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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. Man, this is masturbatory writing right here.
  2. Hey, I think we'll see these two in a match at the Rumble.
  3. Anyone remember Smackdown Extreme? It was kinda in concept supposed to be a Clash-ish Smackdown they ran several years ago.
  4. Vince...tone it down. It's rude to have that much ham next to a Jew.
  5. "If you would just calm down.."
  6. Vaderbomb ripped off by Train.
  7. Boston Boyz vs. God's Team again.
  8. AndrewTS

    John Heidenreich

    Well, that's one of those rare cases when WWE lucked out, and a guy's real name was marketable--like Kurt Angle. Unlike John Hammeroid.
  9. AndrewTS

    Austing to return to wrestling?

    I hate my replies to be me acting so negative, but it seems that they aren't actually trying to be successful anymore, and just trying to coast by on name value and randomly shove McMahons into the main event spots. McMahon-Austin was great for business, but it planted the idea in Vince's head that he could stick himself on TV constantly and make it good for business. Of course, back then he actually put Austin over and was getting kicked around and embarrassed, not going over his daughter, cripples, and full-fledged wrestlers. I hate how every heel except McMahons and veterans get neutered constantly (Show/Lesnar vs. Taker, for instance). Then where's the intrigue when the PPV rolls around? What do you guys, personally, feel they should do if they want to go for Austin vs. Goldberg? I don't think Goldberg is/will be over enough to just use the Rock/Hogan template, where they could just go out there, stare at each other, and the crowd would have dueling chants for 10 minutes. Well, there was that whole "attempted murder" thing, but they swept that under the carpet quickly.
  10. They're lucky that's subjective, or there could be a lot of false-advertising suits filed.
  11. Aren't Dawn and Torrie both faces? What with Torrie forgiving her for sexing her dad to death and all? I kinda wish they'd turn Torrie heel already. As a face she pisses me off to no end.
  12. AndrewTS

    John Heidenreich

    TCR: Ahh, the list of the many nicknames Mike and the Bots bestowed upon David Ryder in "Space Mutiny." I was tempted to post those, but wanted to come up with names on my own. Lots of those make for decent wrestling names, though.
  13. AndrewTS

    Austing to return to wrestling?

    Even if they do Austin/Goldberg, it wouldn't matter. WWE will fuck it up, and may even do so long before they actually begin setting it up. Kane/Goldberg? Royally fucked up before even being tried thanks to Shane "Heat vacuum" McMahon. If they do it for Rumble, they'll have to rebuild Kane again, but the damage may be done. Goldberg is facing HHH at SurSer. HHH is going to get his job back almost for certain. By the time Goldberg/Austin would occur, Goldberg's balls will be on HHH's mantle and the horrible booking of the Raw team will kill any remaining chance of the program being good. Chock up another "sure thing" WWE will botch.
  14. AndrewTS

    Austing to return to wrestling?

    And you know that's what they'll give us. If they have any sense they would do Austin vs. Goldberg. Yeah. If they did, they would do that. Yup...
  15. AndrewTS

    Austing to return to wrestling?

    Can't this jackass just retire AND get the fuck off my TV?
  16. AndrewTS

    John Heidenreich

    Shocked at something intelligent the flag-carrying, board-swinging, HOOOOing uberpatriot said in the shoot interview: He feels the ideal company is a wide variety of wrestling styles because it will draw in all kinds of fans. The problem is when a company only uses one style of wrestling on their shows. Geezus, if DUGGAN can see something that the collective heads of the top NA wrestling company can't see, then something is waaaay f'ed up.
  17. AndrewTS

    Batista's lookalike

    At the post office, I saw a poster warning against identity theft, and GOLDBERG (or a look alike) was pasting his picture on somebody's driver's license.
  18. I saw a flyer for it--November 4th, 7 P.M. I usually get off classes much earlier, but I've gotta be there for this, half-hour drive or no. I'm not planning to barrage him with much wrestling related questions if I get the chance, although I've gotta ask him how much of a whore he felt hyping up and reffing the Nash-HHH HIAC match.
  19. AndrewTS

    The King of Fighters 2003 thread

    Okay, I heard it mentioned on a link from the Gamefaqs guys that these three are our Fatal Fury team. I wonder what happens to Andy.
  20. AndrewTS

    Has WWE beat WCW

    He had his chance. Fuck him and his "give him a chance" club. 6 months isn't enough time to make him not-clumsy, not-suck, and teach him some semblance or some sort of wrestling. He doesn't even have that supposed "charisma" that Vince got such a boner over and wanted to push him for. Besides, you expect him to get his miracle training from OVW?!??!?!? Get realistic.
  21. AndrewTS

    Hardyz update

    JotW: Yeah, I was digging 2 Count (Helms and Moore) because I loved their work together and their series with Billy and Chuck. When Matt seemed to be joining up with them (he was just starting the Mattitude gimmick about then), I was excited about what we might see. Then Helms got shipped off to Raw so he could be Kane's little buddy and a perennial jobber, and Moore just ended up playing a little bitch instead of a full-fledged partner.
  22. AndrewTS

    "Fake Emotion" - FFX-2

    I never got that. Why would you WANT to level up then? It's not like the world of balance is hard and at that point you have no espers...therefor no level up bonuses. Me neither, because I personally never did that trick, but one major reason not to is the lack of Esper bonuses.
  23. AndrewTS

    "Fake Emotion" - FFX-2

    Replace "FPS" with "fighters" and you basically have my situation, I suppose. Yet I still can enjoy the old-school RPGs like Phantasy Star, Lunar, and Chrono Trigger, so go fig. Well, there were exceptions, like the "tape down the turbo fire button while the raft went around in circles, winning the battles and leveling you up" trick from FFVI.
  24. AndrewTS

    "Fake Emotion" - FFX-2

    Yeah, but most of the game's real fun ended after you took control of Raiden. Please Yuna, go right ahead. It's cool.