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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    "Here comes the ass! Here comes the smack!" I guess this means that I was right about a good portion of his fans not being able to read--or maybe it's just a 30-minute book commercial.
  2. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    "Thank you, maybe another time."
  3. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Ouch--that looks like a hard head bump. Not as bad as Matt took, but still...
  4. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Cole: "A-Key-O"
  5. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Doesn't the name "Nathan" strike fear into your hearts, guys? Move him to Raw, so we can get the tag team of Dave and Nathan. Scaaary. Here comes Rey--sure this match will be short...
  6. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Wasn't Flair the smallest original Horseman?
  7. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    *groans, suspecting this SD will get a good rating*
  8. AndrewTS

    Guilty Gear XX players...

    I'd love to help ya out, but I suck at the game too.
  9. AndrewTS

    Video games that made you cry?

    For some reason this feud amuses me Ditto. Although I think it's getting to the point where some one should ask Dames to change Mighty's name to "Sandy Vagina."
  10. AndrewTS


    Isn't that basically the same exact post you post half the time, Ray? Is that your whole damn schtick? "I'd like to see (smark favorite) job clean to (guy smarks dislike)." -- nearly every other Ray post.
  11. AndrewTS

    Angle Slam

    Cruiserweights = Kidman?
  12. AndrewTS


    Sure they do...even so, doesn't mean they should be pushed to main eventerdom as early as next year like they want to. OOOOOH!! WOW!! WHOOPIE!!
  13. AndrewTS

    Got the Wrestlecrap book!

    Eh, it's a bit too simplistic to rate it that way, but I'll give a chapter-by-chapter summary later.
  14. AndrewTS

    Got the Wrestlecrap book!

    Just arrived today--I had preordered it long ago from Highspots. And I've already read it start to finish. Wow, that was quick... I'm a little disappointed that it's softcover, and there isn't as much original content as I'd have hoped, but it was still a great read. Plus, it gives a somewhat-chronological recap of the crap. The foreword by Tenta was a nice touch, too. Note shockingly, it ends talking about McMahonmania and the horrid Necrophilia storyline.
  15. AndrewTS


    El Gigante was super-over? I honestly can't say for sure since I only saw him in Chamber of Horrors, but I know that Giant Gonzales didn't exactly work out well. Jones is about that level of talent. Also, unlike all of those other guys, Jones looks like a goofball and is REALLY clumsly, getting caught in the ropes, slipping from even attempting moves, and to this day can only seem to do a bodyslam without botching it. If Andre fell on his ass constantly, he wouldn't have likely been as over. Andre was able to use his huge bulk to his advantage, was believable, and when he was younger he was a lot better. Road Warriors/the Warrior wrestled mainly squashes, in even in those squashes showed more basic competence, human balance, and diversity of moves than Jones. They even tried to use Jones as a squash machine, such as the Demott match and the dark matches he started wrestling with. Fans were completely apathetic rather than cheering for this massive engine of destruction, at least for the ones I know of. For a more modern example, Big Show is a much, much better worker than Jones even though he's still not that good, and he gets by fine. Jones can't get by today because Jones is just that bad.
  16. AndrewTS

    Capcom vs SNK Choas

    It's confirmed for Neo and the Japanese PS2. No word on whether it's coming to the American PS2 or not.
  17. AndrewTS


    Nathan Jones is so unskilled and clumsy he'd be worthless in any era. The guy can't even cut a decent promo, sounding like an utter moron when he tries. Don't kid yourself.
  18. AndrewTS

    FF X-2 thread

    You have the will power to actually do that? Very admirable. UYI I actually waited 3 days to crack open Here Comes the Pain since I had schoolwork. It's very possible. I thought Sakura was just accidentally-banned like a lot of the posters appeared to be like when the board was restarted. Incidentally, where the hell are the rules and regulations for the board? I'm curious since I don't really remember them all. Although for something related to the game--I saw a guy and a girl purchasing FFX-2 together (aaaawww ). Another girl soon after went to the counter and asked about...Toe Jam and Earl for Genesis. So, I kindly asked her which ones, she replied either, and I told her you can probably find the second one online cheap or at Gamestops after the employees said they didn't have it, but that the first one is super-rare. So, she thanked me and left. So uh...apparently at least one girl around here it into the game. Probably more. *shrug* I thought I had a point to this...
  19. http://www.gamespot.com/all/news/news_6083688.html So, figures indicate I'm a typical gamer. I have zero interest in online play (although I do play gamers in-person with other people; they act as if solo or online is all there is), still play PS1 and GBA, and use rentals to decide what to buy. Still...this puzzles me... So--how the fuck's sake is Acclaim still in business?!?
  20. AndrewTS

    PPV Buy Rates

    Where they "should" be is late-2000-WCW numbers.
  21. AndrewTS

    The King of Fighters 2003 thread

    Yeah, NOW I find out about the delay for KOF2K&2K1. I appreciate the thought, though, Sakura. To be more specific, it's supposed to be December 10. I asked about Metal Slug 3, and right now it's supposed to be mid-April. Enjoy X-2, though.
  22. AndrewTS

    WWE News From The Online Torch

    This is joke news, right?
  23. AndrewTS

    The One and Only EVOLUTION IS ----

    Ha! I still hate David Lee Roth, but that's one of the good ones.
  24. Hmm They'll repackage Gail as one of the Yakuza, and her and Nidia have a blindfold match, which manages to make the Nathan Jones matches look good?
  25. AndrewTS

    The One and Only EVOLUTION IS ----

    Pissed marine is *mine* damn it! Although I expanded on some one else's with this: Evolution is a buffet team Slicing ham and roasting beef You want it on rye, white, or wheat? EVOLUTIOOON! EVOLUTIOOON! Flair's the only one free of injury But we're still open 10 to 3 You can beat our prices but not our meat It's hard to cook when you've got no heat EVOLUTIOOOON! EVOLUTIOOOON! Don't take my word, go and see Sure we've never been rated more stars than 3 But with two paying adults kids eat free! EVOLUTIOOOON! EVOLUTIOOOON!