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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Fuck the McMahon devil child

    Vince McMahon's Wrestle Babies!! Maybe that'll be the new WWE animated series.
  2. AndrewTS

    Are there any good metal bands anymore?

    Actually, Halford's back in Judas Priest now, though he did do two solo studio albums, and a double-live, if I'm not mistaken. Oh--that sounds pretty cool. I liked Juggulator but Halford being back in should make for interesting stuff. Checked the Priest site, and says they're working on a new album for 2004 and will be touring as well. *nod* They shelved The Glorious Burden for a while, but recently announced they're looking to release it and tour to promote it next year. I'm personally looking forward to a more conventional I.E. album. I like 'em, but just to silence the "they sold out after Burnt Offerings" bitching. I can kinda see the point with two comic-based albums and one based on classic horror icons, even though they didn't change their playing style. However, with Owens on good terms with Priest still, and Priest having announced a tour and album in 2004 themselves...think maybe Iced Earth and Priest might tour together? That'd be ultra-bitchin'. Heh, well, I only heard about it recently and didn't know it has been out that long. Downloaded a few tracks and thinking of picking it up . So new-ish. Yeah, that's why I said "no offense" because that's my opinion. I prefer the older stuff, and newer bands in the 80-ish vain. Not my thing. That's something a lot of fans couldn't accept. I saw it as a bit of a case of Bruce wanting to stroke his own ego--going off on his own and making it big solo before his grand and triumphant return. Others just see it as him wanting to do something by himself rather than be constrained by the rest of the band. Still, I can't deny I love his solo stuff. Bailey was good, but not great. I'd imagine there was a hell of a tough decision to make. When you have to replace a lead singer--especially in a band that's had tremendous success with the old one--you're faced with the choice of trying to find some one who sounds just like the old one, or someone different. Bailey got flack for sounding different, not having the singing ability Bruce has (I'd imagine they had to limit the older songs. I can't imagine Blaze pulling off Aces High well), and the band's sound changing a bit as a result of working around the new guy. I personally don't hate the Bailey stuff, although they're far from my faves.
  3. AndrewTS

    Raw rating

    Okay, that's pretty bad then. However, I think she'll probably keep using it and try to be more careful. They seem intent on establishing it as one of her new signature moves. Although are the hotpants really necessary?
  4. AndrewTS

    Raw rating

    Oh, for sure. Her moonsault is slop city. She needs to stay as far away from hurricanranas, headscissor takeovers and moonsaults as she can. Not just for her safety either. She can use powerbombs and neckbreakers all day, but don't let her fly. I'm all for Lita staying on the ground and not doing sloppy high risk moves, but she should not do powerbombs. She almost dropped poor Gail on her head at Unforgiven. And Gail is probably just over 100 pounds. I haven't seen Unforgive, but that's a HEAVILY co-op move. Gail could have messed it up herself.
  5. AndrewTS

    Old school vs. New school Final Fantasy

    I still love classic 16-bit RPG's. They will always hold a special place in my heart. But because I am studying animation and illustration, I am more impressed with a well told story in terms of cinematography, etc. That's the sole reason I like the new school FF's more: They are better suited to telling a story. It's a very personal reason, and I certainly don't expect people to share it and I can see why some people hate cinematic-laden games, but I love them. Oh, and for the record I still think that the Chrono Series, and especially Chrono Trigger, is the better series. A'ight. That's cool, I can respect that. Although about the Chrono games--seems kinda odd though since there are only two vs. 10 (soon to be 12). Plus I hate Cross *shrug*.
  6. AndrewTS

    Eddie's Opponent at No Mercy

    Lesnar got more over for beating the heatless Big Show, wouldn't you agree? Lesnar was a heatless slug at that point? Show beating Brock originally led to the face turn--threatening Heyman and crew while impressing the hell out of fans with your power the way Brock did will get ya pops. I was thinking more of the cases of jobbing Rey to Show, jobbing Bookdust to 3MW, jobbing Storm to Henry when Storm is finally starting to get over, RVD/Kane jobbing to JR's Favorite Tag Team waay back, La Resistance's big push, and so forth.
  7. AndrewTS

