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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Tokyo Gaming Show

    Flik: No sweat--at least you had more info on the Mega Man X RPG. Turn based = the ghey though. What was wrong with Battle Network style? It TB RPG just doesn't fit the series. The idea for a "side story" of FFVII starring the Turks has been rumored, but I think it was all bull and the movie is throwing a bone. Although that could be a good idea.
  2. AndrewTS

    Gamecube now $99.99

    Yeah, I know. To me, the 2D medium can easily coexist with 3D, but the "next-gen" titles have ghettoized it to the portables. So I'm glad to have them still. However, thanks to Sony and to a lesser extent Nokia, 3D is now an option. We'd prefer 2D stay alive, but if it's polygons the casuals want, it's f'n polygons the casuals shall have.
  3. AndrewTS

    It's official: HHH on HHHiatus

    Missing a few facts there, Bobby, no wonder you went to Ryerson. HHH proceeds to get injured and is out for 9 months following that, and you expect me to believe that while he was gone he was also "retarding business"... yeah, he must be great at telepathy. Trips tore his quad two months after Mania. It was May 21, 2001--the day before my birthday. Just to add something to the argument, whether you want to blame HHH, Vince, Steph, Shane, Shane's unborn child, Jericho, the Rock, or whomever... HHH has been a dominant heel champion in the WWE/F. TThey'd had huge success with dominant face champions, but not heels. WWE usually tips the feud balance too much in favor of the faces, but Trips is the exception. Trips gets the better of his opponents in interviews. Trips almost always wins the blowoffs. Trips seems to wrestle in a way to expose his opponents' weaknesses. Heels usually control the match, and since he's a veteran that's almost assured he'll be controlling those matches. He should have taken over and tried to save the Steiner match. He should have worked to make RVD look better rather than attempting to make his match with RVD look horrible. The feud with Kane in late 2002, WHOEVER YOU WANT TO BLAME for the booking did a lot to hurt everyone involved. The TLC3 match sacrificed several guys to build up Kane (I won't mention the Jericho job since Jericho can't seriously be hurt anyway), and the end result killed the secondary title and left the midcarders with no titles to feud over but the tag titles. And Trips got a belt that had absorbed all the other titles on the show. So whatever defense you want to make, I'm simply stating that whoever was responsible, it was poor booking and a lot of stuff seemed to benefit no one but Trips. However, it doesn't really benefit him since there are no interesting feuds to build new stars. No new stars, no viable contenders. No viable contenders, no "money" feuds. Raw was so bone-dry on challengers they had to hire outside and push guys like Steiner and Goldberg. The former was a failure, the latter is yet to be decided. However, I don't think it does much for locker room morale. It seems guys on Raw don't even try--when in the ring they just go through the motions. On SD even the less talented wrestlers seem to bust their asses.
  4. AndrewTS

    The No Mercy 2003 Promo Poster

    The original I like more than the edited one, but that's mainly because the face-to-face picture is so small. However, nice job with it, Rico. That logo looks every WCW-ish.
  5. AndrewTS

    Mega Man Anniversary pack announced.

    Update on that, Renegade. I don't like turn-based though...couldn't they make a modified, souped up version of the Battle Network games? This preview makes it sound like a cliche standard RPG with Mega Man characters in it. So unless they do something revolutionary in it, sounds like a pass.
  6. Stolen from the 411 Maniacs who stole it from some other site... 15 Years of the Blue Guy To celebrate the 15th Anniversary of one of Capcom's most marketable mascots, they are going to release what they call the Mega Man Anniversary Collection. It will include 10 games in all: the entire collection of Mega Man titles (that is, just the 8 MEGA MAN titles, not Mega Man X or any of the other offshoots), as well as Mega Man: The Power Battle and Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, two arcade titles that were never released in the states. There will also be a lot of bonus items included that can be unlocked, which includes interviews and animations. The Mega Man Anniversary Collection is slated to be released in February here in the States, and will be available for both the Playstation 2 and the Gamecube. -------------------------- Good idea, bad idea? Considering how poorly 7 sold and how 8 wasn't considered much of a big deal, I'm a little iffy on this--a Mega Man X trilogy from the SNES might have been a far better idea. Still, 8 classic titles, 2 arcade games--on one disc...could be worth a purchase, depending on the price. However, the X titles would have been a better idea, or adding them onto the disc as well.
  7. AndrewTS

