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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Sean O'Haire

    I probably have seen at least that many, but they're *that* memorable. And the Seanton Bomb looked like crap--looked like no impact at all. Of course, I think the move sucks whomever does it, but he's not going to be using it in WWE, or going to the top rope at all, so it's a moot point. Being able to do top rope moves doesn't automatically equal talent, by the way.
  2. AndrewTS

    Sean O'Haire

    Bingo. So in WCW he was like Nathan Jones with a little bit of wrestling knowledge and could do spots? So now he's unable to do the spots, and is a shitty actor so he can't pull off his character? DAMN THAT WWE STYLE!
  3. AndrewTS

    This is BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!

    So the cover decides whether you'll buy the DVD or not? Not anything like, you know, match quality, or overall entertainment value? On the opposite end of the spectrum, would you buy a DVD just because of a awe-inspiring cover? If it is an embarrassing cover, I won't buy it at a store, but rather online. Summerslam sucks overall this year, so I probably wouldn't buy it anyway without a ton of great extras. If it was good I'd get the DVD online probably. And of course not.
  4. AndrewTS

    This is BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!

    My cable company doesn't allow you to buy PPVs unless you have the digital cable service, which I don't need. So I buy the PPV DVDs if the PPVs were good. You can't know for sure the quality of the PPV if you haven't seen it yet, although you can read recaps and get a good idea of the quality of the show after it has happened. Then in the middle of it is replays, which I might do now and then if it were an option for me. It comes down to 35 bucks vs. 20 or less for me. I'm patient enough to wait if it is a good show.
  5. AndrewTS

    This is BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!

    I don't buy DVDs for one match--I wish I was in Canada where I would have been able to tape the Angle/Lesnar match instead of getting the Mullets. Okay, that's the only time I ever wished I was in Canada, but whatever. Yeah, that too. Leave it up to WWE to fuck the streak of bitchin' Summerslams up, even when they didn't do it last year.
  6. AndrewTS

    This is BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!

    "Sable is an old lady who doesn't get much of a reaction when she comes out, so having her on the cover definitely won't have an impact on VHS/DVD sales." Yeah, she will. I now have no desire to get the Summerslam tape or DVD. So there's a negative impact for me.
  7. AndrewTS

    Mega Man Anniversary pack announced.

    How many NES Mega Man games had flying enemies and pits you all had to avoid while a giant robot in the background bombarded you with energy blasts--all in the same level?
  8. AndrewTS

    Do you just not have the MAD SKILLZ but love it?

    There's a good hard, and then there's a bad hard. Good hard is a game that increases in difficulty steadily, but gives you opportunities to get better along the way to meet the challenges. Bad hard is relying on cheapness to challenge you, or just overwhelming odds. (Contra Hard Corp for the latter, for instance)
  9. AndrewTS

    Ten years ago today

    Sakura: The crappy Game Boy games too? Ah-ha--but you DON'T HAVE THE GAME GEAR VERSIONS!! HAHAHA!! I wasn't into MK until II came out, but I did a report for school about Mortal Monday and Mortal Tuesday. I might re-do one for a marketing class, if they would still allow it--maybe not since it's been ten years since M.M.
  10. AndrewTS

    Mega Man Anniversary pack announced.

    X4 was okay, X5 was really good, X6 sucked a dick. Um what part of X6 sucked a dick exactly? X6 IMO is the best PSX Megaman (granted the dark screen bits are annoying) The worst translation ever, the shitty Nightmare system, reliance on cheap hits and pits to up the difficulty, being just not fun--a combination of those really hurt it.
  11. AndrewTS

    Mega Man Anniversary pack announced.

    X4 was okay, X5 was really good, X6 sucked a dick. The SNES X games were all pretty good, and the rarity of X2 and X3, the ultra-hidden moves in it (Hadoken, Shoryuken, Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku), etc would make it a great follow up collection, maybe even throwing in Megaman and Bass (yeah, I know it came out on GBA, but the screen issues hurt it. Although it wasn't really a great game anyway, so it's not a big deal). Probably it isn't coming to the X-Box because Capcom is a Japanese company, and to get a Japanese company on their side the Microsoft Japan division needs to have a representative hang around with and become drinking buddies with the software companies' presidents. Seriously--that's how the X-Box got Tecmo to release Dead or Alive 3 on X-Box, because I researched it for a project. The price I'm not sure about--Sonic Mega Collection started out about 10 bucks less than the average brand new Gamecube game.
  12. AndrewTS

    Mega Man Anniversary pack announced.