    Ten years ago today

    To one TV? I noticed when you have too many systems hooked up to one TV, the picture is kinda crappy as long as it is hooked up. Sakura was just saying that fatalities sucked for the new characters introduced in UMK3 and MKT. Lui Kang wasn't introduced in either of those--he was in the original version of MK3, and his fatalities still sucked.
  8. AndrewTS

    Eddie's Opponent at No Mercy

    Good point. We also know of WWE's bad habit of putting heatless slugs over smaller guys getting huge reactions, because they have this bullshit idea that they can transfer heat that way. However, it just causes the loser to lose heat and does nothing for the winner. On the other hand, Vince will push anyone he thinks will make him lots of money. As huge over as Eddy is, maybe it will hit him like someone putting on a dollar-bill-shaped ring on and punching him in the face to realize it, but when you have something hot, you should try to run with it--not run it into the ground.
  9. AndrewTS

    Ten years ago today

    By the way, does anyone else think those screenshots of Scorpion's new fatality in MKT were a shameless attempt to make people think that there were going to be more major revamping on the fatalities? Remember, the giant hand grabs the opponent and yanks them down to hell? Not particulary gory, but very cool looking. No, Kang was in back in the original MK3--as I said, most of the MK3 fatalities suck.
  10. AndrewTS

    Ten years ago today

    Hehe, I mostly agree with all that. However, it doesn't make any sense for weapon fatalities to make anyone explode anyway. At least when a bomb is dropped down some one's throat exploding made sense.
  11. AndrewTS

    Now Belee Dis

    I'd vote for Long a hell of a lot sooner than I would Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.
  12. AndrewTS

    Ten years ago today

    MKII goes overboard with the decapitations, but overall almost everyone has interesting and unique fatalities in it. MK3's always struck me as dull and unmemorable, and they did a lazy job of rendering the results. It seems stage fatalities in 3 barely get by via quantity. Personally, I love the Dead Pool one, and the Kombat Tomb lets the body slide off the spikes and splat on the floor--very cool. I don't care for the Bell Tower since the lameness of the ending ruin it for me. I do agree about MK1...however, UMK3/Trilogy, in their half-ass way, completely neutered Classic Sub-Zero's fatality. Yeah, Quan Chi's leg beatdown is classic--my cousins and I suggested that's the way Jax's arm-rip fatality should have been done.
  13. AndrewTS

    Ten years ago today

    Okay, it's been I while since I had that version of MKII, so I'll take your word for it. I disagree about the gameplay--dial-a-combos and the Run button were lousy additions that killed the gameplay. Graphics? Not really. The rendered backgrounds were lame I thought, and the characters were smaller and less detailed. Stage fatalities...how were they better? They're virtually the same except for the Pit III's shower of bones instead of a camera follow through of the big splat. 60% or more of the MK3 fatalies are the old "shower of bones" so that sucks too. I can accept almost any of the arguments as personal preference, but you can not seriously tell me the MK3 finishers are better. In no way, shape, or form are they better unless you prefer them watered-down and cartoony. The fatalities as a whole in MK3 suck. Lazily done. When Kung Lao cuts a guy in half in MKII, you see the innards and bones. When you get decapped, the body drops to its knees and flops onto the floor. They're well done and look cool. In MK3, you'll see people cut in half with a gooey candy center, and then their hands will be dangling at their sides suspended by NOTHING! Lazy, wussy job. MKT may be even worse--the PS and N64 versions anyway. Crashed constantly, full of bugs, still using the lame MK3 engine, some of the added fatalities were terrible, the Aggressor bar and Brutalities are pathetic ripoffs from better games... Brutalities (aka Ultra Combos) are almost worse than Animalities. Beat the hell out of some one until he/she explodes into.... A SHOWER OF BONES!! YES!! I was SO not sick of seeing a finishing move like that! There's enough bones for about a dozen people, but eh... By "Toasty" I meant the finishing move, not the voice sample. I'll agree though that DA had way more secrets than MKII. The Namco games kinda spoil people on secrets, though, so people begin to expect too much in other companies' games. About Noob: Yes, but when an entire game is shitty and lazily developed (MKT) then of course some of the new characters will be. Rain and Noob seemed to be slapped together in 15 minutes each with the palette swapping program. After all, they used existing animations for all their moves and are horribly overpowered.
  14. AndrewTS

