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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Great Album TITLES

    A bit too simplistic, but cool. When I was a kid the album cover where there's a brain on a platter scarred me for life.
  2. AndrewTS

    The A.P.A.

    He's worth something NOW? APA has some entertaining skits and those CLUBBING FOREARMS!
  3. AndrewTS

    ~The Hate Game~

    Yeah, I'm sure HHH has absolutely no choice in what his opponents are. Good wrestlers can drag a passable match out of the worst opponents. By the way, the matches with RVD and Steiner sucking were partially his fault, because he wrestled in a manner to expose RVD rather than make him look good, and just bumped for Steiner instead of taking over on offense to save the match. As for the choice of angles he was in, don't tell me he had no control over that either. However, other than his pay per view matches, I don't know how he's been wrestling and I honestly don't care. I'm so sick of him that if he wrestled great matches now I wouldn't give a shit.
  4. AndrewTS

    HHH Gone Until The Royal Rumble!

    That's true I admit but that doesn't take away from the fact that Triple H gets wished more injuries while everyone is crying that Angle got seriously injured. That's because we like Angle and not Trips, and Trips' injuries aren't life-threatening. And unlike some one like Hogan, injuries are about the only way that we can avoid Trips completely. Although that changes now with the movies.
  5. AndrewTS

    HHH Gone Until The Royal Rumble!

    Angle had been wrestling with the injuries for several months as well. Remember he also had a bad knee too. However, after Mania he was able to get the surgery. He stuck with it so he could job to Lesnar at Mania.
  6. AndrewTS

    HHH Gone Until The Royal Rumble!

    "Angle gets all the respect in the world for working injured at Wrestlemania when his injury took a month to heal. " An injury that could have caused him paralysis or death, and then had an experimental new sort of surgery so he could come back as soon as possible. "It's just asinine to wish injury on anyone, nevermind someone who's doing a job for your benefit. " He doesn't have to do it on my account. By all means retire, Trips. When you get married you're going to be able to inherit what is left of the company after Vince is done with it. "Some of you are so ungrateful and are all "OMG RAW SUX BEHHHH BEHHH" to even realize what you're saying sometimes. If you don't like HHH stop watching him and get back to your OMG SO COOL TNA." HHH isn't why Raw sucks, but he was a substantial factor. His future wife's writing will remain a HUGE factor. However, Raw minus Trips will be an interesting situation next Monday. He's done nothing for me to be grateful for. Wow, what dedication to stay on Raw so he can keep his spot and bury all the Raw talent. That deserves applause.
  7. AndrewTS

    Rock's not a movie star yet

    I honestly forgot it was coming out this Friday.
  8. AndrewTS

    Vince tells Bret what?

    Taker's a good worker now, though. Taker/Angle from a few weeks ago sure as hell wasn't Angle "carrying" him.
  9. I agree. I hated how at times a while back any time a net report surfaced they'd put the real names in parenthesis. I don't give a shit. Then of course you have nutbags like Warrior who legally changed his name to his wrestling name. However, Taker now is basically Mark Callous anyway so I wondered why they didn't bring that name up, even if not Calaway. It could remain his nickname, like "The Game." Although, I guess it could pass as a biker name...
  10. AndrewTS

    Damn you Stephanie!

    Probably Gail and Vicky would be sexing with Stevie, and Molly'd be all clueless about it.
  11. AndrewTS

    Is Magnavox a good brand for portable CD players?

    I got a Lennox Sound portable CD player in late 1999. It was pretty cheap I remember--20 bucks or so. It skips now and then, but it's not a big deal to me. Last week I dropped it and the lid came off. I snapped it back in place--and it still works great.
  12. AndrewTS

    MS Browser Holes Lead to AIM, Dial-Up Attacks

    What would you recommend? Nutscrape? Or is there some other better browsers? I'd be interested in hearing about them.
  13. AndrewTS

    The A.P.A.

    Together, yes. Separately, no one cares about Bradshaw and I don't recall Faarooq doing anything much on his own. Although it seemed they bugged him to come out of retirement so Bradshaw would have something to do.
  14. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I heard that it would be similar to SYM's, with brand-new storylines written by WWE writers.
  15. AndrewTS

    25 most overrated games of all time

    That depends if it is a good game otherwise, and the ratio of cinemas to gameplay time. I can't fathom buying games for the cinemas and not the gameplay. I know there are some, but I can't relate. It's icing on the cake, but if there's no cake, I won't eat it.
  16. AndrewTS

    Rock's not a movie star yet

    A movie that makes a lot of cash can still be a bomb if it is ultra-expensive to make. For example, the Hulk. It didn't even break even.
  17. AndrewTS

    Vince tells Bret what?

    I like Bret, and I wish that were true, but I think he's a little delusional. The problem with why the ratings are down, to me, is bad writing and lack of new stars being built.
  18. AndrewTS

    The A.P.A.

    Bradshaw is useless otherwise?
  19. AndrewTS

    Rock's not a movie star yet

    Uh--that seems contradictory. Buffy: $97 million to make? Where'd the hell you get that number?!
  20. AndrewTS

    Which is the better Show

    Wow, we like, share a brain or something. And Bradshaw should legally change his name to Stockton Bondage for that new gimmick.
  21. AndrewTS


    That won't happen under a "first past the post" system. 3-5 parties won't survive unless the way of electing political leaders were to be completely overhauled, like in a parliamentary style.
  22. AndrewTS

    WrestleMania XX

    Yup. Well, it could work...but it would require constant run-ins on both shows.
  23. AndrewTS

    25 most overrated games of all time

    Well, to me: Beat 'em up = side-scrolling game where you control a character through a level while defeating relatively weak thugs and such, perhaps facing a boss at the end of the level. So, Double Dragon, Final Fight, Streets of Rage, and for more modern examples, Fighting Force and Dynamite Cop. MK is a fighting game. Quite a different genre, because generally it's fighting one on one between guys of the same (roughly) strength on sets of backgrounds of limited size instead of one long level.
  24. AndrewTS

    Are there any good metal bands anymore?

    I meant The Dark Saga (Spawn) and I'm assuming Days of Purgatory (Purgatori)? Unless I'm wrong about the latter and it was an original character, but created for the album. I just assumed it was an obscure comic book I hadn't heard about. And yeah, X-Factor's very underrated, and is wisely based more around Blaze's voice rather than Blaze trying to be Bruce. I trust that Schaffer wouldn't hire some one not up to the task. So although I'm not sure, I'm expecting he's just what Jon was looking for.
  25. AndrewTS

    SquareEnix's Been Busy Today

    That much I agree with. If they had made a different character, it might be different. Granted, any punk kid is going to look like a gigantic puss compared to the battle-scarred vet Snake. I wouldn't have even minded if Raiden were simply a bit of a pretty boy. However, as a rookie he would of course have to earn his stripes. Yet, Raiden was too much. He looked like he was straight out of a Final Fantasy game, was too whiny and annoying, and screamed "we're abandoning Snake for some one with potentionally broader appeal." It was an extremely transparent attempt by H. Kojima, and I'm glad it blew up in his face. However, apparently this is forcing them to rethink a true sequel, and in the meantime we're getting a prequel of sorts.