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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    How many McMahons tonight? Vince, HHH, and Shane are pretty much guaranteed, with Steph rumored. I'll say 4 1/2, with the previous 4 appearing and maybe Linda "live via satellite."
  2. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    It's a "join production" of Raw and SD!. That used to mean "Raw guys are going to stink up the card" but now doesn't really mean anything.
  3. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    I didn't miss it did I? Yeah, it kinda sucks, but not for those of us who didn't pay for the PPV.
  4. AndrewTS

    The King of Fighters 2003 thread

    While I appreciate the warning, I don't get what you mean. You're not really giving us anything tangible here. How aren't they very much fun? Drastic changes in the gameplay?
  5. AndrewTS

    Should I order Survivor Series?

    Do you have some friends ready to come over? Bad PPV + booze + friends = good time. Good PPV + booze + friends = better time.
  6. AndrewTS

    Looking Ahead to Royal Rumble 2004

    I doubt it, but even if Cena would win, they would likely use the "Iron Man" thing to put over some one else. Although it bugs me that they usually don't do anything like make the "iron man" be some one they want to push and use that as a starting point. It's almost as annoying as making it such a big deal about being number 1, when number 2 starts the match at the exact same time (Last year's with Jericho and HBK).
  7. AndrewTS

    Survivor Series

    I guess that's this month's "most brutal style of match EVER."
  8. AndrewTS

    Survivor Series

    Yeah, I remembered that when I was playing HCTP and they showed the loading screen about the GMs. NOTHING at all came of that so they'll probably never mention it again.
  9. Vince/Taker: **1/2 Vince has some of the best minds in the business working for him, and is facing someone who knows how to work a good match when he's in the mood. Decent brawling match with Vince likely bumping and bleeding, booked and planned out to hide Vince's lack of ability. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a mark-out worthy run in a la Arn/Piper. Oh wait...it'll probably be Steph instead. HHH/Goldberg: ** Goldie's decent these days, but HHH will probably drag it down. I don't know what condition HHH's groin is in ( ), but I doubt he's 100%. Team Austin/Team Bischoff: Bunch of Raw guys, with only one good worker. Eh, **. Team Angle/Team Lesnar: **. Two good workers, but the rest are average or bad. Tajiri/Noble:**1/2 Not like they have a reason to try. Kane/Shane: *1/2 Boring brawling + big bump Lita/Mollyz: * Bashams/Guerreros: ***
  10. AndrewTS

    Smart Mark Mistakes

    Ultimo's gotten some good pops with live crowds, and Noble's character has gotten over twice, so I don't know what you're talking about. However, WWE's kept Ultimo off TV and has been jobbing out Noble.
  11. AndrewTS

    1 year anniversary of Scott Steiner in WWE

    When he started out, he was a challenger for the World Title, and he was terrible. Now he's a midcarder who just plain sucks. That's an improvement, at least. Still, he's given us so many great moments over the past year. The Rumble match, his pants falling down on national TV, his part in Raw is Gay Porn (featuring the posedown) where he told HHH "you go up and see who thinks you're tough" or something like that. Of course, there's him breaking the F barrier, or talking about slurping up Stacy's peach-like juices seconds after JR called him a "gentleman" and belittled Test, the Great Debate, and decking Austin.
  12. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Yeah, although it doesn't seem as exciting when you've thrown her off the Cell a dozen times, F-5ed her THROUGH the Cell, Powerbombed her onto a car roof, put her through several tables, smashed her body with a ladder, and given her about 8 spears and 4 jackhammers. I used her as a training dummy to get used to the new controls. I'm still disappointed women don't bleed in this game. Just having random matches, or have you gone weeks without a match, even?
  13. AndrewTS

    I want this

    I won't get Mario Kart till later this week.
  14. AndrewTS

    Smart Mark Mistakes

    Thinking Brock was worthless (truthfully though, he got better)... Thinking the Big Show/Brock feud would never lead to anything got (it got them both over more)... Thinking Austin wasn't completely full of shit with his "shoot" and that when he came back that things would change. Instead, he's part of the problem right now. Thinking No Mercy would absolutely, totally suck...
  15. AndrewTS

    Fantasy ReMakes

    Damn. Ah well, Streets of Rage 1 wasn't really that good anyway. Still fun, but if you'd remake any I'd figure third one. Yeah, the second one is pretty much the best, but a remake of the third could fix some of the game's problems. SOR2 as it is basically is perfect (although the version on the Smash Pack's sound suffers).
  16. AndrewTS

    Survivor Series

    Uh. No. Didn't you read the part where it said that Austin would be GMing SD? Whether it means solo GM or co-GM, SD's going to become the Happy Fun Austin Drinking show. Expect Stunners and middle fingers to Cena, Brock, Chavo, Eddy, Tajiri, Show, and every other heel or tweener that isn't named McMahon or Undertaker.
  17. AndrewTS

    Is Austin's team winning now?

    Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Supposedly, Steph will return and GM Raw, and Austin will GM SD! Or co-GM, I'm assuming.
  18. AndrewTS

    WWE capitalizes on the Latino fanbase

    It should sell huge, since Vince capitalized on Eddy's huge popular--oh, wait, that's right--he had Big Show beat him for a title and has done jack shit with him since.
  19. AndrewTS

    I want this

    The most disturbing thing to me is that, going by just the title alone, you'd think this was some fucked up beastiality porn. Although, since this likely got big sales since it was mentioned on techtv, likely it will get a wider release. Hmm--wonder if I'll have to warn dumbassed parents about buying this for their 8 year old like I have to do with GTA3/VC all-the-freakin'-time.
  20. AndrewTS

    Survivor Series

    We get what we asked for, but we'll wish we hadn't. Yup, Vince is Satan.
  21. AndrewTS

    Fantasy ReMakes

    I'm content with the first two Striders myself--ditto about what they'd do in 3D. Maybe not a remake, but a new and hopefully well done addition to the Streets of Rage series would be cool. Yeah, I've been waiting for that for 2 console generations nearly. Where the hell was my Punch Out 64? No word on a Gamecube Punch Out? Ready 2 Rumble did alright I think, and a cel-shaded Punch Out would work quite well in my opinion. I'd like to see one of the SFIII games revamped for PS2 so we could play it with a better controller.
  22. AndrewTS

    I've just bought a Playstation 2

    I've already got one. For the record, every system I own still runs fine, all the way back to the NES. My track record is good. Except for that original PS that conked out, ditto. However, seems they don't make 'em like they used to.
  23. AndrewTS

    What "cena" thing do you like most

    I thought the so-called "you can't see me" signal meant that Cena wipes his ass with what you think of him.
  24. AndrewTS

    Make it a Velocidential night

  25. AndrewTS

    Make it a Velocidential night

    Ha! They clipped the national anthem!