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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    Not Molly's fault she didn't know where that angle was going ahead of time. Storm was a heel, so he should have supported him, rather than ripping him apart. That angle was pointless and they're trying to rescue it with Goldust. And being so attached to JR isn't heel-like. Changing his mind a week later is even worse because it's inconsistent. Bottom line--he's a face announcer who acts like a heel announcer sometimes. He's inconsistent, and is pathetically a JR kiss-ass. JR sucks too for kissing the ass of Evolution when he should be ripping into them for being jackasses.
  2. AndrewTS

    So what superstars are assholes to fans?

    Fuck Goldberg is well known to be a prick to fans.
  3. AndrewTS

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    He's been pro-Mack? News to me. Orton gets his ass kissed by both announcers, doesn't count. King was anti-Bischoff when JR was fired, because he's a pathetic lost puppy without his buddy JR. What the heel kind of heel announcer is that? Okay, I suppose so in that case. Pardon me, Jericho wrestles 1-2 times a month tops? And he hates Storm.
  4. AndrewTS

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    Besides, isn't King supposed to be a heel announcer, but he isn't and hasn't been in a long time? Yes he has. Listen to any match with HHH, Y2J, Christian, Vince or most of the heels on RAW. HHH: Doesn't count because both announcers verbally blow HHH anyway. Y2J: You mean like saying HBK is right and Montreal should "get over it" despite HBK being a complete prick about the situation? And he seems more neutral to Jericho than supportive. Christian: Okay, I'll give you that one. Vince: Vince isn't really a heel on Raw. No other examples? King is also vehemently anti-Storm and I think he bashes La Resistance.
  5. AndrewTS

    Last time a turn really suprised you

    Is not seeing a turn coming a good thing? Eddy's "turn" *chuckle* surprised me, but generally a turn should be built up to make sense and not be too much of a surprise. For example, the Russo swerve turns were surprising until they got to be so often when some one turned you were thinking "Wow, I'm surprised--I expected him to turn last week!"
  6. AndrewTS

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    Well, they bickered a bit, supposedly because they don't really like each other in real life, but that didn't hurt the quality in the least. Besides, isn't King supposed to be a heel announcer, but he isn't and hasn't been in a long time? Worse yet, when it comes to the women's division he always cheers on Trish.
  7. AndrewTS

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    They think he's hip. And many bitched when they let him go and replaced him with Heyman. How the fuck is King hip? And what shit-for-brains bitched when Heyman replaced him?
  8. AndrewTS

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    Brain would probably be better than what we have, but I'm sure his humor is now dated. Not really. Heenan often came up with fresh material. Plus when King actually says something funny once in a while it's a ripped-off Heenan line. Back when JR and King were great King was trying to be as much like Heenan as he could.
  9. AndrewTS

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    Why the hell haven't they kicked King out of the booth?
  10. AndrewTS

    Byte This recap

    I thought Molly had a mini-feud with Lita during the Alliance angle (as Mighty Molly)? Or maybe I'm just a little confused because of the Hardyz facing Storm and Hurricane at one of the PPVs. They don't seem to want her to be a face so it looks like if she gets her wish it's going to be against a returning Lita. And shame that her favorite gimmick is being just a Holly cousin--I'd think it'd be Mighty Molly. Of course, as face Molly the Holly cousin she actually got to cut loose in the ring and wrestle with high-flying moves, so that may be why. Has Billy turned on Rey yet? Since Billy's already a heel... Translation: Rey may be demoted to Velocity? Good film?! Well, makes up for it with Scarface.
  11. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    I turned it off. No McMahons wrestling in my main events, thank you. And for that matter, no Big Shows or A-Trains.
  12. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Because that would ruin kayfabe. Torrie on-air isn't just a stupid bimbo, she's a stupid bimbo AND a voracious, insatiable cock-gobbler who likes group sex with filthy redneck white trash.
  13. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Hmm--can Kidman win DEAN's love next week?
  14. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Hey, there's a keeper for next week. Is Heyman booking again? These SDs have been kicking ass lately.
  15. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Congrats, you get a cookie!
  16. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Good little TV match, and we're back on track. Bashams vs. Gunn/Noble match?
  17. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

  18. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Not me. Don't care about Cena, and I fucking loathe Taker's very presence on my TV, so I clicked the channel when Taker's crappy music hit.
  19. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Bah, they censor the crowd now.
  20. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Why do they keep alluding to these relatives of WWE superstars I've never heard of? Does Taker have relatives in the business?
  21. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Matt has a brother?
  22. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Preach on, Matt. SHOOT!~
  23. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    "Buy my BUTT-ugly new shirt!"
  24. AndrewTS

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Hell, I'm a better commentator than Michael Cole.