    Macho Man bombs in rap show

    I loved that match--tying up Crush in the backstage area, and hanging him from a coatrack by his feet! BWAHAHAH!! I wouldn't mess with Crush, I would NOT want a heart punch or head squeeze.
  15. AndrewTS

    Gamecube now $99.99

    Don't for get the Game Boy Player so you can play Fire Pro and all of the retro remakes that come out for GBA. WHOOO! So you can fork out $150+ to play games you could play on the original systems for a fraction as much! Good value in my opinion, even though I already own a Cube. Yet, I fear this could mean the GC could be going the way of that other powerful console made by a former industry giant that was rather small but came with 4 controller ports built into the console from the start. You know, that Dreamcast thingy? Still have mine and love it...but Nintendo franchises on PS2/X-Box would sadden me.
  16. AndrewTS

    Ten years ago today

    Are we talking Shang's morphs? That's been going on since Sega CD. Or we mean between rounds? Both far too late to do it any good commercially, though. Even so, they were almost impossible to find. Hey, it at least delivered graphically. Although there's no real excuse for not having a nearly perfect port. MK overhyped? NOOOOO!! Who cares? It's the gameplay, the souped up graphics, the stage fatalities, multiple fatalities, "Toasty," etc. that make the game special. MKII had more secrets than the original. The original let you right Reptile and...that's about it. Unless you count the home version codes. MKII had three similar characters, which still isn't a big deal to me, and the arcade version had Pong. Big whoop. You said yourself a lot of the hype was fan-produced. It's not even as if it was Midway's fault. However, secrets don't make the game, so I don't see why it matters. It took until the third game for them to get that secret characters are only a big deal if they're playable. To no-sell my post and get somewhat back on topic?
  17. AndrewTS

    Now Belee Dis

    Bob Backlund > Teddy Long. Although I'm begging for Teddy Long to bring up the school vouchers thing--which is an issue that the Democratic senators are heavily against despite their kids going to prestigious private academies (since they don't trust them to the Washington private schools).
  18. AndrewTS

    Really, Really Bad Album Covers

    I heard about the Sabbath story--it was in the Reunion liner notes, along with some other cool stories. A few classically bad ones come to mind: Sex Pistols' Nevermind the Bollocks (pukey pink and green. Ugh). Load and Reload--Metallica. Dokken: Under Lock and Key. A shot of the band looking extremely feminine. Stoned Immaculate--Doors covers: Uh...there's a listing of the bands covering the songs...and this thing on the cover... *shrug*
  19. AndrewTS

    Here's a what-if scenario

    I know, but the segments where Paul is hitting on Steph, or when he was being a scumball digging into Lita's thongs, were some seriously funny stuff.
  20. AndrewTS


    Stewie is 100% evil and his parents aren't very evil, so this kid could be... 150% evil! What does that make HHH/Steph's Demon spawn?
  21. AndrewTS


    Stewie is 100% evil and his parents aren't very evil, so this kid could be... 150% evil!
  22. AndrewTS


    Just in time, too, Kane almost stopped them.
  23. AndrewTS

    Eddie's Opponent at No Mercy

    EDIT: compliments to the mods. The opponent is Big Show by the way. It's no big deal since Show is just going to be jobbing to Eddie.
  24. AndrewTS

    Non-soiler Smackdown Match Listing

    WOW, that is seriously the worst thing EVER!!!! I guess this thread isn't non-soiler then... *cue Family Guy reference...*
  25. AndrewTS

    Are there any good metal bands anymore?

    It's already been mentioned before, but Iced Earth, any Maiden really (Dance of Death is a great album with a shitty cover). Other good choices: Blind Guardian, Hammerfall, Gamma Ray, Therion. If you aren't a vehement Blayze Bailey hater, his new one, Silicon Messiah, is worth checking out. Rob Halford of Judas Priest fame is still doing solo stuff I believe. Oh, and no offense to anyone else, but to me death metal = --what a pile of shit genre that is.