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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. Actually, we learned Show has a small dick. Venis: Heh-heh--they call you the Big Show?
  2. AndrewTS

    The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection DVD Cover...

    Maybe the person who said that HHH wouldn't let Flair get a crappy DVD was right?
  3. At least he didn't take a Sid during the match. I wonder who came up with this wonderful angle?
  4. The Big-ot Show returns!!! Heheh, that's a good one. You'll even hear from Show on the john!
  5. *Reads Orlando Jordan vs. Big Show* ....
  6. So Big Show hates Hispanics as well as Asians. Wow, racist angles SO sell!!
  7. AndrewTS

    25 most UNDERrated games of all time

    Pretty sure it didn't because I remember signing a "save Chakan 2" petition like almost 2 years ago and you know how succesful online petition are(were). Hmph. Figures. I wasn't sure because I don't even remember what system it was supposed to come out on. The Forever Man was an awesome title in its day, and probably even today. However, I reeeeeeally sucked at it.
  8. AndrewTS

    The theme music decline.

    Yeah, saw 'em live at the Post Gazette Pavillion in Pittsburgh (Motorhead, Dio, and Iron Maiden played ). Was a great show, but since I'm not as familiar with Motorhead as the other two, the newer songs I didn't know (picked up Hammered afterward. Didn't know they released it until then). Lemmy's voice sounds slurred live. It doesn't seem to lend itself to a live performance well at all for some reason. The ones you know you can sing along, because you know what he's saying even if you can't exactly tell what he's singing at the moment. I like the theme, but the lyrics suck. They probably did what they did with "The Game" and had the lyrics written by some one in WWE. However, the lyrics aren't much of an issue since you can't hear 'em anyway. Making up goofy lyrics is a lot of fun, so I can't say I really hate that aspect of it. Also--yup, love the old-school metal. You're half-right--I had the Rock in Rio cover in my sig for a while which has Eddie in it. I had Bruce as an avatar for quite a while as well. I'd also pretty much agree on your favorite SD theme choices, except I'd throw in Los Guerreros'. I wish that Gowen's theme didn't start out like Cena's, though. It took a while for RVD's theme to grow on me, since the intro sounds like a toilet backing up. It's no Pantera, natch, but it's okay.
  9. AndrewTS

    25 most UNDERrated games of all time

    It was well-liked when it was released for the quirky humor. Horrible marketing campaign, but good game. Considering Gamefan did a Graveyard feature on it, I would think so. Did that sequel that was in the works to it EVER come out? It's a great game I hear. Never heard a bad review on it, but don't know how well it sold. *shrug* So someone more knowledgeable about that could probably tell you.
  10. AndrewTS

    News on new WWE DVDs...

    Highspots has an Ultimo compilation tape. Maybe you could go for that rather than wait for a WWE one that will never come.
  11. AndrewTS

    25 most UNDERrated games of all time

    Damn straight. First true 3D platformer, beating Mario 64 by a year or so. Yet, II is far superior a game. Klonoa's awesome. Didn't get the PS version but I have Klonoa 2 and the GBA release.
  12. AndrewTS

    Jericho vs. Austin

    I don't know. Austin could put over Jericho to fuck with Triple H or Jericho will just be embarassed constantly.That's my take. I'd go with the latter choice. *points to sig*
  13. AndrewTS

    The theme music decline.

    I can understand the lyrics in "The Game." It's just that the lyrics are uncomprehendable in "Evolution." Plus, Lemmy sounds fine in the studio. However, when you hear him live and haven't heard a song before you can't tell what the hell he's saying. RollingSambos: I think our lyrics are better.
  14. AndrewTS

    Jericho vs. Austin

    No. Hell no. I've had too damn much of lame-ass rehashed of Austin-McMahon. Austin should be gone. Yeah, man was he ever right about how bad the writing is. So what does he do? He comes back to be part of the problem. Screw him. I'd rather watch Goldberg than more Austin bullshit.
  15. AndrewTS

    The theme music decline.

    Then maybe you can explain wht "Evolution is a Time Machine" means. No, it's "Evolution is a pissed Marine."
  16. AndrewTS

    ProWrestling is #2

    So, when's Vince going to debut "WWE Motorsports" segments?
  17. AndrewTS

    The theme music decline.

    The question about having lyrics to the Evolution theme... HHH loves Motorhead. That's why.
  18. AndrewTS

    Jericho's commentary last night.

    I wonder if was just joking around with "This whole night sucks. It sucked at the beginning and it sucks now." By the way, can some one put a hit on Austin? I'm so pissed off at the jackass, his shitty same old act, his borderline homosexual "friendship" with JR, him doing anything he wants without any sort of on-screen consequence, and his blatant fucking hypocrisy of bitching about the writing and coming back to be part of the problem. Worse yet, as a NON-WRESTLER. Fuck you, Austin. I'd rather watch Goldberg at this point than you. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.
  19. AndrewTS

    The $100, 000 Bounty

    Triple R almost made me spit out my milk. And Vince's choice will be... *ding, ding*! Off topic, but I actually don't mind Goldberg as champion so far. However, I'm pissed off at the other bald-headed egomaniac on the show.
  20. AndrewTS

    The $100, 000 Bounty

    Don't forget the boning knife.
  21. I find it funny that the RVD haters keep coming up with the same old tired arguments, and bps, while admitting all RVD's faults and being very diplomatic about the matter, provided strong arguments. Really now, until Trips comes back, the World Champion isn't going to be working house shows, and Raw NEEDS a strong house show draw. So basically, RVD is going to be forced to be headlining house shows most of the time until Trips comes back. Still, having 1 1/2 "top stars" on your show is pathetic. Who else is going to fill the void? RVD? Jericho? Venis? Oh yeah, Mark Henry.
  22. You forgot Taker. Kane hasn't been able to beat Taker clean ever, I don't think.
  23. Another case of "Vince can't even get his ethnic stereotypes straight." Were they out of straw sunhats, silk robes, and ricebowls in the WWE prop closet?
  24. No, it's Angle's fault of course.