    Tokyo Gaming Show

    I figured Onimusha 3 would be more like Devil May Cry. Unless Square makes a good Kingdom Hearts or Chrono sequel (KH was good, I didn't like Chrono Cross), fuck them. However, as of now the FFVII sequel rumor has been officially squelched. The Mega Man X RPG was already mentioned in the Collection thread. Crimson Tears could be good, but they don't even tell you what the hell genre it is. 3rd/1st person hack 'em up?
  8. AndrewTS

    Gamecube now $99.99

    This is much stiffer competition we're talking about. It's more comparable to the PSX situation. Nintendo's already got a large fanbase (ala PSX/PS2) when Sony's a new entry into the market (Xbox) Fair enough, however the GBA can't technically stack up to the PSP, plus the PSP will be more smartly designed. It's also vastly more powerful. I think GBA will still hold on strong for a while, but the PSP will overtake it in time. Then Nintendo will have to create a more powerful handheld to compete with it.
  9. AndrewTS

    SquareEnix's Been Busy Today

    I don't think I need to even attempt to attack the credibility of this statement. Yeah, just like The Spirits Within. I thought the ending was that humanity was wiped out because it was the real danger to the planet (not that a giant meteor wasn't a danger...). Goodbye all people, they're all reincarnated as dumb fuzzy animals blah blah. Skinny, feminine/effeminate, whiny, girly-men usually with long hair in unnatural styles or colors. Basically, stick a pair of boobs of them and they could pass for a hot girl. I admit I actually like Ayami Kojima's character designs, even though she draws the modern Castlevania heroes that way. Not at all, provided the game doesn't suck and said bishonen don't piss a sizable amount of the players off. For example, Konami did everything they possibly could have done wrong with Raiden in MGS2. 1. Replaced the badass original main character and tricked the players into getting the game and only getting to play as Snake for a half hour or so. 2. Made the replacement extremely annoying and wussy looking. 3. Gave said replacement a whiny bitch of a girlfriend to piss them off constantly. 4. Had the balls to not only leave him alive for the rest of the game, but attempt to segue into a game featuring him as the starring hero. 5. Even less gametime was spent on play than in MGS1, and even more cinemas were used. Yech. I wonder just how far into development Metal Gear Raiden got...
  10. I dunno, but JR called him that...way back when he was wearing the black and purple.
  11. So, is Kurt going to drive in with a Fikes-sponsored zamboni, and dive off it and into Vince with a clothesline?
  12. Ahhh...right. That was in my pre-smark days, but even I knew a Hogan/Giant match would suck.
  13. Like the Imfamous Robin Hood Nitro! Yeah, that was bullshit. For those wondering, they showed a match...parts of in that is, in between the airing of the Robin Hood TV movie. What match was that anyway? I didn't see it.
  14. "Anyway...back to Smackdown. Anyone think they should have had a tie to end the show, have it go off the air, and show the ending this week? That could have poped a rating." No, that'd be very WCW-ish.
  15. Video package for Iron Man match > Iron Man match itself.
  16. Note to WWE: If you're going to subtlety try to tell all your fans to vote Republican, avoid the term "deficit."
  17. Played the game... Zzzzzz.... What's a "rubbermatch?"
  18. Yeah, too bad she'd probably chop off your genitals with an ornamental dagger.
  19. AndrewTS

    Gamecube now $99.99

    This is much stiffer competition we're talking about.
  20. Okay, is this FFTA commercial actually supposed to MAKE ONE TO BUY THE GAME!? It'd make me horribly ashamed if I owned it.
  21. Yeah, congrats to WWE for getting with that concept called "continuity."
  22. Well, at least no Torrie yet.
  23. Noble just slapped Bradshaw on the ass...
  24. Hell, I empathize. I want to go outside, get the shovel I use to scoop up horsecrap with, and use it to beat the nearest Square fanboy's skull in.