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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Soul Calibur II

    Yeah, that bugged me, too.
  2. AndrewTS

    Reason Vince isn't pushing Ultimo

    This is the 2nd reason we've heard--the other was that he wasn't a stiff-looking enough worker for him. Vince probably thought he was signing that Ricky Steamboat kid that he hears Flair mention a lot.
  3. AndrewTS

    A-Train's Official Smackdown! Thread

    I'm glad so much focus and attention is being placed on the upcoming WWE and U.S. Title matches.
  4. AndrewTS

    Trish Stratus DVD Extras Announced

    I just love how they like to say X number of bonus matches but don't bother to tell you what the hell they are. .... BWAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!! My ass.
  5. AndrewTS

    Watchin KOTR 95

    Because he was BIG, uh, and BIG! Ever notice that Vince usually doesn't push black guys unless they're hosses? He was going to push Henry huge, hence the 10-year or so contract.
  6. AndrewTS

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Reviving this to ask about a move--don't know if it was asked about because of all the pages... The Giant Swing: Why would anyone ever use this move unless they were going to be swinging an opponent into something? Usually it's done middle of the ring. It's excuted by grabbing the legs, swinging the opponent around while rotating your body....and...dropping him. Not throwing the opponent a significant distance, just kinda dropping him...on his back. Is this supposed to hurt? It looks like it would be more fun than painful and would just make the person doing the move dizzy. For some reason I think of Foley being in the move and going "WHEEEE!!"
  7. AndrewTS

    MY House Show Card Announced

    I wonder what Henry looks like. Did he lose weight again only for Vince to make him gain it back for his run as "The World's Strongest Black Supremecist?" At least Long finally got a wrestler to manage who actually looks black.
  8. AndrewTS

    An open letter to Linda McMahon

    Ah, yes. That was great though, because it led to the parody that turned RTC to me.
  9. AndrewTS

    Who Will WIN the Elimination Chamber?

    Triple H. It's a safe bet even with the injury.
  10. AndrewTS

    Nintendo stops GameCube production...

    Unless N-Gage or PSP smokes it. I loathe them already for aspiring to kill 2D gaming on the portable front.
  11. AndrewTS

    Soul Calibur II

    Then buy F-Zero. SC2 is a third-party game. I likely will, but buying games on Gamecube instead of PS2 when I have a chance still helps.
  12. AndrewTS

    Soul Calibur II

    Gamecube. Not just because of Link, but also Nintendo needs my support a hell of a lot more than Sony does.
  13. AndrewTS

    "I don't do what they want anymore"

    Not in Vince's mind--it's 1999 there. Maybe "They" are an army of giant ants--oh wait, that's "Them!" "They" probably are the voices in his head, randomly telling him to do something, egging him on, although he has opted to rebel. Or "they" are fans but he only THINKS they want him to do certain things. It's a mental problem in either case. When he was unmasked, it was shown he lacked physical scars, but the shock stirred up old memories and revealed the mental scars the mask helped him cover up. This is probably more thought than WWE actually has been putting into this angle, but hey, no harm in trying.
  14. AndrewTS

    OVW tapes

    Your answer? The guys down there aren't so "vanilla" and indistinguishable. It's when they make their transition to the WWE, when they have to conform to what Vince demands - yet most of the WWE folder will bitch that Orlando Jordan and Doug Basham are far too boring in a WWE ring. "Best booked" sounds like it isn't too related to the wrestlers' skill. It sounds like it would just mean things actually make sense and are enjoyable to watch other than just for wrestling's sake. And I know that in OVW most of these guys had personas of their own--Leviathan, Prototype, Damaja, Rico Constantino, etc. However, when they show up in WWE they have very vanilla personalities... And usually they have basic and very boring move sets, or are sloppy. That's where the bitching comes from.
  15. AndrewTS

    Nintendo stops GameCube production...

