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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    DDP and Kim Page in new movie

    Well, Kim posed nude, DDP had a pervert gimmick during the Alliance days and supposedly is one in real life, and reportedly Bisch and Eric did some wife swapping... Can't blame you.
  2. AndrewTS

    Women's Wrestling and RAW

    Yeah, but Chicago Street Fight > everything on Raw tonight.
  3. AndrewTS

    Women's Wrestling and RAW

    All the women suck but Molly, but Trish and Vicky aren't too bad.
  4. AndrewTS

    What's so bad about Randy Orton?

    What's so good about him that he deserves an uber push?
  5. AndrewTS

    What are the best wrestling DVDs...

    Huh? Saturn vs. Raven and Tajiri vs. Rhyno were good, RVD vs. Jericho was a damn good match--better than their KotR 2002 match, Edge vs. Christian was good although their ladder match may be better, Rock vs. Booker & Shane was good despite Shane being in it, and I dug Austin vs. Angle majorly despite Angle bombing as champ afterward. Plus it was Austin in top 2001 form vs. ANGLE for cryin' out loud. Plus, the 4 Team Elimination was fun and it had a hilarious comedy match in Kronik vs. the Brother of Destruction Recaps of the best moments of all the prior 15 WMs. Oh, my first WWF DVD was No Mercy 2001--got it used. Pretty good lineup on that one including the E vs. C ladder match. Even the filler isn't so bad--the Lingerie match and Test vs. Kane (AS' favorite match) is good for a laugh or two. I got good deals on most of the DVDs I have online at half.com or used at CD Warehouses.
  6. AndrewTS

    (Late) News On The Future of MST3K Episodes

    MST3K: The Movie is already out on DVD, but it's very rare. However, it's bare bones. There's no scene selection or anything, so either you watch it all the way through or FFWD to the point you want. If they re-released it with a swank menu, scene selection, DELETED SCENES (the original ending for it that was cut by the studio), and maybe even the original version of This Island Earth or maybe the entire movie riffed (there wasn't really any need to cut the movie since they didn't have to squeeze it into an 2 hour block with host segments), then I'd simply have to pick it up. Unless it was eps I don't already have, I wouldn't be too excited about them released many of the TV eps on DVD, although some of the tapes I have are poor quality so I'd like to see some of them. Ever notice at times it seems they select movies at random to make video releases of? The Crawling Hand was a very bland episode. Since it was before the show really starting to kick ass, and there's nothing really noteworthy about the episode, I wonder why they picked it. If they wanted a season 1 ep, Robot Holocaust would have been an infinitely better choice, or Robot Monster even. And I think the "random choice" about what to release can be shown by Bloodlust and Hellcats being released on video. Those episodes are almost unwatchable besides the host segments and the short prior to Bloodlust. I suppose that licensing rights may prevent some of the episodes from being released, though--for example, some of the best episodes were the Godzilla/Gamera movies but those are still watched for the cheese and camp factors so people buy them un-MSTied.
  7. The part about an x-ray of Leary's lungs being a picture of God giving him the finger? That was funny, although he attempted to reuse that same joke (the one where he mentioned John Candy).
  8. AndrewTS

    What are the best wrestling DVDs...

    Wrestlemania 2000 (the bonus DVD alone is worth the purchase--I managed to get it all used for 10 bucks!) Summerslam 2000 Wrestlemania X-7 Summerslam 2001 Unforgiven 2001 Summerslam 2002
  9. Rape* actually. And yeah, that was one of the few times I laughed at Gilbert. The other times I believe was on a game show where they'd have comedians come in and they'd try to make contestants laugh. However, the best part of that show was that fat Latino dude who'd sometimes be on.
  10. AndrewTS

    DDP and Kim Page in new movie

    It's not a wife-swapping porno? Shock of shocks. Noir's dead, though, in my opinion. And since it doesn't look like we've got 1/30 of the type of talent that went into a Touch of Evil, I don't think this will be very good. And other attempts to revive noir haven't turned out well--see "Heist" for example. Isn't this in the wrong folder though?
  11. Isn't it funny though? When both E&C were battling the Hardyz, most of the IWC admitted that they thought that the less successful partners would be the ones that would be the ones to have great singles careers. ...yet, it turns out to be the other way around. The hell are you talking about? Jeff got ALL the attention for a while and he's gone from WWE now.
  12. AndrewTS

    Futurama ends

    I didn't know Futurama was still on--I assumed it was cancelled since Cartoon Network was showing episodes. I guess that's just old eps in syndication. =/
  13. AndrewTS

    So has anyone seen the HBK DVD?

    Have it, like it, and I hate HBK.
  14. AndrewTS

    (Late) News On The Future of MST3K Episodes

    Yeah, that doesn't even scratch the surface of crap I saw when I went to Century III mall's Suncoast. It seems since DVD got big there's a belief that there's a huge market for extremely bad b-movies on DVD. Although sometimes you get a good deal that way--The Terror, House on Haunted Hill, and Night of the Living Dead all on DVD.
  15. AndrewTS

    (Late) News On The Future of MST3K Episodes

    ....from the Time of the Apes episode, show 306. In many cases selling the rights to show a movie wasn't a problem since many of the movies were such bombs that dumping them on MST3K often was the only way to make a little scratch off it. Not that they don't try sometimes--I swear I saw a DVD for Future War--yes, the one riffed on MST3K--at my local Saturday Matinee. At least Sandy couldn't complain that MST3K editing ruined his movies, since Fugitive Alien and TotA were just hacked up and pasted together Japanese TV shows. The original Gamera wasn't that bad, though...well, at least compared to the movies that followed it.
  16. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Heat Thread

    Dudleys or La Resistance (preferably both). They should just kill the RAW tag division. I mean...what's the point? Raw has a tag division? Oh yeah...are La Resistance still the champs?
  17. AndrewTS

    The One and Only Heat Thread

    Don't waste your time. Velocity at least has some quality wrestling on it a lot--and is overall generally better than Raw.
  18. AndrewTS

    (Late) News On The Future of MST3K Episodes

    Unlikely...but stranger things have happened. Until then, "keep circulating the tapes..."
  19. AndrewTS

    first pic of garfield

    I'm extremely skeptical... And you simply can't have Odie without him having a tongue half of the size of the rest of his body. Lyman and Jon were living together since Lyman had no where else to say (lost everything gambling? kicked out by his parents?), and Lyman brought Odie with him. ("I hate Lyman" -- Garfield) I guess he up and took off one day and left Odie with Jon. It was never officially stated what happened to him, though. Why the hell would Nermal or Odie need to have moving CG mouths? Odie doesn't talk, and all of the other animals talk to each other without moving their mouths. In the Garfield universe, they communicate with each other via telepathy or something. As for the look...well, I don't like it (Godzilla isn't a giant iguana and Garfield shouldn't look anything like a real cat!), but hopefully the writing is good.
  20. He's still a wrestler and Gerwitz isn't, plus he's been working as a bouncer. I wouldn't fuck with Crash.
  21. Figures, I had Jericho pegged as an Ozzy fan ever since I found out he likes classic metal AND dyed his ponytail red.
  22. "Flaming Bull." Sounds like it could be a WWE restaurant.
  23. Maybe it was a female?
  24. Angle wanted a Koala didn't he?