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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Trish does it again

    Hell yeah--I love Lilian...when she's not ring announcing. Ahh...I have such fond memories of that time she had the nice low-cut dress with nice shots of her legs, or when she had beer poured on her chest, and her doing her best announcing duty ever when she announced Eddy (way back when he was on Raw still). Plus, when she gets pissed off and starts swearing in Spanish--aye-yi-yi!!
  2. AndrewTS

    One and Only HEAT Thread

    Was there a point to making a Heat thread? Seems no one is even watching.
  3. AndrewTS

    Test ain't the only injured guy!

    "Hehehehe--Beavis, you're about to be injured."
  4. AndrewTS

    Test Breaks his Foot

    The report didn't say he wasn't.
  5. AndrewTS

    Test Breaks his Foot

    The Van Terminator isn't really his "finishing" move. Besides, he's not the only one to use a Frog Splash. I agree mostly, but not on those grounds. It's disrespectful to use a move RVD created and is credited for. It's even more disrespectful that they attempt to give it a unique name.
  6. AndrewTS

    One and Only HEAT Thread

    Ah yes. Be reminded of why many of you chose Monday Night Football or baseball over Raw.
  7. AndrewTS

    New Neo Geo Pocket Color owner here!!

    Not really, as much as 1st mission is based on metal slug 1. Metal slug X was metal slug 2 minus the horrendous slowdown and a few backround changes and item locations. Also you would get some of the bosses in a slightly different order. Okay, thanks for the heads up. I'll have to get this sucker now.
  8. AndrewTS

    Where do I find those hard plastic cases

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...7&category=3642 There's a few. You can just throw away the inserts and stuff if you don't want them.
  9. AndrewTS

    One and Only HEAT Thread

    Yeah, because you have no other tag teams. Fuck, the Mullets was prophetic--we're going to get this damn feud until Wrestlemania. Venis faces a jobber and Test faces an ex-ECW guy who is as good as a jobber in WWE. Thrilling. "Action and excitement, WWE style" is an oxymoron, isn't it? At least no Trips.
  10. AndrewTS

    Test Breaks his Foot

    I'd bet. So how'd he break his foot? I still don't get how that move can cause it. Was he standing and took the move wrong?
  11. AndrewTS

    Trish does it again

    Uh--no. However, she's the female WWE tells you is the prettiest. I'd do her for the privilege of living at her house. Her house kicks ass. Am I the only one who thought this thread was going to be about Trish having another interview where she said too much and now WWE was going to deny it was really her?
  12. AndrewTS

    Test Breaks his Foot

    Broken foot? Wow--now Test has something else in common with Orton and Steiner. Sucks for Test, because breaking something, especially something as vital to your career and basic life functions as a foot, sucks for anyone.... ....plus, he might actually become even WORSE a worker now. Doesn't matter, though, because Shane's going to still get pushed. If a wrestler did it, though...
  13. AndrewTS

    The Survivor Series 2003 promo poster

    Soooo...they aren't doing Kane/Goldberg?
  14. AndrewTS

    Smackdown rating a 3.6

  15. AndrewTS

    BigFoot remains found

    Heh--the sequel got MSTied.
  16. AndrewTS

    New Neo Geo Pocket Color owner here!!

    Is 2nd mission just based on Metal Slug 2, like X is (I think), or is it an original game?
  17. AndrewTS

    New Neo Geo Pocket Color owner here!!

    Nokia is getting in way over their heads. I noticed some threads on the Gamefaqs boards. Several posters who are EB/Gamestop employees say they've only sold a couple at most. Sorta on topic--I wonder just how long until Capcom brings out Pocket Fighter Advance. It'd seem a natural choice, plus there's no problems with button limitations.
  18. A friend of mind is going to hate hearing of this, because he loathes Tarantino. Still, funny stuff. I WANT A TRANSCRIPT!!! So, is Quentin just basing this on what he heard, or is he a smark?
  19. AndrewTS

    Lowered Expectations

    For Raw I've lowered my expectations, because I know they lack the talent to pull of great shows. They aren't particularly high expectations: I want good writing, decent wrestling, angles to revolve around wrestlers, booking that makes sense and makes both guys look pretty good, and there should be some measure of reward system for those who get over on their own. I've set my standards too high for SD to bear watching last night's show.
  20. Stephanie was ON Kimmel? He survived? Were there any others in the area that got hurt?
  21. AndrewTS

    New Neo Geo Pocket Color owner here!!

    Has there ever been a system as outright hated at the N-Gage is now? There's been some bad systems that created apathy--which isn't the same, though. Eh, it was going to be PSP fodder at the very most anyway.
  22. AndrewTS

    New Neo Geo Pocket Color owner here!!

    Renegade: Except for Gals' Fighters, I pretty much have all the same titles as you. Can you give me your opinion on those above games, and how I might be able to get ahold of them? Oh, and I've gotten up to "Sky Chase" zone in Sonic--is there a point where this game becomes more than a blatant Sonic 2 clone? I loved Sonic 2 and all, but wondering if there's more. Cool--the article also inspired me to quote one of the few entertaining posts I've seen on Gamefaqs. DIE, N-Gage, die! The balls of that EB clerk to try to convince me to get an N-Gage instead (he knew I had a GBA already). I been interested in it for a while, but as I mentioned, I didn't know they were available to US gamers outside of import shops.
  23. http://half.ebay.com/cat/buy/prod.cgi?cpid...d=851&meta_id=6 BAM!! The ones shown there are kinda expensive, but you should be able to get it cheaper on Ebay (links to auctions for it are at the bottom of that page--scroll down). If you have a Genesis (not sure which version or both, though), you can use this puppy to play Master System games on it. There was a device for the SNES kinda like this for NES games, but I think it was third party. I'd like help with that if anyone knows of where I can find it. Hope that help.
  24. AndrewTS

    New Neo Geo Pocket Color owner here!!

    EB requires a credit card for online purchases. Sakura: you could call up EB and tell them you want it, and they could have it come in on the next shipment. I'd imagine they can do that since I can easily do that for any CDs I want to get from the music stores.