. AndrewTS

    Spike TV's video game award show to include

    I'm surprised they didn't do hoss vs. cruiser, because then HCTP's shitty character balance could reflect what happens on TV.
  25. I think it's unfair to throw 3D and 2D fighters together there, because they're completely different styles of fighters. 3D fanatics will take the 3D games anytime, and 2D fanatics like me will take the 2D ones. Street Fighter, in my opinion. However, what in the holy hell is KILLER INSTINCT doing on that list?!?!?