    It is, mainly. On the other hand, it's ironic that most games slapped with the "Mature" label are anything but.
  16. AndrewTS

    OVW tapes

    I saw an OVW DVD at Suncoast, but was a little hesitant to get it because of the cost. Dunno if it's any good or not--hoped some people could shed some light on that.
  17. AndrewTS

    Disappointing matches

    Their Rebellion 2001 match was a solid ***1/2 stars in my estimation. That was more of a problem of Angle's selling than just being a major disappointment. In virtually every other aspect it was great. If there wasn't as much emphasis on working on the shoulder, then it being forgotten and completely no-sold I wouldn't have minded. Although the damage to the leg was sold and appeared to play into the finish, so it almost maked up for it.
  18. AndrewTS

    Guilty pleasures? Matches your love...

    That's actually a really good match, good enough to where it's not really a guilty pleasure. I think it's the best WWE Hardcore match ever. Ah, I'm not alone then. I actually bought the DVD, but only got to watch a couple matches before somehow it turned brown and wouldn't play. And Gamedoctoring it didn't work. I'm debating whether or not to get another DVD of it or just going for a cheaper VHS of it. And yeah, it was majorly cool I thought, but usually the Hardcore matches are written off as garbage. It had some psychology and good spots, as well. I mark huge for the Gore into the shopping buggy, and Raven whalloping the shit out of Rhyno while he's stuck there. If you have it (or barron or some one else), could you please tell me the DVD extras and if they're worth it?
  19. AndrewTS

    Disappointing matches

    I didn't know it got a lot of love, but glad it does because I loved the match. Creative use of the ring positioning, excellent psychology, and good flow to it, in my opinion. So I disagree (as inevitably some of us will on these matches). Austin/Jericho were put under the "just don't mesh"/styles clash category by Anglesault, and I can't say I disagree. They're just two workers who are good against almost everyone but suck when put in the ring against each other.
  20. AndrewTS

    Nintendo stops GameCube production...

    I own a GC and I love it. I don't think the GC is too "kiddy" but the public perception is that it is. Public perception is more important than reality from a business standpoint. When the N64 came out, the 3rd parties didn't support it much, and hence the "edgier" games weren't found on the system, and flushed the hard work put into marketing the SNES during the "Play It Loud" campaign. So the stigma returned with the only exceptional titles on N64 usually being first-party, family-friendly fare. Personally, I'll take Metroid, Zelda, and Mario over GTA any day of the week, but GTA is a mainstream darling and considered cool and edgy...so the PS2 does exceptionally well partly because of it and the success of the original PS.
  21. AndrewTS

    Ultimate Warrior Removed From Smackdown

    Wouldn't they have announced that already?
  22. AndrewTS

    Ultimate Warrior Removed From Smackdown

    I'm convinced that these guys make up a lot of these supposed features and then they claim they had to cut them or ran out of time or will put them in the next game. So by the time they spill people have reserved the game or been awed by the pretty screenshots and list of other features so much they figure they'll still get the game. At this rate the "Legends" list will be: Slaughter Old-school Taker Ric Flair I figured it was shaky legal ground to promise all those guys anyway.
  23. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Why do the IGN wrestlers of the day picked have to be those guys?
  24. AndrewTS

    My major problem with Ric Flair

    I don't get it either. R. D. Reynolds, a HUGE Flair fan, claimed the match(es?) with El Gigante were proof that there were some guys even Flair couldn't carry. I doubt he could do have done it with Nathan Jones, either.
  25. We do give them credit when they deserve it. Test vs. Shane, for example. Also, others have claimed Test vs. Venis from last week's heat was a good match. However, even in those cases the praise is mainly on the opponent. We did praise Test for the injury swerve. Honestly, I thought Test was a possible great hoss soon after he started. He had offense you just didn't see much out of big men, like the big elbow drop, the Meltdown, an Emerald Fusion-type move, and he's recently used the Test Drive. However, he had no idea how to use those moves to put together a decent match, and he's been toned down to "punch, punch, kick, knee, Nash moves, big boot." If he was able to vary up his offense, learn psychology and how to build a match, he could be awesome. At this point I'm not optimistic, though. Nash is too over the hill. La Resistance are too green but likely they'll impress in a few years.