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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Uh... Scott needs to "carry his bags."
  2. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Steiner is Test's white man slave and love slave!
  3. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Maybe next they can go "Give me rocket number 9!" Why does THIS feud get a video package?
  4. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Teddy should bring up how the senators are against the school voucher program, but they themselves don't trust their children to DC schools and have them go to private schools, leaving many poor black children with no choice of schools. Ted Kennedy threatened to filibuster it. I guess that's not going to be brought up, though.
  5. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Oh--Evilution saves us from a vanilla jobber match.
  6. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Is the Goldberg - Jericho match announced yet?
  7. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Raw hasn't sucked so far. Wow.
  8. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    YES he should.
  9. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    This match might be good if they're motivated...
  10. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Joy, THAT angle again. Hm, doesn't add anything to the show, but that last segment was classy.
  11. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    That was pointless, but at least it didn't suck. So automatically best Raw in several months.
  12. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    NUUUU CHAMPION! William F. Goldberg promo. This can't end well.
  13. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Naw, some SCREW cards.
  14. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Man, what intense heat!
  15. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    I'd mark out for a Spanish announcers vs. English announcers feud.
  16. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    WFG! WFG!! Come on, you big roided monkey! Entertain me! Dance! Dance for me!
  17. AndrewTS

    Old school vs. New school Final Fantasy

    Exactly, it's a RPG, so you're supposed to understand and like and be able to relate to the role you're playing. Not want to beat the shit out of them. "I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away..." I haven't played those versions. No Japanese. However, I avoided FFC because I heard the games were kinda busted because of tremendous slowdown problems. Is this true with FFC? Or was that for FFA? Which games are on FFC besides FFIV?
  18. AndrewTS

    Old school vs. New school Final Fantasy

    I don't find that as being a problem. You learn near the beginning that he's up in the tower, using the Light of Judgment to reign down FIERY DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!! From there, you can recruit the main characters again, leaving some behind, kill the dragons, and then go after Kefka. I kind of agree. No one is MAKING YOU learn all those spells with everyone. I usually would pick my designated healers, the magic attackers, etc. The game does kinda force you to learn the magic because you need to have a pretty stacked party to conquer the final dungeon(s).
  19. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    "Nice to see Jericho gets to be the first squashed by Goldberg." Well, you must remember that Jericho isn't better than HHH.
  20. AndrewTS

    Veru insightful interview by Kevin Kelly

    Nothing we didn't know before, but eh...
  21. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Raw is going to suck. Althought it might be funny at least. I'll give NUUUUUUUUUUUU World Champion William F. Goldberg a chance, anyway. Can't be much worse than Raw has been lately.
  22. AndrewTS

    Old school vs. New school Final Fantasy

    My reply to Sakura: Complete with some PERSONAL BIASES and maybe some BITCHING! I mistook him for a walking bundle of cliches with no originality whatsoever. If I wanted angst I'd listen to emo. As for the sword, he's...um...overcompensating. By the way, this cool badass character was easily mistaken for a young girl when he dressed in drag. What a MAHNLY MAHN! The cinema looked way too lame to take seriously to me. Note you admitted yourself that she's cliche. Terra had a little struggle coping with her half-humanity and had a cool transformation power. Oh, and Phantasy Star IV pulled off the "shocking death" WAY better, in my humble opinion. Three cheers for ripped-off character designs with slightly racist overtones! I won't blame Square Japan, because maybe before the localization team got their hands on it he wasn't a jibber-jabberin' foo. I'll conceed this point. I'd rather him have been the main character than Cloud. I've already admitted I like Cait Sith, but I don't think he's the best comedy character. Currently I'd pick a Norimaru, Chop-Chop, B.B. Hood, etc. After all, Cait didn't actually do much that was funny, it was mainly the appearance. Oh, and "on top of a stuffed MOOGLE!" Mog is the Moogle in FFIII(US). I don't know or care what the original Japanese titles had them called. They're moogles to me. The Turks are a little subdivision of the Gods of Silk. I don't care to list any other badass stable of villians, but they are a bright point of the game automatically for threatening to rape and kill Yuffie. Angst + bishonen = cool? Bullshit. Try telling that to the gamers who crapped all over Raiden in MGS2. However, they're popular with the fangirls. The "haunting Sephiroth" theme is great for providing atmosphere. The rest is your opinion which I won't dispute. Okay, that's a good point. Although it really isn't too much of a big deal because of the linear nature, but if the towns were more memorable in older RPGs (not just older FinFantasies), knowing where you need to go would be much easier. Okay, agreed about the soundtrack being good, which I've already admitted to. Hardware differences obviously lead to that, natch. Since the systems are virtually identical in most of the games, this is a non-factor. However, only three characters are controllable in battle for FFVII. I rarely had to fight to level up only in the older games--usually to find a secret item/break a curse. I rarely skipped fights though. However, leveling up is a tedious process so there's a decent point there. I agree about Kain/Cecil, incidentally. That's "character depth," don'tcha know?
  23. AndrewTS

    25 most overrated games of all time

    Yeah, I'll even admit those are my opinions. However, when I make broad, sweeping statements like "best ____ game ever" I'll usually put that disclaimer in it. You tend not to. Since I have a sense of humor I'll take that as a joke. Because someone calling FFVII the best game ever is extremely laughable to me. Point well taken. I'd forgotten about that peculiarity. Just because FFVII so critically got sucked off by every magazine around doesn't mean that's where you get the opinion. However, on the points I've disagreed with you on, I have my reasons (hating the MK3 combo system, etc). That's fine, but stating those games are the best ever is different than liking them the most. You have my word that I would never do that. I didn't get far enough into the game due to my frustration with the Junction system to hate the characters in FFVIII.
  24. AndrewTS

    Mega Man Anniversary pack announced.

    Technically it's Mega Man 7.5, actually, since it was based on the Mega Man 7 engine. I guess I see what you mean about the armor pieces, but they weren't too hard to get for me, so I see it as a pointless complaint. *shrug* (Note: will respond to that *other* thread later. Between classes, not much time...)
  25. AndrewTS

    Place your bets, people

    Survivor Series vs. Trips, unless unforeseen circumstances (injuries) take place. What would they do if Orton and Trips both got injured?