    (In Robert Stack voice, cue Unsolved Mysteries music...): UPDATE!! From Gamers.com: Okay, damnit, now I'm even more excited. The graphics apparently will stay the same, but musically it will be revamped...wow...the thought of CD-quality redbook audio yadda-yadda coming out of the system while playing some old NES games seems kinda odd, but at least it shouldn't screw up the experience like some remakes do.
  13. AndrewTS

    What is a suplex?

    So THAT's why Bradshaw never does sooplays. He's boycotting those damn French things, too. I guess even a German sooplay is too French for him.
  14. AndrewTS

    Mega Man Anniversary pack announced.

    X5 is probably my favorite of the Playstation series. I was very disappointed in X6...X4 was too short. X5 seemed the right balance of everything, and the clock playing a part in the game was cool. But NEVER BRING BACK THE INSTANT DEATH LASERS!! I HATE THOSE F***ING THINGS!! I don't recall if it was X4 or X5, but I didn't like the revival of Rock Dude. I think the X trilogy would be great to bring back because they revitalized the Mega Man franchise, and X2 and X3 are almost impossible to find. I guess Capcom, masters of milking their venerable cash cows, may do that with a follow up collection. And that's a question I want to know. I hope the graphics are updated, and maybe the music remixed. Don't screw with too much of the game, though. They should still be the same gamesas far as they play.
  15. AndrewTS

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

    Count me in the minority...I bought it, played it, I think it is boring as accounting homework. Sorry, it's going on sale online ASAP. Zzzzz.... I guess I'm just not into RPG/Strategy anymore. Individually waiting for each little unit to move around individually, the slow-ass conversations...for crying out loud I can't take a game this sloooooow.
  16. It isn't quite fair to expect anything that heated out of Cena/Eddy, since Regal/Finlay's rivalry was fueled by centuries of political and religious heat; you put a proud Northern Ireland Catholic against a proud British Protestant, even if they aren't too familar with each other they're going to be more than happy to beat the shit out of each other. However, I agree about the lack of blood. I think the reason we don't see much decent bleeding on SD is some problem with UPN not allowing blood or something, which is extremely stupid, but that's how networks are.
  17. AndrewTS

    Mega Man Anniversary pack announced.

    What was wrong with Wily Wars? And did that title exist at all on the market, or was it merely a Sega Channel thing?
  18. AndrewTS

    Gamespot reviews Wrestlemania XIX

    I think it's stupid to disallow either move editing or appearance changes. There's always going to be a bunch of new wrestlers coming in every year or so with moves or gear not in the game, so there's still going to be incentive to get the next one.
  19. AndrewTS

    Mega Man Anniversary pack announced.

    Comment: wonder if these will be straight ports, or updated like the Mario All-Stars/Final Fantasy Anthology titles?
  20. Hey, since when did Nidia lose her ass? She got grouped in with her new crowd. Sure, she HERSELF has a sweet ass but is it enough bring up the median range? U TELL ME! DEAN. Hmm. Baby got back, but you're right, it's not enough... Kinda how Molly's ass and Gail Kim's ass kinda cancel each other out?
  21. AndrewTS

    Bradshaw on Fox?

    I'm telling ya, he needs to go with the Michael Wallstreet gimmick. THAT'll get him over.
  22. AndrewTS

    Smackdown rating

    Right. Some viewers graciously gave it a chance despite how terrible it looked.... They likely found out just how much it truly sucked, and won't be coming back.
  23. AndrewTS

    The 9/11 SmackMullet! Thread

    Raw-Mania in the Staples Center?
  24. AndrewTS

    The 9/11 SmackMullet! Thread

    Oh come on, Stripperella was waaaay worse than this.
  25. AndrewTS

    The 9/11 SmackMullet! Thread

    Wanting to smash the radio was kinda funny. Scorps rule!